We’re living in Orwellian times, certainly. Consider just this: “Drone” cameras to spy on and punish us expressly while we’re in our own backyards or the middle of nowhere – and hence in places least likely to spread the coronavirus. And then there are the “Freedom Is Slavery” type slogans that seek to convince us of what is exactly opposite the truth. None of which is more obnoxious and dangerous than “We’re all in this together.”
Viruses may not discriminate, but we do. COVID-19 cases and deaths are determined by geography and climate, quality of health care, lifestyle, and overwhelmingly by age and comorbid conditions. The old and infirm are at highest risk, while the young even with other conditions are at both at extremely low risk of suffering and transmitting the disease.
That means, on the one hand, we fail those at greatest peril, as we did by falsely democratizing AIDS with such slogans as “Now Everyone Is at Risk” AIDS. Indeed, a New York Times database shows a third of those classified as dying with COVID-19 are residents or workers in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.
The CDC specifically says the virus targets people 65 years and older, those who live in a nursing home or long-term care facilities, and those with underlying medical conditions — that as it happens are associated with aging. Add those with a body mass index of 40 or above, which means incredibly obese.
Even British Professor Neil Ferguson testified “as many as half or two-thirds” of deaths labeled as COVID-19 may have occurred by the end of the year anyway “because this is affecting people either at the end of their lives or with poor health conditions.”
Yes, that’s the same Neil Ferguson whose model of from around 1.1 – 2.2 million U.S. deaths probably had the single greatest effect on putting countries throughout the world into lockdowns. (And who was later caught violating the British lockdown with someone else’s wife.)
Conversely, almost everywhere children’s schools are closed even as growing evidence shows that children are the least likely to become infected, to be symptomatic if infected, and to become spreaders.
The only true risk to children is the hysteria and the very lockdowns the Orwellian trappings encourage. Indeed, according to a U.N. report, millions of children may die from the devastation we inflict on the world economy each day we refuse to acknowledge that we are not all equals and refuse to open up economies.
The chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, Gita Gopinath, published an assessment of what she called “the Great Lockdown,” saying it will be “the worst recession since the Great Depression, and far worse than the global financial crisis” of 2007-2008.
One result, according to the U.N. report: “Economic hardship experienced by families as a result of the global economic downturn could result in hundreds of thousands of additional child deaths in 2020, reversing the last 2 to 3 years of progress in reducing infant mortality within a single year.”
Further, it said, “… this alarming figure does not even take into account services disrupted due to the crisis – it only reflects the current relationship between economies and mortality, so is likely an under-estimate of the impact.”
Laurence Chandy, lead author of the report and the director of UNICEF’s Office of Global Insight Policy, told Voice of America’s VOA publication, “The unprecedented simultaneous closure of schools across the world is affecting alone 1½ billion children,” or “almost all children in the world.” He added, “The report also mentions the more than 360 million children across 143 countries who rely on school meals.” Therefore, children are no longer getting what for many are their only meals of the day.
But it’s not just food. Chandy said child protection services also are largely closed, leaving children exposed to domestic violence and other forms of abuse and exploitation. Further, “immunization campaigns around the world have been put on hold.” Chandy said “That will set back the global campaigns on polio by years, I suspect” and moreover “there are 23 countries we count around the world that have put on hold their measles inoculation campaigns.”
Every day we maintain the façade of being the first in history to micromanage viral spread will cost the lives of more mothers’ sons and daughters
Gee, Covid 19 makes a serious underlying respiratory condition in children worse... who could have guessed? Wouldn't catching a cold do the same thing? Shouldn't CDC warn the nation about the deadly cold virus and not just Corona?
In New York City, 55 of the 100 cases identified by Thursday involved children who tested positive for COVID-19 or the antibodies.
Quote: the school environment is well suited to spread disease. Students are often packed into small classrooms, where it's impossible to sit six feet apart. They mingle and form other similar groups by changing rooms to go to different classes...
It’s not just children that we need to worry about. Plenty of adults work in schools: teachers, janitors, food preparation workers and more. They’re all being put at risk by keeping schools open. Arguably they're more at risk than many other workers at businesses that have already been shut down.
Closing schools can make a big difference in flattening the curve, evidence from past epidemics shows... [end quote]
How many children with this rare underlying respiratory condition are in the schools, Dervy? Can't they be homeschooled, or sent to visit retirement homes to be given the COVID virus?
FYI, the article I linked to does not say the children in question have a "rare underlying respiratory condition". I don't know where you are getting your info from. I do not believe it is correct.
As for flattening the curve, that is happening in NY. Because they followed the expert's advice and issued a lock down order. Elsewhere (republican controlled states) the curve isn't being flattened. Because they are reopening as cases are spiking. Proving that following expert advice is the best course of action. Although republican governors are getting around the truth (that their premature reopenings will cause more deaths) by suppressing and hiding the statistics.
In New York City, 55 of the 100 cases identified by Thursday involved children who tested positive for COVID-19 or the antibodies.
If MIS-C were caused by COVID-19, why didn't the other 45% of diagnosed cases test positive? Are you admitting that the COVID tests have a 45% false negative rate? Or must you admit that some other forces are at work, aka genetic predisposition since the vast majority of kids are Afro-Carribean. I could as easily say that they're dying of sicklecell anemia as COVID19.
I guess Dr. Minus has proven his theory. Nothing else explains what's going on but that the kids have a "rare underlying respiratory condition". BWAH!
"I could as easily say that they're dying of sicklecell anemia as COVID19"... sure, you could SAY that. It would be a stupid thing to say though -- that they're sick due to a disease they weren't diagnosed with. As opposed to one they were diagnosed with (those that did test positive for covid).
The doctors who examined them don't know, so how would I know? That is a sign of being a true expert -- you admit what you don't know. Instead of tossing out explanations you WISH were true (the children in question have a "rare underlying respiratory condition").
I don't know what "rules" you're referring to. Other than my rule that experts are a better source of information than non-experts. Non experts might tell you to take hydroxychloroquine as a preventative for covid or that injecting disinfectants into the lungs for a "cleaning" might be a good idea (as opposed to killing you).
Dotard isn't taking anything -- he lied. If (in the highly unlikely event) a doctor said it was OK to take it, they aren't an expert, they are a quack. The studies that were in progress were stopped because there was no benefit and it can cause heart issues. btw, HOW do you expose your internal organs to sunlight?
lol! If you can't tell the experts from the quacks, how do you know that you are relying on experts and not the quack? Because they work for the government?
btw - Are you still following your Slave Doctor's (Fauci's) orders?
Plato, "Laws" For of doctors are there not two kinds? The one gentle and the other rough, doctors who are freemen and learn themselves and teach their pupils scientifically, and doctor's assistants who get their knowledge empirically by attending on their masters? 'Of course there are.' And did you ever observe that the gentlemen doctors practise upon freemen, and that slave doctors confine themselves to slaves? The latter go about the country or wait for the slaves at the dispensaries. They hold no parley with their patients about their diseases or the remedies of them; they practise by the rule of thumb, and give their decrees in the most arbitrary manner. When they have doctored one patient they run off to another, whom they treat with equal assurance, their duty being to relieve the master of the care of his sick slaves. But the other doctor, who practises on freemen, proceeds in quite a different way. He takes counsel with his patient and learns from him, and never does anything until he has persuaded him of what he is doing. He trusts to influence rather than force. Now is not the use of both methods far better than the use of either alone? And both together may be advantageously employed by us in legislation.
Dotard is NOT taking hydroxychloroquine. And the quacks are easily identified via peer review. If Dotard contracts covid I am going to laugh. If he dies from it I'll continue to laugh. Not harder though because I'll be disappointed he is going to the graveyard instead of prison.
I don't want to catch it. The consequences could be huge hospital bills, lifelong health issues or death. Even if you've already had it and suffered no ill consequences. Not that I believe you have, given that you arrived at that conclusion via magical thinking.
Why do liberals want to add "climate change" to the official cause of death lists. Are you an 'oficialista'? You should go down to Venezuela and work for Maduro.
So, in regards to all these kids being killed by the "panic", you admit there are no stats? Seems you are declaring something to be a "fact" with no evidence based on guesses.
I remember the days on board delivery trials for ships pencil whipping the guaranteed fuel burn rate per mile with adjustments to actual performance based upon fuel specific gravity measurements impact on fuel metering....
I wasn't saying that nobody is being harmed by the lock down. I was pointing out the fact that you dispute the official covid death stats for the SAME REASON I was questioning your "panic is killing kids" claim. Guesses you like = totally valid. Guesses you don't like = hoax.
In Brazil, people under 50 account for 5% of deaths, ten times greater than that recorded in Italy or Spain... and in Mexico, nearly one-fourth of the dead were aged between 25 and 49. In India, another rising hotspot, officials reported this month that nearly half of the dead were younger than 60, according to the Post. [end excerpt]
Brazil = the country that Minus really wants the US to emulate (not Sweden).
You know who disagrees with you? predisent Dotard. Even he (despite being a moron) realizes many more people are dying from covid than die from the seasonal flu. You downplay deaths based on the fact that the coronavirus is much more infectious.
Quote: In the U.S., from Oct. 1, 2019 – Apr. 4, 2020, the CDC estimates that 24,000 to 62,000 people died from the flu. (The CDC does not know the exact number because the flu is not a reportable disease in most parts of the U.S.) [end quote]
Whereas over 100k people have died so far from covid. And that number is expected to continue to grow and likely double. btw, you have no evidence that "there are a lot of unhealthy young people living outside the US". That is your stupid guess. As if that makes their deaths OK. "Who cares, they were unhealthy". And why would non-US young people be more unhealthy than non-US old people? That doesn't make any sense.
CDC Confirms COVID Link to Inflammatory Syndrome in Kids; 145 Potential Cases in NYC.
Gee, Covid 19 makes a serious underlying respiratory condition in children worse... who could have guessed? Wouldn't catching a cold do the same thing? Shouldn't CDC warn the nation about the deadly cold virus and not just Corona?
In New York City, 55 of the 100 cases identified by Thursday involved children who tested positive for COVID-19 or the antibodies.
Quote: the school environment is well suited to spread disease. Students are often packed into small classrooms, where it's impossible to sit six feet apart. They mingle and form other similar groups by changing rooms to go to different classes...
It’s not just children that we need to worry about. Plenty of adults work in schools: teachers, janitors, food preparation workers and more. They’re all being put at risk by keeping schools open. Arguably they're more at risk than many other workers at businesses that have already been shut down.
Closing schools can make a big difference in flattening the curve, evidence from past epidemics shows... [end quote]
How many children with this rare underlying respiratory condition are in the schools, Dervy? Can't they be homeschooled, or sent to visit retirement homes to be given the COVID virus?
My second comment presents an entirely different reason for closing schools.
...flattening the curve? Didn't the Comfort/mercy sail bath to mothballs? lol!
Where o where are they going to put all those dying covid19 patients?
btw - Where do you flatten the back tail of a gaussian distribution? At 'zero', of course.
FYI, the article I linked to does not say the children in question have a "rare underlying respiratory condition". I don't know where you are getting your info from. I do not believe it is correct.
As for flattening the curve, that is happening in NY. Because they followed the expert's advice and issued a lock down order. Elsewhere (republican controlled states) the curve isn't being flattened. Because they are reopening as cases are spiking. Proving that following expert advice is the best course of action. Although republican governors are getting around the truth (that their premature reopenings will cause more deaths) by suppressing and hiding the statistics.
Your graph includes NY. Remove NY and it would look quite different.
In New York City, 55 of the 100 cases identified by Thursday involved children who tested positive for COVID-19 or the antibodies.
If MIS-C were caused by COVID-19, why didn't the other 45% of diagnosed cases test positive? Are you admitting that the COVID tests have a 45% false negative rate? Or must you admit that some other forces are at work, aka genetic predisposition since the vast majority of kids are Afro-Carribean. I could as easily say that they're dying of sicklecell anemia as COVID19.
I guess Dr. Minus has proven his theory. Nothing else explains what's going on but that the kids have a "rare underlying respiratory condition". BWAH!
"I could as easily say that they're dying of sicklecell anemia as COVID19"... sure, you could SAY that. It would be a stupid thing to say though -- that they're sick due to a disease they weren't diagnosed with. As opposed to one they were diagnosed with (those that did test positive for covid).
So what's the explanation for the 45% COVID negative, Dr. DervishQWaK? Is it possible to come down with a disease that one has not been exposed to?
The doctors who examined them don't know, so how would I know? That is a sign of being a true expert -- you admit what you don't know. Instead of tossing out explanations you WISH were true (the children in question have a "rare underlying respiratory condition").
...or that a disease is CAUSED by Covid19.
Or don't your rules for me also apply to those who support your opinions?
I don't know what "rules" you're referring to. Other than my rule that experts are a better source of information than non-experts. Non experts might tell you to take hydroxychloroquine as a preventative for covid or that injecting disinfectants into the lungs for a "cleaning" might be a good idea (as opposed to killing you).
How about hydroxychloroquine as part of a drug cocktail with zinc, et al?
You go on and on about one part of the cocktail ALONE being insufficient. Trump isn't taking JUST tree bark. And guess who told him to... EXPERTS.
Dotard isn't taking anything -- he lied. If (in the highly unlikely event) a doctor said it was OK to take it, they aren't an expert, they are a quack. The studies that were in progress were stopped because there was no benefit and it can cause heart issues. btw, HOW do you expose your internal organs to sunlight?
lol! If you can't tell the experts from the quacks, how do you know that you are relying on experts and not the quack? Because they work for the government?
I have a test. It's called "skin-in-the-game". What's yours?
With hydroxychloroquine, Trump is putting his skin in the game. What is Dr. Fauci doing? He's hiding in his closet.
btw - Are you still following your Slave Doctor's (Fauci's) orders?
Plato, "Laws"
For of doctors are there not two kinds? The one gentle and the other rough, doctors who are freemen and learn themselves and teach their pupils scientifically, and doctor's assistants who get their knowledge empirically by attending on their masters? 'Of course there are.' And did you ever observe that the gentlemen doctors practise upon freemen, and that slave doctors confine themselves to slaves? The latter go about the country or wait for the slaves at the dispensaries. They hold no parley with their patients about their diseases or the remedies of them; they practise by the rule of thumb, and give their decrees in the most arbitrary manner. When they have doctored one patient they run off to another, whom they treat with equal assurance, their duty being to relieve the master of the care of his sick slaves. But the other doctor, who practises on freemen, proceeds in quite a different way. He takes counsel with his patient and learns from him, and never does anything until he has persuaded him of what he is doing. He trusts to influence rather than force. Now is not the use of both methods far better than the use of either alone? And both together may be advantageously employed by us in legislation.
There's no preamble to ANY of your laws.
Dotard is NOT taking hydroxychloroquine. And the quacks are easily identified via peer review. If Dotard contracts covid I am going to laugh. If he dies from it I'll continue to laugh. Not harder though because I'll be disappointed he is going to the graveyard instead of prison.
lol! Now go hide from the virus in your closet!
I don't want to catch it. The consequences could be huge hospital bills, lifelong health issues or death. Even if you've already had it and suffered no ill consequences. Not that I believe you have, given that you arrived at that conclusion via magical thinking.
I do know one thing. The first man to the ER gets the respirator!
You said you don't want one. btw, exactly how many kids has the "panic" killed? Where are your official stats on that?
Why do liberals want to add "climate change" to the official cause of death lists. Are you an 'oficialista'? You should go down to Venezuela and work for Maduro.
Do you believe the Chinese death statistics for Corona?
So, in regards to all these kids being killed by the "panic", you admit there are no stats? Seems you are declaring something to be a "fact" with no evidence based on guesses.
Is there a box on Medical forms for "Corona Panic" deaths?
Even the influenza statistics are based upon "guesses" just as the US census "corrects" for undercounts/ overcounts.
That's the problem with you 'oficialistas'. You ignore your OWN guesses. Or as Dick Cheney would say... "your known unknowns".
I remember the days on board delivery trials for ships pencil whipping the guaranteed fuel burn rate per mile with adjustments to actual performance based upon fuel specific gravity measurements impact on fuel metering....
erratum - Although in your specific case, Dick Cheney would call it... "your unknown knowns".
I wasn't saying that nobody is being harmed by the lock down. I was pointing out the fact that you dispute the official covid death stats for the SAME REASON I was questioning your "panic is killing kids" claim. Guesses you like = totally valid. Guesses you don't like = hoax.
Coronavirus is reportedly killing young people at unprecedented rates in developing countries. (excerpt) Younger people are dying at unprecedented rates from COVID-19,... as developing countries become new hotspots for the pandemic...
In Brazil, people under 50 account for 5% of deaths, ten times greater than that recorded in Italy or Spain... and in Mexico, nearly one-fourth of the dead were aged between 25 and 49. In India, another rising hotspot, officials reported this month that nearly half of the dead were younger than 60, according to the Post. [end excerpt]
Brazil = the country that Minus really wants the US to emulate (not Sweden).
Sounds like there are a lot of unhealthy young people living outside the US.
The actual death rate is a tad more than the seasonal flu. Why don't we shut down the country every year for it?
...and I suffer from confirmation bias too. But hey, at least I don't pretend that my sources aren't biased.
You know who disagrees with you? predisent Dotard. Even he (despite being a moron) realizes many more people are dying from covid than die from the seasonal flu. You downplay deaths based on the fact that the coronavirus is much more infectious.
Quote: In the U.S., from Oct. 1, 2019 – Apr. 4, 2020, the CDC estimates that 24,000 to 62,000 people died from the flu. (The CDC does not know the exact number because the flu is not a reportable disease in most parts of the U.S.) [end quote]
Whereas over 100k people have died so far from covid. And that number is expected to continue to grow and likely double. btw, you have no evidence that "there are a lot of unhealthy young people living outside the US". That is your stupid guess. As if that makes their deaths OK. "Who cares, they were unhealthy". And why would non-US young people be more unhealthy than non-US old people? That doesn't make any sense.
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