Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Thursday, June 30, 2022
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Paranoiac Critical Antidotes
There is a slow-motion buildup to a hot war with Russia happening. The NATO and western alliance motive for the war is clear. The question is rapidly moving from “if” to “when.”
In this outline we will update on the troop and military movements and then explain why the war with Russia is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. In many ways this will be the “Climate Change War,” you will see why below.
First, the U.S. is moving troops from the 101st Airborne ‘screaming eagles’ into NATO allied countries on the western border of Ukraine. This is the first deployment of the Army’s 101st Airborne Division from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, to Europe in 80 years. As noted by base reporting, “Elements of 2nd Brigade Combat Team, and 101st Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 101st Airborne Division, have been assigned to carry out the mission.”“We’re going to check the Russian influence and we’re going to impact the Russians’ decision-making for probably the next 10-20 years,” said Col. John Lubas, deputy commanding officer for operations, 101st Airborne Division, in a pre-deployment briefing. “We’re going to do this with all our partners in NATO, the European Union and the West, and this is an incredibly important mission.”Second, Joe Biden has announced that six U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke-class destroyers are being moved into the Mediterranean Sea to provide air defense missions and the ability to launch cruise missiles well inland into Russia.
Maj. Gen. JP McGee, commanding general, 101st Airborne Division and Fort Campbell, said the division has been in an increased readiness posture for several months and is just as prepared now as during World War II.
“Since D-Day, June 6, 1944, this division has repeatedly answered the nation’s call in every major conflict,” McGee said. “The Screaming Eagles of today are ready to support our allies to preserve the long-lasting stability in Europe that our predecessors fought and died to secure.”
As noted in a press conference by Biden, “here in Spain, we’re going to work with our Ally to increase U.S. Navy destroyers stationed in Spain’s Rota Naval Base from three to — from four to six — four to six destroyers.”Joe Biden – “In Poland, we’re going to establish a permanent headquarters for the U.S. Army Fifth Corps and — strengthening our U.S.-NATO interoperability across the entire eastern flank.Third, Joe Biden is sending “two additional F-35 squadrons to the UK, and station additional air defense and other capabilities in Germany and in Italy.” This is not a defensive posture. This is an offensive buildup of U.S. troops across the broad western border of Ukraine and a positioning of advanced first-strike elements in proximity to Russia.
We’re going to maintain additional rotational Brigade — which is 3,000 fighters and another 2,000 personnel — Combat Team here in Europe, headquartered in Romania. And we’re going to enhance our rotational deployments in — deployments in the Baltic states.
This large NATO footprint posture, of which the United States is the predominant military force, has little to do with Ukraine and almost nothing to do with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
As noted by the New York Times last weekend, the CIA, State Dept. and Pentagon special forces are operating in Kyiv and organizing the military conflict against Russian forces in eastern Ukraine.
War with Russia is moving from “if” to “when”, and here’s how we know it is almost certain.
The NATO and western alliance that is currently engaging in the military buildup against Russia is the exact same alliance of governments’ who are chasing the climate change agenda at all costs.
I know it sounds outlandish, but the World Economic Forum multinational corporations that influence and manipulate geopolitical politics are the driving force for this needed war with Russia. Their holy grail of Climate Change policy, and the massive shift in global economic power that comes with executing the climate change agenda, is so consequential to the geopolitical world that such a massive move is needed.
More specifically, we already know there is going to be a global food shortage as a result of the new world order energy policy that underpins the Build Back Better agenda. We do not know the extent of the food deficit; however, we do know less food, perhaps much less food, is going to be available on a global basis.
We also know the majority voices, including the United States, within the NATO alliance have decided it is more important to follow the climate change policy than it is to feed people. [Africa Example] The U.K and Germany proposed trying to avoid further conflict by generating more food [source]. The U.S. and Canada have blocked the effort saying that maintaining the shift toward new western energy development is more important.
Maintaining the development of a new western energy system to drive economic activity is more urgent and important than the looming crisis of global famine. Accepting that reality, understanding the priorities as outlined, are the keys to understanding why the western alliance need the war with Russia.
I cannot emphasize this enough. If you do not accept the scale, scope and severity of the collective west’s entrenched commitment to climate change, you will be caught off-guard and not understand what is coming.
NATO and Western Govt, led by the policy of Joe Biden, have placed oil and gas sanctions against Russia. Those U.S-led Russian energy sanctions follow similar sanctions already in place against oil and gas from Iran and Venezuela.
Simultaneously the G7, Western Alliance will not allow Africa to develop their own use of natural gas to produce fertilizer to increase crop yield/harvest. The G7 control food production in Africa by controlling the energy company investment needed to manufacture fertilizer. Again, as with the biofuel issue, the G7 and Western Alliance are prioritizing Climate Change energy policy over food production. Which will ultimately cause food shortages and famine.
However, within this forecast dynamic, now the “WEST” has an ideological problem. Sooner or later the issues will surface with massive interest. People around the world will figure this out. The absence of food will change things. People in all parts of the world will eventually get angry once they realize the absence of food is being caused by Western Govt prioritizing Climate Change over people.
Things will get intense. Things will get ugly. The Western “leaders” need a scapegoat, a way to focus the world’s anger away from them… and toward something else. Their advanced narrative messaging has already surfaced in the words of National Security Coordinator for Strategic Communication, John Kirby:“President Putin is, no kidding, weaponizing food. Let’s just call it what it is: He’s weaponizing food. He’s got an essential blockade there in the Black Sea so that nothing can leave by sea — and that’s, of course, how Ukraine has historically gotten its grain to markets.”It is not coincidental that John Kirby was moved from Pentagon spokesperson to NSC strategic communications at the White House. Kirby’s prior move into the White House is as much related to what is coming as the 101st Airborne deployment today.
Notice how the looming shortage of food is being blamed on Russian President Vladimir Putin. “He’s weaponizing food,” Kirby repeats, this is a significant and telling advance narrative. What Kirby is outlining is the western government justification for the upcoming war against Russia.
The collective western leaders, positioned by the NATO talking points, are going to justify war against Russia as a needed fight to stop the global food crisis from worsening. They will claim it is Russian President Vladimir Putin who has disrupted the world energy production.
NATO and the western alliance will claim Putin is the reason why food fertilizer is in short supply. NATO will claim that Putin’s war in Ukraine is the source of the global energy, food and subsequent economic crisis. Just like Putin has been blamed for higher energy and gasoline prices, so too will Putin be blamed for starving millions of people.
The war against Russia will be justified as the war to stop Putin from creating mass starvation. If you cannot see how this is being constructed through all of the sub-links, citations and sources above, I cannot lay this out more clearly.
A NATO and western alliance war with Russia is not a matter of “if“, it is now a question of when?
Monday, June 27, 2022
Sunday, June 26, 2022
"Bad Putin, BAD!"

Sundance, "A Very Dangerous Time Inside Ukraine as U.S. Officials Admit CIA and Pentagon Conducting Proxy War Effort from Kyiv"
We must always keep focus on the context for information that comes from the U.S. State Dept and the Central Intelligence Agency to the media. Yesterday, as Joe Biden was en route to the G7 summit in the Bavarian Alps, the New York Times published an article saying the CIA and Pentagon special forces are organizing and conducting the NATO war effort from a secret operation center in Kyiv.
Some viewed the article as the NYT violating operational security for the U.S. led effort. However, that perspective belies the nature of how the media is used in war by Dept of State and intelligence officials. The details of the Times article are attributed to “three U.S. officials,” and should be looked upon as purposeful.
In addition to the timing of Biden headed to the G7, the admission of CIA officials conducting the war effort from inside Ukraine, comes as NATO partner country Lithuania informs Russia that prior transit treaties to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad will not be honored. NATO is poking and provoking a response from Russia, the Times article is part of this effort.New York Times – … [E]ven as the Biden administration has declared it will not deploy American troops to Ukraine, some C.I.A. personnel have continued to operate in the country secretly, mostly in the capital, Kyiv, directing much of the vast amounts of intelligence the United States is sharing with Ukrainian forces, according to current and former officials.
At the same time, a few dozen commandos from other NATO countries, including Britain, France, Canada and Lithuania, also have been working inside Ukraine. The United States withdrew its own 150 military instructors before the war began in February, but commandos from these allies either remained or have gone in and out of the country since then, training and advising Ukrainian troops and providing an on-the-ground conduit for weapons and other aid, three U.S. officials said.
Few other details have emerged about what the C.I.A. personnel or the commandos are doing, but their presence in the country — on top of the diplomatic staff members who returned after Russia gave up its siege of Kyiv — hints at the scale of the secretive effort to assist Ukraine that is underway and the risks that Washington and its allies are taking.
[…] The commandos are not on the front lines with Ukrainian troops and instead advise from headquarters in other parts of the country or remotely by encrypted communications, according to American and other Western officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss operational matters. But the signs of their stealthy logistics, training and intelligence support are tangible on the battlefield.
Several lower-level Ukrainian commanders recently expressed appreciation to the United States for intelligence gleaned from satellite imagery, which they can call up on tablet computers provided by the allies. The tablets run a battlefield mapping app that the Ukrainians use to target and attack Russian troops.Regardless of debatable opinion on the Russian special military operation in eastern Ukraine, there are multiple motives for NATO and western government to escalate the proxy war against Vladimir Putin.
The proxy war in Ukraine provides a cover justification for the economic consequences driven by western government COVID-19 spending and policy. We are seeing Russia being blamed for oil shortages, an EU energy crisis, U.S. gasoline prices, global food and fertilizer shortages, as well as global inflation overall.
While there is some latter causation in EU energy disruption related to the Ukraine war, the blaming of Putin is wildly disproportionate to the actual impact from the Russian operation; not to mention disconnected from the reality of those economic consequences surfacing long before the February 24th Russian incursion began.
Factually, it is the NATO and Western sanctions against Russia that have contributed to the Ukraine impact on the global economy. Russia has no issue selling oil, gas and food related products to the global market. It is the sanctions that forbid the sales and created the fracture in global trade now impacting the EU and to a lesser extent the U.S.
All of that said, consider the position of Vladimir Putin now as the U.S. openly admits to conducting military operations against Russia from inside Ukraine while NATO allies like Lithuania announce blockades against products to and from Russian civilians in Kaliningrad.
Putin knows the U.S-led NATO alliance would like nothing more than to invoke article 5 of the NATO treaty if Russia takes any hostile action toward a NATO country. The Russian president is likely not going to fall for any bait that can be placed in front of him. However, that doesn’t mean Vladimir Putin does not have options to strike back against increased provocation.
Russia can strike any region inside Ukraine, including any area they previously did not have as a target, without changing the dynamic of current hostilities. This puts the capital city of Kyiv in a precarious place, especially given the pronouncements by U.S. officials that CIA and Pentagon operators are working to fight Putin’s forces from inside Kyiv. Again, a pronouncement that could be looked upon as intentionally publicized in order to provoke such a move.
Russia can also shut down the remaining pipelines out of Russia and sell oil and natural gas, albeit at higher prices, to non-western countries (India, China, etc).
As the ongoing successful effort in eastern continues, Russia has options to ignore NATO’s desire to expand the conflict or he could target very strategic operation centers in Western Ukraine that are being used as bait by U.S. officials promoting their antagonism through the New York Times.
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Friday, June 24, 2022
Thursday, June 23, 2022
What Never Gets Heard at a Congressional "Hearing" Today...
On the "Stupid" and "Malevolent"...
“If you are truly convinced that there is some solution to all human problems, that one can conceive an ideal society which men can reach if only they do what is necessary to attain it, then you and your followers must believe that no price can be too high to pay in order to open the gates of such a paradise. Only the stupid and malevolent will resist once certain simple truths are put to them. Those who resist must be persuaded; if they cannot be persuaded, laws must be passed to restrain them; if that does not work, then coercion, if need be violence, will inevitably have to be used—if necessary, terror, slaughter.”― Isaiah Berlin
“But to manipulate men, to propel them toward goals which you—the social reformers—see, but they may not, is to deny their human essence, to treat them as objects without wills of their own, and therefore to degrade them.”― Isaiah Berlin
“True pluralism, as Berlin understands it, is much more tough-minded and intellectually bold: it rejects the view that all conflicts of values can be finally resolved by synthesis and that all desirable goals may be reconciled. It recognises that human nature generates values which, though equally sacred, equally ultimate, exclude one another, without there being any possibility of establishing an objective hierarchical relation among them. Moral conduct may therefore involve making agonising choices, without the help of universal criteria, between incompatible but equally desirable values.”― Isaiah Berlin, "Russian Thinkers"
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Republican Dumpster Divers Requiring Occupational Reassignment ASAP
Republicans voting to advance the bipartisan gun package:
— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) June 22, 2022
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Choosing the Road not Taken...?
Robert Frost - The Road Not Taken
Sam Janesch,"Pennsylvania’s far-right, Trump-endorsed candidate was nominated for governor. Is Maryland’s next?"
Sixteen miles north of the Mason-Dixon Line, Dan Cox was celebrating.The Maryland candidate for governor took the stage, basking in the victory of a campaign built on ultraconservative policies like strict anti-abortion laws and the outlawing of any kind of mask or vaccine mandates, of targeting transgender issues in schools and questioning the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
“I am so proud and privileged to be here tonight on the night when we take Pennsylvania back for freedom, when we take our country back for secure elections, for security in our own bodies — making sure that mandates are no more,” Cox told the Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, crowd on the night Pennsylvania state Sen. Doug Mastriano won his state’s Republican gubernatorial nomination.
Maryland — Cox said in a tweet the following day — is next.
But in a state that elected moderate Republican Gov. Larry Hogan twice and went for Democratic President Joe Biden by huge margins, does an unconventional far-right candidate like Cox stand a chance?
“It would be difficult for me to believe that there are many Republican voters who have paid any real attention to Maryland politics who see a path for Cox to win statewide,” said Todd Eberly, a political science professor at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. “That’s among the greatest things that weighs against Cox — the electability factor. It’s just not there.”
The 6/16 Capitol Building Insurrection... Another Shocking Attack Upon Our Democracy!
Monday, June 20, 2022
Sunday, June 19, 2022
When Your News Gets Mixed w/Intelligence Agency Products, at What Point Doesn't it Become Dis-Information?
Bellingcat (stylised as bell¿ngcat) is a Netherlands-based investigative journalism group that specialises in fact-checking and open-source intelligence (OSINT). It was founded by British journalist and former blogger Eliot Higgins in July 2014. Bellingcat publishes the findings of both professional and citizen journalist investigations into war zones, human rights abuses, and the criminal underworld. The site's contributors also publish guides to their techniques, as well as case studies.
Bellingcat began as an investigation into the use of weapons in the Syrian Civil War. Its reports on the War in Donbas (including the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17), the El J
The name derives from the idiom "belling the cat", which comes from a medieval fable about mice who discuss how to make a cat harmless. One suggests hooking a bell around his neck, and all the mice support the idea but none is willing to do it.
Eliot Higgins' interest in OSINT began in 2011, when he was arguing in comments of The Guardian and found out that it is possible to verify videos with satellite imagery. In March 2012, he started a blog under the pseudonym "Brown Moses", named after a song by Frank Zappa, through which he published his research into video footage of the Syrian Civil War. He looked at hundreds of short clips on the Internet, localised them, and examined details of the weapons used. As a result, Higgins demonstrated that the Syrian regime was using cluster munitions and chemical weapons. In 2013, Higgins linked the chemical attack in Ghouta (the Ghouta chemical attack) to Bashar al-Assad. (fake news - attack perpetrated by Insurgents, NOT Assad)
Bellingcat's first major investigation, done mainly by volunteers without external funding, was the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) in 2014. Their conclusion that Russia was responsible was later confirmed by the Dutch-led international joint investigation team (JIT), which found in a report dated 25 May 2018 that the downing of MH17 was initiated by the Russian military. In other investigations using Google Earth, volunteer investigators working with Bellingcat said that they had discovered the coordinates of an Islamic State training camp, as well as the site where an American journalist was killed.
Kristyan Benedict, an Amnesty International campaign manager, told The New Yorker in 2013 that many organisations had analysts but that Higgins was faster than many established investigation teams.
Higgins launched the Bellingcat platform (in its beta version) on 14 July 2014, raised £50k of private donations in the following month through the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, and performed additional crowdfunding in 2017. Half of funding comes from grants and donations, the other half from running workshops training people in the art of open-source investigations.
Since 2018 the Bellingcat website is operated by the Dutch Stichting Bellingcat .(tr. Bellingcat Foundation). Bellingcat has received grants from Civitates-EU, Porticus the Brenninkmeijer family philanthropy, Adessium Foundation, National Endowment for Democracy (NED)[The National Endowment for Democracy has been accused by political activists, groups and governments around the world of being an agency for regime change and/or an instrument of US foreign policy following the particular ideologies and interests of the United States government}, PAX for Peace, Open Society Foundation (OSF) [Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is a grantmaking network founded and chaired by business magnate George Soros.], the Dutch Postcode Lottery, the Digital News Initiative, Zandstorm CV and Sigrid Rausing Trust. Higgins has said much of the grant money does not directly fund investigations and is used for support services such as document translations and training. The organisation publishes guides on how to analyse data and how to create reports, such as "How to Scrape Interactive Geospatial Data" and "How to Identify Burnt Villages by Satellite Imagery".
Bellingcat received a €500,000 cash prize from the Nationale Postcode Loterij of The Netherlands; it used these funds to open a new office in The Hague in 2019.
The Bellingcat website also lists the in kind support in the form of 'software access and platform resources' from the software firms: Datayo, Hunchly, Maltego, Mapbox, Planet, RiskIQ, Vizlegal.
Higgins told Polygraph.info that grants from the NED and OSF pay for Bellingcat programmes to help journalists and researchers in their investigations. He said that "Most our funding from grants covers stuff that isn't related to investigating anything Russia related."
According to the i newspaper, Bellingcat is notable for its transparency, as Bellingcat investigative reports describe "how they found out the story and which techniques they used".
As of approximately 2019, the organisation had sixteen full-time staff plus Higgins, and at least 60 contributors. Its office was previously located in Leicester; however in 2018, Bellingcat shifted its main office to Amsterdam, in the Netherlands as a result of the impending Brexit and concerns over staff recruitment and mobility. Since 2021, Bellingcat has also had a presence in a new Investigative Commons centre in Berlin, Germany.
As reported in Foreign Policy, one of the unintended consequences of open-source intelligence outlets such as Bellingcat (and others) is that it gives the US intelligence community freedom to discuss Russian intelligence operations publicly without revealing their own sources or methods.
On 8 October 2021, Bellingcat was designated as a "foreign agent" in Russia.
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Which Definition Best Applies to "Pride Month" (June)?
Barcelona 2022 Pride (aka - Monkey Pox Central)
A leading adviser to the World Health Organization described the unprecedented outbreak of the rare disease monkeypox in developed countries as "a random event" that might be explained by risky sexual behavior at two recent mass events in Europe.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Dr. David Heymann, who formerly headed WHO's emergencies department, said the leading theory to explain the spread of the disease was sexual transmission among gay and bisexual men at two raves held in Spain and Belgium. Monkeypox has not previously triggered widespread outbreaks beyond Africa, where it is endemic in animals.
"We know monkeypox can spread when there is close contact with the lesions of someone who is infected, and it looks like sexual contact has now amplified that transmission," said Heymann.
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