Sunday, October 25, 2020

The ANTI-Science COVID-19 Lockdown Fallacy...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Unfortunately (for you) the voters aren't buying your covidiocy.

Thersites said...

November 3 will be the last day we hear the word Covid spoken again.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

It won't. And if you really believe that -- you're a LOT stupider than I thought.

Joe Blow said...

The world can't wit for Fauci to take his head out of his ass with a cure for Covid just like it can't wait for a vaccine against AIDS (discovered in 1981 with no vaccine in sight).

This pandemic is done. Life will go on.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

What we won't hear about after November 3rd is Hunter Biden. The pandemic is currently taking a turn for the worse. The prediction is that the winter months (with people confined indoors) will take a heavy toll (increased cases and increased deaths). Fortunately (after Joe Biden is sworn in) covidicy will be removed from the federal government and we can institute an actual policy for combating the virus. covid isn't AIDS.

btw, if you're for outlawing sodomy because it's a "public health issue", why aren't you for wearing masks and social distancing?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

What about "operation warp speed"? You acknowledge Dotard lies?

Joe Blow said...

The death toll is baked into the counting. What you won't be able to do is distinguish influenza deaths from Covid-19 deaths, as both categories are used to explain the fluctuations in the overall CDC's "Excess" death rate numbers and since influenza death counts may be affected by counting the asymptomatic Covid deaths as Covid deaths instead of influenza their actual cause (influenza).

What about Joe Biden's Cure for Cancer Task Force? Remember that WHOPPER?

Joe Blow said...

ps - Are you saying we need a mandatory national condom policy to cure AIDS? Where will future generations of children come from... petri dishes? Ah... don't you love following the "Science"... it sounds like AGW, as the only people to get rich from it are the "scientists".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

LOL... So what you're saying is that now you're pro-sodomy?

Joe Conservative said...

Nope, I condemn all sodomy with or w/o scientific interventions to developed to "decaffeinate" it by making it "safe".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

FYI, Joe Biden's Cancer Moonshot program was a REAL initiative, not a lie like Dotard's false promises. He keeps saying things are coming "very soon" and he's always lying (release of his tax returns, a health care program that protects pre-existing conditions, a covid vaccine, etc).

Joe Conservative said...

Biden CURED cancer? He should get elected in a heartbeat!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Joe Biden started an initiative that put money toward finding a cure. He never announced a cure had been found. Unlike the moron-in-chief who says therapeutics are a "cure". Extremely expensive therapeutics that the anti-socialist says everyone will get for free. LOL.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Biden FAILED AGAIN? How much money did he waste that could have been used to cure COVID?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Dotard failed again. Just like when he failed at running casinos (they went bankrupt). Now he's bankrupting America. And isn't election day when Dotard promised the vaccine? Where is it? Shouldn't distribution plans have been announced already?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Oh, then Biden DID cure cancer AND COVID? Hallelujah! Tell Joe he can come out of his basement now.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Biden has cautioned that a covid vaccine is a ways off. And he never claimed to have cured cancer. Imaginary Biden lies don't excuse actual Dotard lies.