Nearly two months into the war in Ukraine, and peace is nowhere in sight. In fact, the level of destruction has intensified and both sides seem to have little hope for a peaceful settlement anytime soon. Furthermore, the international situation is also heating up as some European neutral countries are thinking of joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a development that prompted the Kremlin to respond with threats of deploying nuclear weapons in the Baltic region should such a move take place.
In the interview that follows, world-renowned scholar and leading dissident Noam Chomsky addresses these developments in an exclusive interview for Truthout. He emphasizes that we must prioritize saving human lives — not punishing Russia — in determining next moves.
Chomsky is internationally recognized as one of the most important intellectuals alive. He is the author of some 150 books and the recipient of scores of highly prestigious awards, including the Sydney Peace Prize and the Kyoto Prize, and of dozens of honorary doctorate degrees from the world’s most renowned universities. Chomsky is Institute Professor Emeritus at MIT and currently Laureate Professor at the University of Arizona.
C.J. Polychroniou: Noam, Russian President Vladimir Putin said last week at a joint press conference with ally Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko that peace talks have reached a “dead end” and that the invasion is proceeding as planned. In fact, he vowed that the war would continue until all goals that were set at the start of the invasion are completed. Does Putin not want peace in Ukraine? Is he really at war with NATO and the U.S.? If so, particularly given how dangerous the West’s policy toward Russia has been so far, what can be done now to prevent an entire country from being potentially wiped off the map?
Noam Chomsky: Before proceeding with this discussion, I’d like to emphasize, once again, the most important point: Our prime concern should be to think through carefully what we can do to bring the criminal Russian invasion to a quick end and to save the Ukrainian victims from more horrors. There are, unfortunately, many who find heroic pronouncements to be more satisfying than this necessary task. Not a novelty in history, regrettably. As always, we should keep the prime issue clearly in mind, and act accordingly.
Turning to your comment, the final question is by far the most important one; I’ll return to the earlier ones.
There are, basically, two ways for this war to end: a negotiated diplomatic settlement or destruction of one or the other side, either quickly or in prolonged agony. It won’t be Russia that is destroyed. Uncontroversially, Russia has the capacity to obliterate Ukraine, and if Putin and his cohort are driven to the wall, in desperation they might use this capacity. That surely should be the expectation of those who portray Putin as a “madman” immersed in delusions of romantic nationalism and wild global aspirations.
That’s clearly an experiment that no one wants to undertake — at least no one who has the slightest concern for Ukrainians.
The qualification is unfortunately necessary. There are respected voices in the mainstream who simultaneously hold two views: (1) Putin is indeed a “deranged madman” who is capable of anything and might lash out wildly in revenge if backed to the wall; (2) “Ukraine must win. That is the only acceptable outcome.” We can help Ukraine defeat Russia, they say, by providing advanced military equipment and training, and backing Putin to the wall.
Those two positions can only be simultaneously held by people who care so little about the fate of Ukrainians that they are willing to try an experiment to see whether the “deranged madman” will slink away in defeat or will use the overwhelming force at his command to obliterate Ukraine. Either way, the advocates of these two views win. If Putin quietly accepts defeat, they win. If he obliterates Ukraine, they win: It will justify far harsher measures to punish Russia.>>The phrase “all options are on the table” is normal in what passes for statecraft in the U.S. and U.K. — all in direct violation of the UN Charter (and if anyone were to care, the U.S. Constitution).<<It is of no little interest that such willingness to play games with the lives and fate of Ukrainians receives high praise, and is even considered a noble and courageous stance. Perhaps other words might come to mind.
Putting aside the qualification — unfortunately necessary in this strange culture — the answer to the question posed seems clear enough: engage in serious diplomatic efforts to end the conflict. Of course, that’s not the response for those whose prime goal is to punish Russia — to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian, as Ambassador Chas Freeman describes current U.S. policy, matters we have discussed.
The basic framework for a diplomatic settlement has long been understood and has been reiterated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. First, neutralization of Ukraine, providing it with a status rather like Mexico or Austria. Second, putting off the matter of Crimea. Third, arrangements for a high level of autonomy for Donbass, perhaps within a federal arrangement, preferably to be settled in terms of an internationally run referendum.
Official U.S. policy continues to reject all of this. High administration officials don’t just concede that “prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United States made no effort to address one of Vladimir Putin’s most often stated top security concerns — the possibility of Ukraine’s membership into NATO.” They praise themselves for having taken this position, which may well have been a factor in impelling Putin to criminal aggression. And the U.S. continues to maintain this position now, thus standing in the way of a negotiated settlement along the lines Zelenskyy outlined, whatever the cost to Ukrainians.
Can a settlement along those general lines still be achieved, as seemed likely before the Russian invasion? There is only one way to find out: to try. Ambassador Freeman is far from alone among informed Western analysts in chastising the U.S. government for having “been absent [from diplomatic efforts] and, at worst, implicitly opposed” to them with its actions and rhetoric. That, he continues, is “the opposite of statecraft and diplomacy” and a bitter blow to Ukrainians by prolonging the conflict. Other respected analysts, such as Anatol Lieven, generally agree, recognizing that at the very least, “The U.S. has done nothing to facilitate diplomacy.”
Regrettably, rational voices, however respected, are at the margins of discussion, leaving the floor to those who want to punish Russia — to the last Ukrainian.
At the press conference, Putin did appear to be joining the U.S. in preferring “the opposite of statecraft and diplomacy,” though his remarks do not close off these options. If peace talks are now at a “dead end,” that doesn’t mean that they cannot be resumed, at best with committed participation of the great powers, China and the U.S.
China is rightly condemned for its unwillingness to facilitate “statecraft and diplomacy.” The U.S. as usual is exempt from criticism in U.S. mainstream media and journals (though not completely), except for not providing more weapons to prolong the conflict or using other measures to punish Russians, the dominant concern, it appears.
One measure the U.S. could use is proposed from the halls of Harvard Law School, at the supposed liberal extreme of opinion. Professor emeritus Laurence Tribe and law student Jeremy Lewin propose that President Joe Biden should follow the precedent set by George W. Bush in 2003, when he seized “Iraqi funds sitting in American banks, allocating the proceeds to aid the Iraqi people and to compensate victims of terrorism.”
Did President Bush do something else in 2003 “to aid the Iraqi people”? That annoying question would be raised only by those guilty of the sin of “whataboutism,” one of the recent devices designed to bar any attention to our own actions and their consequences for today.
The authors recognize that there are some problems in freezing funds that have been kept for security in New York banks. They bring up the freezing of Afghanistan’s funds by the Biden administration, which was “controversial, owing mostly to unsettled questions regarding court attachment of assets and allocating claims among dueling plaintiffs … suits filed by the relatives of those killed or wounded on 9/11.”
Unmentioned, perhaps not controversial, is the plight of Afghan mothers watching their children starve because they cannot access their bank accounts to buy food in the markets, and more generally the fate of millions of Afghans facing starvation.
Further comment bearing on President Bush’s 2003 efforts “to aid the Iraqi people” is provided, inadvertently, by the leading foreign policy analyst of The New York Times, Thomas Friedman in his headline: “How Do We Deal With a Superpower Led by a War Criminal?”
Who could imagine that a superpower could be led by a war criminal in this enlightened day and age? A difficult dilemma to face, even to contemplate, in a country of pristine innocence like ours.
Is it any wonder that the more civilized part of the world, mostly the Global South, contemplates the spectacle unfolding here with astonishment and disbelief?
Returning to the press conference, Putin did say that the invasion was proceeding as planned and would continue until the initial goals are achieved. If the consensus of Western military analysts and political elites is anywhere near accurate, that is Putin’s way of acknowledging that the initial goals of quickly conquering Kiev and installing a puppet government had to be abandoned because of fierce and courageous Ukrainian resistance, exposing the Russian military as a paper tiger incapable even of conquering cities a few miles from its border that are defended by a mostly citizens army.
The consensus of experts then draws a further conclusion: The U.S. and Europe must devote even greater resources to protecting themselves from the next onslaught of this rapacious military monster who is poised to launch an attack to overwhelm NATO and the U.S.
The logic is overwhelming.
According to the consensus, Russia is now revising its abandoned plans and concentrating on a major assault in the Donbass region, where some 15,000 people are reported to have been killed since the Maidan uprising in 2014. By whom? It should not be hard to determine with many Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) observers on the ground.
It seems to me to go too far to conclude that Putin is aiming for war with NATO and the U.S., that is, mutual annihilation. I think he wants peace — on his terms. (What monster doesn’t?) What these terms are we can only discover by trying to find out, through “statecraft and diplomacy.” We cannot find out by refusing to engage in this option, refusing even to contemplate or discuss it. We cannot find out by carrying forward the official policy announced last September and reinforced in November, matters that we have discussed repeatedly: the official U.S. policy on Ukraine that is withheld from Americans by the “free press” but surely studied very carefully by Russian intelligence, which has access to the White House website.>>[Those] outside of the reach of the U.S. propaganda system will be appalled by the hypocrisy, but that’s no reason not to welcome the highly selective exposure of war crimes.<<Returning to the essential point, we should be doing what we can to bring the criminal aggression to an end and doing so in a way that will save Ukrainians from further suffering and even possible obliteration if Putin and his circle are driven to the wall with no way out. That calls for a popular movement that will press the U.S. to reverse its official policy and to join in diplomacy and statecraft. Punitive measures (sanctions, military support for Ukraine) might be justified if they contribute to this end, not if designed to punish Russians while prolonging the agony and threatening Ukraine with destruction, with unspeakable ramifications beyond.
There are unconfirmed reports that Russia has used chemical weapons in the Ukrainian city that has been perhaps most brutally attacked — namely Mariupol. In turn, the U.K.’s government rushed to announce rather boldly that “all options are on table” if these reports are correct. Indeed, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has already stated that such development would “totally change the nature of the conflict.” What does “all options on table” mean, and could it possibly include that scenario that the Ukraine war might go nuclear?
The phrase “all options are on the table” is normal in what passes for statecraft in the U.S. and U.K. — all in direct violation of the UN Charter (and if anyone were to care, the U.S. Constitution). We don’t know what might be in the minds of those who regularly issue these declarations. Perhaps they mean what the words say: that the U.S. is prepared to resort to nuclear weapons, thus very likely destroying itself along with much of life on Earth (though beetles and bacteria may proliferate). Maybe that is tolerable in their minds if it at least punishes Russians, who, we are told, are such an irremediable curse that the only solution may be “permanent Russian isolation” or even “Russia delenda est.”
It is, to be sure, appropriate to be much concerned about use of chemical weapons, even when unconfirmed. At the risk of more whataboutism, we should also be concerned about the well-confirmed reports of deformed fetuses in Saigon hospitals right now, among the terrible results of the chemical warfare unleashed by the Kennedy administration to destroy crops and forests, a core part of the program to “protect” the rural population who were supporting the Viet Cong, as Washington knew well. We should be concerned enough to do something to alleviate the consequences of these terrible programs.
If Russia might have used or be contemplating the use of chemical weapons, it is definitely a matter of deep concern.
There are also claims that thousands of Ukrainians have been forcefully deported from Mariupol to remote parts of Russia, evoking dark memories of the Soviet mass deportations under Stalin. Kremlin officials have rejected such claims as “lies,” but have openly talked about relocating civilians trapped in Mariupol. If reports of forced civilian deportations from Mariupol to Russia are proven true, what would be the purpose of such reprehensible actions, and wouldn’t they add to the list of Putin’s war crimes?
They surely would add to the list, already quite long. And, fortunately, we will know a lot about these crimes. There already are extensive investigations of Russian war crimes underway, and despite technical difficulties, they will proceed.
That, too, is normal. When enemies carry out crimes, a major industry is mobilized to reveal every tiny detail. As should be done. War crimes should not be concealed and forgotten.
Regrettably, that is the near-universal practice in the U.S. A few of the myriad examples have just been alluded to. But the fact that today’s global hegemon adopts the reprehensible practices of its predecessors still leaves us free to expose the crimes of today’s official enemies, a task that should be undertaken, and surely will be in this case. Others outside of the reach of the U.S. propaganda system will be appalled by the hypocrisy, but that’s no reason not to welcome the highly selective exposure of war crimes.
Those with some perverse interest in looking at ourselves can learn some lessons from the way atrocities are handled when exposed. The most notable case is the My Lai massacre, finally recognized after freelance reporter Seymour Hersh exposed the crime to the West. In South Vietnam, it had long been known but did not arouse much attention. The Quaker medical center in Quang Ngai didn’t even bother reporting it because such crimes were so common. In fact, the official U.S. government investigation found another one like it at the nearby village of My Khe.
The My Lai massacre could be absorbed within the propaganda system by restricting the blame to GIs in the field who didn’t know who was going to shoot at them next. Exempt were — and are — those who sent them on these mass murder expeditions. Furthermore, the focus on one of the many crimes on the ground served to conceal the fact that they were the merest footnote to a huge bombing campaign of slaughter and destruction directed from air-conditioned offices, mostly suppressed by the media, though Edward Herman and I were able to write about it in 1979, making use of detailed studies provided to us by Newsweek correspondent Kevin Buckley, who had investigated the crime along with his colleague Alex Shimkin but was unable to publish more than fragments.
Short of such cases, which are rare, U.S. crimes are not examined and little is known about them. An old story among the very powerful.
It’s not easy to understand what is in the back of the minds of war criminals like Putin — or those who don’t exist, according to the canon as preached by New York Times pundits who are aghast at the discovery that war criminals exist — among official enemies.
Finland and Sweden seem to be warming up to the idea of joining NATO. In the event of such development, Russia has threatened to deploy nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles in the Baltic region. Does it make sense for neutral countries to join NATO? Do they really have reasons to be concerned about their own security?
Let’s return to the overwhelming consensus of Western military analysts and political elites: The Russian military is so weak and incompetent that it couldn’t conquer cities near its border that are defended mostly by a citizen’s army. So, therefore, those with overwhelming military power must tremble in their boots about their security in the face of this awesome military power, on the march.
One can understand why this conception should be a favorite in the offices of Lockheed Martin and other military contractors in the world’s leading arms exporter, relishing the new prospects for expanding their bulging coffers. The fact that it is accepted in much wider circles, and also guides policy, again perhaps merits some thought.
Russia does have advanced weapons, which can destroy (though evidently not conquer), so the Ukraine experience is held to indicate. For Finland and Sweden, abandoning neutrality and joining NATO might enhance the likelihood of their use. Since the security argument is not easy to take seriously, that seems to be the most likely consequence of their joining NATO.
It’s also worth recognizing that Finland and Sweden are already fairly well integrated into the NATO command system, just as was happening with Ukraine from 2014, solidified further with the official U.S. government policy statements of last September and November and the refusal of the Biden administration “to address one of Vladimir Putin’s most often stated top security concerns — the possibility of Ukraine’s membership into NATO” — on the eve of the invasion.
Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Friday, April 29, 2022
Hi-Ho, Hi-ho, It's Off to War we Go....
CJ Polychroniou Interview w/Noam Chomsky: Our Priority on Ukraine Should Be Saving Lives, Not Punishing Russia
Monday, April 25, 2022
Do Racists or Anti-Racists Kill More Black People?
Ronald J. Kozar, "Six years of BLM Killed More Blacks than 86 Years of Lynchings"
In 2014, the number of black American murder victims was 6,095. Then, after the August 2014 killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, anti-police protests and riots began, federal officials and mass media sympathetic to rioters brought heightened scrutiny to police practices, BLM began its career, "broken windows" policing was curtailed, and police morale plummeted. The number of murders thereupon began to surge, never to return to 2014 levels.
The "excess" murder victims from 2015 through 2020 who were black -- that is, the additional black victims each year beyond the 2014 baseline -- add up to 11,005. Compare that to the number of lynchings during the heyday of Jim Crow. According to the Tuskegee Institute, the number of blacks lynched from 1882 through 1968 was 3,446.
Here are the numbers of black murder victims from 2014 through 2020:
The numbers come from the FBI, though the FBI report for 2020 was visible online for only a short time in 2021. Crime analyst Jeff Asher reported the 2020 figures before the FBI took the report down.
One might object that 2014 is an unfairly low baseline against which to compare the ensuing years. 2014 seems a natural starting-point for the analysis, as that was the year of Ferguson and the founding of BLM. But the homicide figures in 2014 represented an historic low, a fact that might make the "excess" death figures for the ensuing six years look artificially high by comparison. With the rise of "stop and frisk" policing, the number of homicides had been trending downward each year, with minor exceptions, from 1992 through 2014.
But even if one were to pick a more typical pre-Ferguson year, the analysis would not be much different. Take 2010, for example, the first full year of Obama's presidency, when the number of black murder victims totaled 6,470. If "excess" black murder victims from 2015 through 2020 were gauged against a baseline of 2010 instead of 2014, the number would be 8,755. That still vastly outstrips the 3,446 blacks killed by lynch mobs from 1882 through 1968.
Another objection might concern the inclusion of 2020 in the analysis. That year saw the biggest annual increase in the number of post-Ferguson murders. The 3,818 "excess" murders of blacks that year alone exceeds Tuskegee's 86-year tally for lynchings of blacks. But 2020 was also the first year of the pandemic. Many commentators argue that the big jump in the homicide numbers that year had more to do with the lockdown and the governmental shutdown of the nation's economy than with policy choices urged by BLM.
But 2020 was also the year of George Floyd. His death in police custody triggered a wave of protests and riots more widespread and violent than those seen over the four years before it. Only after Floyd's death did the push to defund police departments, an idea hitherto confined to the most radical margins of public life, become a mainstay of urban Democrats. The result was not a break with the Ferguson Effect but an enlargement of it. The ensuing sanctification of Floyd and vilification of police led to a further pullback in police presence in the most troubled neighborhoods and a further increase in police retirements and resignations, a Ferguson Effect on steroids.
The murder statistics for that year point to the politics of Floyd's death, not to the pandemic, as the cause of the 2020 surge. Before Floyd's death, the pandemic lockdown had driven crime rates not higher, but lower than the year before. Homicide was an exception in some localities, with April 2020 homicide totals in New York City and Chicago, for example, showing a slight uptick from the year before. (Since 2015, Chicago had been experiencing its own local variation of the Ferguson Effect, namely the "ACLU Effect.") But after Floyd's death on May 25, homicides surged, and remained far in excess of 2019 totals for the rest of the year. Conservative writer Steve Sailer graphed the weekly gun-death figures for 2020 gathered by the Gun Violence Archive, which showed that the seven-plus months from Floyd's death through the end of 2020 saw 50.5 murders a day, a 41% increase upon the 35.7 murders per day for the corresponding period a year before. Mainstream sources corroborate the timing of the post-Floyd surge, even if they do not comment on the obvious correlation.
It is seldom easy to reliably identify the causes of social trends, but even a child can connect the dots where the increase in murders since 2014 is concerned. The communities most afflicted by violent crime have sent an unmistakable message, through their protests, their rioting, and the pronouncements of their elected tribunes, that the police practices that brought the crime rate down after 1992 must end. Democracy, alas, has worked exactly the way it's supposed to, with voters telling elected officials what to do, those officials telling the police what to do, and the police obeying. And anyone can see the results.
The most puzzling question is not what caused the surge in murders, but why the people most victimized by that surge are so heavily devoted to the policies that caused it. Without the support of large majorities of black voters, the curtailment of "broken windows" policing and the reduction of police budgets would never have occurred. But for the decisions of black voters, most of those 11,005 "excess" black victims might well be alive today.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
The Real War in Ukraine
Jacques Baud, "The Military Situation in Ukraine"
Map - Minsk Agreements 2014-5
Conquered Territory (February 24- Early April 2022)
Monday, April 18, 2022
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Managing the Markets of Pseudo Individualism through Identity Politics
from loudmimedave (and dedicated to FreeThinke)
Culture Industries and Adorno’s Theory of Standardisation.
Popular, or mainstream, music has always been a part of our society. In every culture, there is always some form of art that is regarded as “more popular” than others due to a variety of different reasons. In this post, I am going to look at Adorno’s theory of standardisation and what it means for music in today’s society.
Theodor Adorno belonged to the Frankfurt School of social theory and was a prominent musicologist. Members of the Frankfurt School believed in neo-Marxism and, critical of both socialist and capitalist societies, sought an alternative path to social development. The school was known for being critical to the idea of the”culture industry” (A term coined by Adorno and Max Horkheimer), referring to the capitalist industry based on creative expression. Adorno believed that the capitalist nature of society encouraged people to invest in “false needs”; the need to spend money in exchange for happiness. His theories were hugely inspired by his belief in neo-Marxism and, through studying popular music, Adorno formed his own theory on the culture industry; Adorno’s theory of standardization. This theory maintains that, in capitalist society, popular culture (and, by extension, popular music) is standardized, using the same formula to appeal to the masses. Adorno noted that all popular music contained a verse, chorus and bridge, and that these elements were interchangeable without damaging the song. However, this formula did not apply to “serious music”, saying that “every detail derives its musical sense from the concrete totality of the piece“, and arguing that even if one detail is omitted “all is lost”.
Adorno maintained that the music industry promoted “pseudo-individualism” as a way to keep society unaware of this formulaic approach to music. Pseudo-Individualism basically translates to “the illusion of choice“. As advertisers use different images and slogans, different meanings are assumed for different products, despite the product essentially being the same. Writing about his studies on popular music, Adorno explained his theory;“By pseudo-individuation we mean endowing cultural mass production with the halo of free choice or open market [sic] on the basis of standardization itself. Standardization of song hits keeps the customers in line doing their thinking for them, as it were. Pseudo-individuation, for its part, keeps them in line by making them forget that what they listen to is wholly intended for them or predigested.“However, due to the separation Adorno makes between “serious music” and “popular music”, it could be argued that the theory is elitist. Adorno’s definition of “serious music” extended to include classical and avant-garde pieces, noting that such music plays to the imagination and naturally fulfils the emotional human need, whereas popular music cannot. While I agree with much of what Adorno proposed, I feel that this theory should be disputed. My personal opinion is that, as humans, our emotional needs and social development are shaped from an early age and depend on the background in which the individual is raised. Therefore, it seems presumptuous for an individual to comment on another’s emotional needs; we can only make that decision for ourselves. Adorno’s theory of standardization, however, can be seen in popular music today.
Rebecca Black shot to ‘fame’ earlier this year with the heavily auto-tuned single “Friday“, which was released in March through ARK Music Factory. The video for “Friday” gained around 167 million views on YouTube and is a classical example of a viral video, despite being dubbed “the worst song ever” by many critics. Produced and released by ARK, whose business model focuses on discovering, and writing songs for, new singers for a $2,000 – $4,000 fee, “Friday” was co-written by Patrice Wilson; the ARK Music Factory co-founder. Speaking about the inspiration for his song lyrics, he said the following;“I wrote the lyrics on a Thursday night going into a Friday,” … “I was writing different songs all night and was like, ‘Wow, I’ve been up a long time and it’s Friday.’ And I was like, wow, it is Friday!”The very concept of ARK Music Factory can be related to Adorno’s theory of standardization and culture industry. The fact that, for a price, a business can write, record and publicise a new artist, gaining such attention for an unheard name, only proves that culture industries do exist. Obviously, in this instance, the idea was unsuccessful as “Friday” became massively unpopular (with Rebecca Black receiving death threats through phone calls and emails), but the point still stands that there are industries built solely on exploiting art forms for monetary gain. “Friday” was notorious for excessive use of auto-tune, a technique also used by Akon, T-Pain and Cher, showing that even singers with very little talent can “clean up” their music in production. After looking into this topic and thinking more about the concept of popular music, I recalled the first year of my university course. We were taught that all music is popular in some way, as there has to be an audience for that music, even if it is the musicians themselves. An interesting topic raised in the lecture this year was the band “Rage Against The Machine” and their music.
In December 2009, after a huge campaign on Facebook, Rage Against The Machine took the Christmas No. 1 spot on downloads alone. Their song “Killing In The Name“, the first song to reach Christmas number one in the UK on downloads alone, refers to racism in the police force and is known as the band’s signature song. The Facebook campaign of 2009 encouraged members to buy the song in order to gain Christmas No. 1, instead of letting that year’s X-Factor winner Joe McElderry take chart victory, as had become the norm since 2004. The campaign, which helped sell 502,000 tracks, was started in opposition to the X-Factor’s Christmas chart dominance and, with the lyrics “Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me” provided by Rage Against The Machine, provided a huge contrast to McElderry’s words, which asked listeners to “keep the faith“.
However, the once-rebellious nature of Rage Against The Machine and the song “Killing In The Name” has now become somewhat ironic. The refrain “Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me” can be heard most nights in local rock clubs, sang by (to quote Propagandhi) “Like-father, like-son “rebels” bloated on Korn, Eminems and Bizkits“. During the Christmas No. 1 spot campaign, it came to light that Rage Against The Machine were released through Sony Music, which had links to Simon Cowell, who owns Syco (a Sony subsidary) and released the X-Factor winner’s song, therefore undermining the whole point of the campaign. Again, this relates back to Adoro’s theories on culture industries and pseudo-individualism; although “Killing In The Name” seemed like a rebellious, anti-authoritarian rally against the status-quo of the music industry, the rights to the song are owned by the very company the campaign was started against. The fact is that nearly all popular music can be dressed up in any way, shape or form, but it is still just a product intended to make a profit.
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Chet Richards, "America is suffering from a gigantic loss of trust"
"There is a great deal of ruin in a nation." So said the Scottish economist, Adam Smith. When Adam Smith talks about a "great deal of ruin," he is saying a successful nation has a large margin, or cushion, between its current condition and its destruction.
America, spanning a continent as it does, is blessed with an abundance of natural resources. In practice, those natural margins exist only because people have the skills needed to exploit those resources and trust in one another. That said, America's resources make it possible for our nation to be independent of the rest of the world should that become necessary.
There is an old joke that food comes from the supermarket. There must be some magician in the back room who waves his wand and creates all the wonders we find on the shelves.
The reality is even more fantastic. There is an astoundingly complex web of human skills and interactions that lie behind each of the products offered by the market. It is a network of trust.
Consider a loaf of bread. Farmers plant and grow wheat using tools, water, and fertilizer. Those tools, in turn, require the skills of heavy industry to fabricate, and they require energy to run. The energy mainly comes from petroleum products. This requires more skills, tools, and industrial support. Wheat must be delivered to bakeries and then to the markets. This, too, requires energy. Finally, sophisticated organizing and financing make all this possible. Some magic wand, don't you think?
And all this is for just one product. Our highly complex civilization now depends equally on the fantastic web of information technology as well as hands-on skills and trust. This makes civilization increasingly fragile. Break the complex web, and there is no recovery.
Some people just don't get it. Many political types believe that our margins are infinite, that nothing can destroy our network of trust: The nation will always survive, no matter what they do. This is false. Mismanagement can dissipate a nation's margin. Nations fall, empires fall, entire cultures are swept into oblivion. It can happen to us as well.
The common man and his skills, not the politician, is the one who really counts. Unfortunately, these skills are now mostly lacking among today's wealth-sheltered political and corporate leaders. Few of these leaders understand the nature of the society they are managing. Effective leadership happens when the leaders have worked their way up through the ranks and have mastered each part of the enterprise. What we need, and rarely have, are leaders who have actually gotten their hands dirty. How about someone who knows how to drive a bulldozer and work a backhoe? How about someone who has taken great risks and has built a successful business from scratch? Anyone we know?
Democracy can function only in an environment of trust. Trust is the glue of society. Sadly, in recent years, trust has been deliberately frayed almost to the breaking point by those clueless leaders.
In a healthy society, most of us trust our family. We trust that those we meet in passing intend no harm. As students, we trust our teachers. As employees, we trust our bosses and value our colleagues. As citizens, we trust our elected leaders. We trust that government is our servant. We trust that elections are fair. We trust that businesses exist to serve us. We trust that the value of the dollar is secure. We trust that justice is impartial. We trust that we will remain free.
How much of this do we still trust?
Loss of trust is induced mainly by Progressives. They beset us with a litany of destructive fantasies: climate catastrophy, Critical Race Theory, cancel culture, wokeness, transgenderism, Defund the Police. All these are intended to control us. It is no surprise that these cultish ideologies originated in the academic social sciences. Just glance at their turgid technical literature to understand why.
Naturally, all these utopian ideas are a magnet for the neurotic left. These notions posit an ideal world. But such a world, having reached supposed perfection, is static, despotic, and unstable. Civilization cannot survive stasis. Modern society is, by nature, dynamic. Stability, as opposed to stasis, requires constant adaptation to a rapidly changing environment.
In any competent army, it is the sergeants who win the battle, not the generals. In a complex society, only at the lowest levels is the needed information available, and the reactions are quick enough to maintain dynamic stability. Key decisions are made at the bottom of society, not at the top. This is the dynamism of the free market.
At government and corporate policy levels, the information and speed of response are simply not there. A stable modern society must be free and democratic — not authoritarian. The political class must be servants, not masters.
Freedom is the antithesis of Utopia. After all, if people are free to do what they please, then the result is certain to be chaotic. So believe the progressive utopians. An ordered, static society cannot tolerate chaotic freedom. Actually, the supposed chaos of a free society is self-organization in action. Free people make a multitude of decisions, which, collectively, keep things going.
So why does this work? There is collective wisdom in crowds. People have a myriad of life experiences. But there are some underlying factors that shape us all and influence our judgments. Democracy, together with the free market, distills those hidden factors. It keeps society on a relatively stable and successful foundation.
But this dual foundation is abhorrent to the dark-age utopians. How can there be the desired static tranquility with all this democratic froth? Whatever they may say, progressives loathe democracy. And they will do their utmost to destroy it. Their behavior in the 2020 election, and since, proves the point.
I don't know who won the 2020 presidential election. But I have a pretty good idea who did. Progressives tell me who really did by their behavior: they adamantly refuse to allow fair audits of the election. You oppose an audit only if you know you have cheated enough to win. And we know from overwhelming testimony that cheating was rampant.
And for the past two years, we have been the victims of a totalitarian experiment: the COVID emergency. If, three years ago, someone had predicted that a two-week emergency declaration to "flatten the curve" would stretch into two full years of tyrannical government oppression, he would have been laughed out of town. Yet it happened.
The mechanism used to gain obedience was to induce fear. Fear works: many people still wander around wearing placebo masks.
People have been jailed, businesses ruined, careers destroyed, life savings obliterated, children abused, and many lives lost from drug addiction, suicides and compulsory inoculation with an experimental "vaccine." Our human skill margins have been depleted; our trust has been eroded. All this because some unethical bureaucrats in the government gave unscrupulous politicians the excuse to impose flat-out tyranny in response to a medical emergency. Progressives applaud. Let's make this situation permanent, they say.
Almost as bad as government malfeasance, Big Tech delights in its power of censorship. They used it to distort information about the COVID pandemic. That worked, so why not go whole hog and forbid all discussion of disagreeable ideas? Power and control — it feels wonderful! There is no freedom in a society with effective censorship.
COVID hit the country's trust in other ways. Profligate spending to cover for government shutting down the economy during these two years has driven the debt to an unsustainable level. Inflation is higher than the 1970s. Most people are being unconstitutionally robbed by this inflation (Fifth Amendment). At the same time, with government sponsored illegal immigration, our Constitution's protection against foreign invasion (Article 4, Section 4) has been subverted.
For the majority of our citizens, trust in this administration and its politicized agencies has been broken. Polls predict an electoral bloodbath in the next two elections. Let us hope so. That will be part of the correction necessary to regain the health of society and rebuild our devastated margins. May these elections put us on track to restore our free nation, regain our individual freedom, and renew our trust.
Friday, April 1, 2022
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