What's the reason Derpy thinks he's superior to Thomas Sowell? Thomas Sowell was a high school dropout, Korean War vet, and successful academic before the Civil Rights era (i.e. he made something of himself in allegedly racist America before government handouts and affirmative action existed)
How so? According to the "theory" no one has a path to power to take my alleged privilege away. Under the rubric of CRT, it all seems like some feckless lament a stupid black person came up with.
"There can be no test by which we can discover what is 'socially unjust' because there is no subject by which such an injustice can be committed, and there are no rules of individual conduct the observance of which in the market order would secure to the individuals and groups the position which as such (as distinguished from the procedure by which it is determined) would appear just to us. [Social justice] does not belong to the category of error but to that of nonsense, like the term 'a moral stone'." - Friedrich Hayek
Minus: Thinks racists still wouldn't hate the excepted (comment from Lisa's blog).
No, you still believe yourself to be superior to Thomas Sowell because you're White.
Still would, not wouldn't.
What's the reason Derpy thinks he's superior to Thomas Sowell? Thomas Sowell was a high school dropout, Korean War vet, and successful academic before the Civil Rights era (i.e. he made something of himself in allegedly racist America before government handouts and affirmative action existed)
Dervish, in all his self-perceived superiority, wants to protect Sowell from "superior white people" like us.
He wants us to indulge progressives like himself in their mass formation psychosis (aka- secular religion).
It makes him call Dr. Sowell "uncle"
...and robs him of all his "magical" powers.
...and keeps "them" consistent!
...cuz they all need to "think alike" so they can ALL vote "Democrat".
...that's "think alike" not "think for themselves".
Progressive "Entzauberung".
...and re-wrapping into Scietia Sacra.
...through re-enchantment with a racialized secular twist.
Thereby re-fitting Weber's "iron cage of society" by bureaucratically changing the "now partial" formerly "impartial" rules (ala Jim Crow).
What were some of the critical race hypotheses before someone announced a theory? Or did the hypothetical inquiry part get skipped?
hypothesis vs. theory
Inflation. $50.
We should insist that critical race theory be demoted to a hypothesis.
Literally critical race theory does not exist except in the minds of racists.
Nah, it exists. It just shouldn't be called a theory when at best it's a hypothesis.
Racists are really afraid of CRT.
Maybe racists are, but they need not be, considering it's an incoherent hypothesis, not a theory
CRT scares Beamish.
Why would I be afraid of a "theory" that posits my superiority?
Because acceptance of said theory could lead to a diminishment of your White privilege.
How so? According to the "theory" no one has a path to power to take my alleged privilege away. Under the rubric of CRT, it all seems like some feckless lament a stupid black person came up with.
* Used "rubric" in its religious sense just for you FJ lol
Is white privilege anything like class privilege? Party privilege? Honorific privilege?
Nothing spells p-r-i-v-i-l-e-g-e like a $1 billion stock portfolio and it don't care what colour you are..
Yeah well Jeff Bezos is Hispanic, so...
Erratum: Bezos was born a Jorgensen. Took his step dad's surname.
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