Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Dumped $1.5M in Stock After Coronavirus Briefings
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) unloaded upwards of $1.56 million in stock after receiving confidential briefings regarding the outbreak of the Coronavirus.
Burr, who is the senior senator from North Carolina and plans to retire in 2022, dumped thousand of dollars worth of stock on Feb. 13—less than a week before the stock market sharply dropped because of the coronavirus pandemic. The senator’s timely decision to sell, which was first reported by ProPublica, netted him between over $580,000 and $1.56 million.
Much of those shares are now worth a fraction of their price when Burr opted to sell. For instance, the prior investment Burr had in Wyndham Hotels and Resorts, which was worth upwards of $150,000, is now valued at two-thirds that price. Similarly, the nearly $100,000 worth of stock in Extended Stay America that Burr disposed of in February is now estimated to be worth over 50 percent less.
Those transactions, 29 in total, that Burr conducted came as the intelligence committee was receiving daily briefings on the spread of the coronavirus. During February, in particular, Burr and his colleagues on Capitol Hill were closely monitoring the situation unfolding.
It remains unclear if the senator was briefed on the growing pandemic directly or preceding his decision to sell. On the day in question, though, deaths resulting from the Coronavirus grew to more than 1,400, and the Centers for Disease Control warned the ailment could be spread from those not exhibiting symptoms—developments unlikely to have escaped the intelligence committee’s notice.
More troubling is that the senator’s private actions differed from his public statements on the coming pandemic. Less than a week before Burr shed investments likely to lose value because of the virus, the senator penned an op-ed urging voters to have trust in the federal government’s preparedness.
“No matter the outbreak or threat, Congress and the federal government have been vigilant in identifying gaps in its readiness efforts and improving its response capabilities,” Burr wrote with his colleague, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN).
The revelations come as the senator faces criticism for other private actions he took in the weeks leading up to the pandemic reaching crisis level. Most notably, Burr came under fire Tuesday after it emerged he’d warned North Carolina business leaders not to take the virus lightly during a closed door meeting in Washington, D.C.
“There’s one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history,” the senator said on Feb. 27, according to a recording obtained by NPR. “It is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic.”
Richard Burr, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee which was directly briefed on coronavirus, sold up to $1.7m in stock between January and February
•Dianne Feinstein, on the same committee, sold up to $6m in stock in same period
•Kelly Loeffler, on the Senate Health Committee, sold up to $3.1m in stock starting on the day her committee was briefed by the CDC
•James Inhofe sold up to $400k in stocks including real estate all on January 27
So, if corrupt republicans are switching parties after the election, that means Dotard is going to declare himself a Democrat next year? Maybe he will vote for Joe Biden in November?
As for who is "selling out workers"... "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would not consider cash payments for Americans without means-testing" (source). So, Pelosi only wants to "sell out" rich workers. The only workers you care about? In any case, are you not opposed to such payments? Would such payments not be Communist?
Sounds like a "Conservative" plan. Let the virus rage and whoever dies, dies. Conserve money over lives is ALWAYS the republican priority. You have loved ones you'd be willing to sacrifice?
Yes, I would sacrifice every American citizen to exposure to the mildly detrimental flu virus known as COVID-19. Less people will die than died from swine flu that government did nothing about.
You hate many of your fellow American citizens. Their deaths would bring you joy. Some "sacrifice". Anyway, you must be quite disappointed in Dotard, given that he isn't sacrificing lives as you would prefer.
Re, "Less people will die than died from swine flu that government did nothing about"... this is FALSE.
Quote In the US, an estimated 60.8 million people contracted the new H1N1 virus from April 2009 through April 2010, 274,304 were hospitalized and 12,469 died. ... Isn't 12,469 deaths a lot worse than the 26 that have been attributed to Covid-19 in the U.S. so far?
That last one is the simplest to answer: Covid-19 is near the beginning of its spread in the US, and thus cannot be compared with H1N1's effect over a full year. If the US death toll from Covid-19 is only 12,469 a year from now, that will likely be counted as a great success. The legitimate worry is that it could be many, many times higher, because Covid-19 is so much deadlier for those who get it than the 2009 H1N1 influenza was. [end quote].
As for your link, these people (republicans and Democrats) endorse Biden due to the recognizable horribleness of Dotard (the most incompetent and corrupt president in US history). There is no "deep state" conspiracy to take down Dotard. These are smart people who see the obvious. Which is that Dotard is a threat to our nation.
They have no idea how deadly it is. They've only just started testing for it, and in the vast majority of cases, the symptoms are so mild that many who have it will never go for a test, as they're over it in under 24 hours.
No skin in the game fear mongering deep state government bureacrats who profit from panics through government funding are the REAL threat to American greatness.
I believe experts. Pretending the experts are lying because you don't like what they're saying doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Although that is exactly what Dotard has been doing. No wonder you think it's a great idea. btw, you're really into fear mongering when it concerns "illegals" and the building of expensive and ineffective walls.
What a surprise. The climatologists are liars. Now the virologists are lying. Just because you lack morals doesn't mean everyone else does. As a sociopath, you are actually in the minority. Google says people like you (and your hero Dotard) make up 4 percent of the US population.
Liars? Don't be so coarse. They mistake effect for cause. It's a common mistake.
So, what do the virologists say the death rate is? 1%? 5%? .1%? If it turns out to be .1, were the 5% estimators "liars" or just opportunists trying to boost grant funding for the study of virology?
Magaturds have been gloating for 3 years straight about how they are forcing their minority views on the majority. As for the death rate, my understanding is that it's 3.4 percent.
The report out of China now sets the overall death rate in symptomatic cases from COVID-19 disease at 1.4% -- much lower than the 3.4% death rate supplied earlier in the pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).<
That's disturbing. Instead of even trying to argue that Dotard's policies will benefit everyone, you admit you want to punish your fellow Americans. If Joe Biden is elected I want him to enact polices that benefit everyone. But I'm not an asshole who thinks a win means we get to inflict payback on the losers.
A German manufacturer was being interviewed on a cable business program. He was very wealthy so the interviewer kept on about all the taxes he was paying in Germany. The guy just didn't seem interested in talking about it, but the interviewer would not let it go. Finally, the German said, "I just don't care about the taxes I pay". The interviewer was speechless for a few seconds and then blurted out, "But why don't you care"? The German thought for a couple of seconds and replied. "Because I don't want to be a rich man living in a poor country".
I'm not sure of the source of the above quote. I found it via Google, remembering hearing it on the Thom Hartmann radio program. In any case, this is the philosophy of the Patriotic Millionaires. In their opinion, we ALL do benefit when the rich pay higher taxes. Both the rich and the non-rich.
Then perhaps you can convince them to pay MY taxes, because I'm NOT happy to pay them. Or even better, YOU could pay mine for me since you don't need any. :)
You pay your taxes. I surely don't give a crap whether or not it makes you happy to do so. Or emigrate to Kekistan. Taxes there must be zero. I'm guessing it is a Anarcho-capitalist libertarian paradise.
Dotard signed the bill. Then bragged about all the free money he's giving away. After adding a "signing statement" saying free money giveaway needs no stinking oversight. Dotard: trust me (to try and steal some of this money).
Of course. It's a good thing Kekistan is imaginary. Otherwise all the people who would be sacrificed might object. Although, maybe they'd be willing to die. But when the virus raged out of control and people who thought they'd be safe died... then I think the citizens of Kekistan would realize they made a mistake.
The second, third, an nth waves will take their tolls upon those without the herd immunity achieved through early exposure, and who were isolated through THIS round of unsustainable quarantines.
How many people will die from Coronavirus? Dotard himself says there will be 100,000 victims. So it is NOT looking like "less people will die from COVID19 than the regular flu this year". btw, when has the US constructed makeshift hospitals on a large scale to treat people with the flu? Kekistan = nation of idiots.
As per Dotard, if we did nothing (what you think we should be doing) the deaths would be in the 1 to 2 million range. If the virologists "have no idea" why doesn't Dotard know that? Isn't he a "stable genius"?
Yes, I will laugh. Because your uncertainty has been exposed in your inability to state even a guess. You're just another a-hole with an uninformed "opinion."
The "uninformed opinion" is via Dotard. So you MUST be saying that Dotard is another a-hole with an uninformed "opinion". Has the love affair come to an end?
No, Dotard repeated what the experts told him. Is he a "stable genius" or is he less intelligent than you (think you are)? Also, estimates and guesses aren't the same thing.
Dotard would prefer the vaccine be owned by the government and distributed for free? I guess that explains why Dotard isn't aggressively enabling coronavirus profiteers. Oh no, wait... that is exactly what he's doing.
btw, if Fauci is a deep stater, WHY is he advising the Dotard administration re the Coronavirus? And why does Dotard allow him to speak during his press conferences? Where are all the "best people" Dotard said he'd surround himself with? Dotard is really letting you down, so why do you continue to support him?
republican corruption? I'm so surprised. Has Dotard called him out on Twitter?
After the election he'll switch parties to Democrat. What about Nancy selling out workers?
And how about we get rid of these traitors, too:
Richard Burr, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee which was directly briefed on coronavirus, sold up to $1.7m in stock between January and February
•Dianne Feinstein, on the same committee, sold up to $6m in stock in same period
•Kelly Loeffler, on the Senate Health Committee, sold up to $3.1m in stock starting on the day her committee was briefed by the CDC
•James Inhofe sold up to $400k in stocks including real estate all on January 27
So, if corrupt republicans are switching parties after the election, that means Dotard is going to declare himself a Democrat next year? Maybe he will vote for Joe Biden in November?
As for who is "selling out workers"... "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would not consider cash payments for Americans without means-testing" (source). So, Pelosi only wants to "sell out" rich workers. The only workers you care about? In any case, are you not opposed to such payments? Would such payments not be Communist?
I'm opposed to UBI. It's inflationary. I'm opposed to Governors closing their state economies, as well. No bailouts for bad government is my motto!
Sounds like a "Conservative" plan. Let the virus rage and whoever dies, dies. Conserve money over lives is ALWAYS the republican priority. You have loved ones you'd be willing to sacrifice?
The Deep State steps out from the shadows.
Yes, I would sacrifice every American citizen to exposure to the mildly detrimental flu virus known as COVID-19. Less people will die than died from swine flu that government did nothing about.
You hate many of your fellow American citizens. Their deaths would bring you joy. Some "sacrifice". Anyway, you must be quite disappointed in Dotard, given that he isn't sacrificing lives as you would prefer.
Re, "Less people will die than died from swine flu that government did nothing about"... this is FALSE.
Quote In the US, an estimated 60.8 million people contracted the new H1N1 virus from April 2009 through April 2010, 274,304 were hospitalized and 12,469 died. ... Isn't 12,469 deaths a lot worse than the 26 that have been attributed to Covid-19 in the U.S. so far?
That last one is the simplest to answer: Covid-19 is near the beginning of its spread in the US, and thus cannot be compared with H1N1's effect over a full year. If the US death toll from Covid-19 is only 12,469 a year from now, that will likely be counted as a great success. The legitimate worry is that it could be many, many times higher, because Covid-19 is so much deadlier for those who get it than the 2009 H1N1 influenza was. [end quote].
As for your link, these people (republicans and Democrats) endorse Biden due to the recognizable horribleness of Dotard (the most incompetent and corrupt president in US history). There is no "deep state" conspiracy to take down Dotard. These are smart people who see the obvious. Which is that Dotard is a threat to our nation.
They have no idea how deadly it is. They've only just started testing for it, and in the vast majority of cases, the symptoms are so mild that many who have it will never go for a test, as they're over it in under 24 hours.
No skin in the game fear mongering deep state government bureacrats who profit from panics through government funding are the REAL threat to American greatness.
Qui bono from a panic? And since the panic is already in full swing, qui bono from keeping it going?
I believe experts. Pretending the experts are lying because you don't like what they're saying doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Although that is exactly what Dotard has been doing. No wonder you think it's a great idea. btw, you're really into fear mongering when it concerns "illegals" and the building of expensive and ineffective walls.
I only believe experts who have skin in the game, not unlimited upside from starting a panic (ala global warming or coronavirus).
Name a single virologist or epidemiologist who ever lost out because of a pandemic. They ALL got renewed grant funding.
skin in the game = reason to lie to protect that skin. And funding isn't given for bad news, it's given for accurate information.
lol! Tell THAT to all the warmist scientists who misinterpret what the data means... what rising CO2 levels portend.
Whether it is a causal factor, or an after-effect.
What a surprise. The climatologists are liars. Now the virologists are lying. Just because you lack morals doesn't mean everyone else does. As a sociopath, you are actually in the minority. Google says people like you (and your hero Dotard) make up 4 percent of the US population.
Liars? Don't be so coarse. They mistake effect for cause. It's a common mistake.
So, what do the virologists say the death rate is? 1%? 5%? .1%? If it turns out to be .1, were the 5% estimators "liars" or just opportunists trying to boost grant funding for the study of virology?
btw - Forcing your views onto others is the very definition of immorality. I FORCE my views upon no one but myself.
Magaturds have been gloating for 3 years straight about how they are forcing their minority views on the majority. As for the death rate, my understanding is that it's 3.4 percent.
Payback's hell, ain't it?
The report out of China now sets the overall death rate in symptomatic cases from COVID-19 disease at 1.4% -- much lower than the 3.4% death rate supplied earlier in the pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).<
That's disturbing. Instead of even trying to argue that Dotard's policies will benefit everyone, you admit you want to punish your fellow Americans. If Joe Biden is elected I want him to enact polices that benefit everyone. But I'm not an asshole who thinks a win means we get to inflict payback on the losers.
There are no policies that ONLY benefit everyone, when SOMEONE has to pay for them.
...and not EVERYONE does. Stop publicizing your costs/losses. They aren't anything we'd care to share in.
A German manufacturer was being interviewed on a cable business program. He was very wealthy so the interviewer kept on about all the taxes he was paying in Germany. The guy just didn't seem interested in talking about it, but the interviewer would not let it go. Finally, the German said, "I just don't care about the taxes I pay". The interviewer was speechless for a few seconds and then blurted out, "But why don't you care"? The German thought for a couple of seconds and replied. "Because I don't want to be a rich man living in a poor country".
I'm not sure of the source of the above quote. I found it via Google, remembering hearing it on the Thom Hartmann radio program. In any case, this is the philosophy of the Patriotic Millionaires. In their opinion, we ALL do benefit when the rich pay higher taxes. Both the rich and the non-rich.
Then perhaps you can convince them to pay MY taxes, because I'm NOT happy to pay them. Or even better, YOU could pay mine for me since you don't need any. :)
You pay your taxes. I surely don't give a crap whether or not it makes you happy to do so. Or emigrate to Kekistan. Taxes there must be zero. I'm guessing it is a Anarcho-capitalist libertarian paradise.
No, that would be America after the corporate globalist apocalypse.
So... soon.
$2 trillion sooner...
Dotard signed the bill. Then bragged about all the free money he's giving away. After adding a "signing statement" saying free money giveaway needs no stinking oversight. Dotard: trust me (to try and steal some of this money).
Good luck in Kekistan.
Kekistan relies upon herd immunity.
Of course. It's a good thing Kekistan is imaginary. Otherwise all the people who would be sacrificed might object. Although, maybe they'd be willing to die. But when the virus raged out of control and people who thought they'd be safe died... then I think the citizens of Kekistan would realize they made a mistake.
Less people will die from COVID19 than the regular flu this year.
The second, third, an nth waves will take their tolls upon those without the herd immunity achieved through early exposure, and who were isolated through THIS round of unsustainable quarantines.
The coronavirus death rate in the US is far higher than that of the flu. (excerpt) During the 2018-19 flu season, about 35 million people in the US contracted the flu and about 34,000 died... [end excerpt]
How many people will die from Coronavirus? Dotard himself says there will be 100,000 victims. So it is NOT looking like "less people will die from COVID19 than the regular flu this year". btw, when has the US constructed makeshift hospitals on a large scale to treat people with the flu? Kekistan = nation of idiots.
Trump has no idea. The virus models are worse than the climate ones.
Their last model correction shifted the death numbers by more than an order of magnitude. lol!
As per Dotard, if we did nothing (what you think we should be doing) the deaths would be in the 1 to 2 million range. If the virologists "have no idea" why doesn't Dotard know that? Isn't he a "stable genius"?
btw, if virologists have no idea, HOW do you know the deaths from Covid19 will be less than 34k? A gut feeling? Did the ghost of Plato tell you?
What s the final number, Dervish. Tell us now so that we can all laugh at it in a few months when this is over.
Dotard says it's going to be 100 to 200k. You're going to laugh at 100k people dying?
If it's 200k will that be even funnier?
Yes, I will laugh. Because your uncertainty has been exposed in your inability to state even a guess. You're just another a-hole with an uninformed "opinion."
The "uninformed opinion" is via Dotard. So you MUST be saying that Dotard is another a-hole with an uninformed "opinion". Has the love affair come to an end?
So your best guess is Trump's estimate? That says more about you than me, as I contend that not even the so-called informed opinions have a clue.
No, Dotard repeated what the experts told him. Is he a "stable genius" or is he less intelligent than you (think you are)? Also, estimates and guesses aren't the same thing. being so wise as to venture neither, just ridicule those who do.
I'm not an expert in virology. Neither are you. Why Minus "I know more than the experts" deserves ridicule.
Flakey Fauci deserves more than ridicule. He's big pharma's go to man in the Deep State.
"We can't open until pharma sells us their vaccine!"
Dotard would prefer the vaccine be owned by the government and distributed for free? I guess that explains why Dotard isn't aggressively enabling coronavirus profiteers. Oh no, wait... that is exactly what he's doing.
btw, if Fauci is a deep stater, WHY is he advising the Dotard administration re the Coronavirus? And why does Dotard allow him to speak during his press conferences? Where are all the "best people" Dotard said he'd surround himself with? Dotard is really letting you down, so why do you continue to support him?
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