In a fantastic display of true investigative journalism, One America News journalist Chanel Rion tracked down Ukrainian witnesses as part of an exclusive OAN investigative series. The evidence being discovered dismantles the baseless Adam Schiff impeachment hoax and highlights many corrupt motives for U.S. politicians.
Ms. Rion spoke with Ukrainian former Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko who outlines how former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch perjured herself before Congress.
What is outlined in this interview is a problem for all DC politicians across both parties. The obviously corrupt influence efforts by U.S. Ambassador Yovanovitch as outlined by Lutsenko were not done independently.
Senators from both parties participated in the influence process and part of those influence priorities was exploiting the financial opportunities within Ukraine while simultaneously protecting Joe Biden and his family. This is where Senator John McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham were working with Marie Yovanovitch.
Imagine what would happen if all of the background information was to reach the general public? Thus the motive for Lindsey Graham currently working to bury it.
You might remember George Kent and Bill Taylor testified together.
It was evident months ago that U.S. chargĂ© d’affaires to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, was one of the current participants in the coup effort against President Trump. It was Taylor who engaged in carefully planned text messages with EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland to set-up a narrative helpful to Adam Schiff’s political coup effort.
Bill Taylor was formerly U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine (’06-’09) and later helped the Obama administration to design the laundry operation providing taxpayer financing to Ukraine in exchange for back-channel payments to U.S. politicians and their families.
In November Rudy Giuliani released a letter he sent to Senator Lindsey Graham outlining how Bill Taylor blocked VISA’s for Ukrainian ‘whistle-blowers’ who are willing to testify to the corrupt financial scheme.
Unfortunately, as we are now witnessing, Senator Lindsey Graham, along with dozens of U.S. Senators currently serving, may very well have been recipients for money through the aforementioned laundry process. The VISA’s are unlikely to get approval for congressional testimony, or Senate impeachment trial witness testimony.
U.S. senators write foreign aid policy, rules and regulations thereby creating the financing mechanisms to transmit U.S. funds. Those same senators then received a portion of the laundered funds back through their various “institutes” and business connections to the foreign government offices; in this example Ukraine. [ex. Burisma to Biden]
The U.S. State Dept. serves as a distribution network for the authorization of the money laundering by granting conflict waivers, approvals for financing (think Clinton Global Initiative), and permission slips for the payment of foreign money. The officials within the State Dept. take a cut of the overall payments through a system of “indulgence fees”, junkets, gifts and expense payments to those with political oversight.
If anyone gets too close to revealing the process, writ large, they become a target of the entire apparatus. President Trump was considered an existential threat to this entire process. Hence our current political status with the ongoing coup.
Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, Senator Lindsey Graham and Senator John McCain meeting with corrupt Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko in December 2016.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out, because, well, in reality all of the U.S. Senators (both parties) are participating in the process for receiving taxpayer money and contributions from foreign governments.
A “Codel” is a congressional delegation that takes trips to work out the payments terms/conditions of any changes in graft financing. This is why Senators spend $20 million on a campaign to earn a job paying $350k/year. The “institutes” is where the real foreign money comes in; billions paid by governments like China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Ukraine, etc. etc. There are trillions at stake.
[SIDEBAR: Majority Leader Mitch McConnell holds the power over these members (and the members of the Senate Intel Committee), because McConnell decides who sits on what committee. As soon as a Senator starts taking the bribes lobbying funds, McConnell then has full control over that Senator. This is how the system works.]
The McCain Institute is one of the obvious examples of the financing network. And that is the primary reason why Cindy McCain is such an outspoken critic of President Trump. In essence President Trump is standing between her and her next diamond necklace; a dangerous place to be.
So when we think about a Senate Impeachment Trial; and we consider which senators will vote to impeach President Trump, it’s not just a matter of Democrats -vs- Republican. We need to look at the game of leverage, and the stand-off between those bribed Senators who would prefer President Trump did not interfere in their process.
McConnell has been advising President Trump which Senators are most likely to need their sensibilities eased. As an example President Trump met with Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski in November. Senator Murkowski rakes in millions from the multinational Oil and Gas industry; and she ain’t about to allow horrible Trump to lessen her bank account any more than Cindy McCain will give up her frequent shopper discounts at Tiffanys.
Senator Lindsey Graham announcing today that he will not request or facilitate any impeachment testimony that touches on the DC laundry system for personal financial benefit (ie. Ukraine example), is specifically motivated by the need for all DC politicians to keep prying eyes away from the swamps’ financial endeavors. WATCH:
This open-secret system of “Affluence and Influence” is how the intelligence apparatus gains such power. All of the DC participants are essentially beholden to the various U.S. intelligence services who are well aware of their endeavors.
There’s a ton of exposure here (blackmail/leverage) which allows the unelected officials within the CIA, FBI and DOJ to hold power over the DC politicians. Hold this type of leverage long enough and the Intelligence Community then absorbs that power to enhance their self-belief of being more important than the system.
Perhaps this corrupt sense of grandiosity is what we are seeing play out in how the intelligence apparatus views President Donald J Trump as a risk to their importance.
Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Sunday, December 8, 2019
Behind the Pay to Play Impeachment Hoax
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OAN is a Dotard sycophantic bootlicking fake news network. I suspect a lot of what they "report" has it's origins (aka oranges) in Russia. Russia has Putin-directed teams working on coming up with this bullshit to protect the Kremlin puppet Dotard. What a JOKE to suggest that Dotard is an anti-corruption crusader when he is the most corrupt president in United States history.
Dotard still has a LONG way to go to bring down the entire corrupt US system -- if you think that's what he's going to do. Which it absolutely is NOT. Even if Dotard steals a second term. What has he done so far? Only go after Joe Biden, which is what got him impeached (there is no "impeachment hoax"). Dotard is in trouble for bribery, as laid out in the Constitution.
The corruption in the US Congress stinks to high heaven. Impeachment is simply the "cover story" to get rid of all threats to US government corruption industrial swamp complex.
Unhinged people who are incapable of accepting the results of an election are a danger to the nation.
I agree as well! Dotard knows that unless he cheats (colludes) he can't win. Why he will not accept honest results. Dotard absolutely IS a danger to this nation and totally unhinged!
I think that you dropped a hinge or two in you last statement, Dervy.
I think you may be a paid Russian troll. If not you are surely a Russian dupe. Putin has many puppets. btw, the Mueller report concerned cheating/collusion to steal the 2016 election. The impeachment concerns Dotard's efforts to collude/cheat to steal the 2020 election. We are 3 years into the illegitimate Dotard predisency. He will likely finish out this term. Hopefully we can stop him from stealing another. THAT is what the impeachment is about (theft of the 2020 election). Not a "coup" or "overturning the results of an election" (as Dotard already successfully stole the 2016 election).
That's proof you've broken your LAST hinge...
Says someone who thinks Dotard is a good president. As opposed to a low-IQ Putin puppet who is on the side of the plutocrats and NOT the common man. LOL!! I stand with the majority of Americans who voted for HRC. IF Dotard steals a second term his popular vote loss will be even larger.
The popular vote doesn't supercede the electoral college vote. It never did and never will. You live in a fantasy land.
You live in a fantasy land. It is called Kekistan. Further proof of your unhingedness is your insistence that I continually assert that the popular vote supercedes the electoral college vote. Even though I have never said this. Not even once.
You habitually insist that not winning the popular vote makes the president illegitimate. Nothing could be further from the truth. The popular vote has nothing to do with Constitutional legitimacy. So why do you always bring it up?
" I stand with the majority of Americans who voted for HRC. IF Dotard steals a second term his popular vote loss will be even larger. "
Who cares about your "majority" or the popular vote tally? Nobody familiar with the electoral college, THAT's for certain.
People who care about fairness care about the popular vote. Why should a minority decide who is president? It is anti-democratic. Although I have never said Dotard is illegitimate because he "won" in the electoral college while losing the popular vote. I say he is illegitimate because he colluded with Kris Kobach and Putin to steal his electoral college "victory".
I think I have been very clear about this. Yet you continue to insist I say Dotard is illegitimate because he lost the popular vote. Why? I suspect it is because you use disinformation as a tool -- the same as Putin and Dotard -- and that (in some future discussion) you will go right back to insisting that I say Dotard is illegitimate only because he lost the popular vote.
The "unfairness" you complain about was "unfairness by design". We are a REPUBLIC NOT A DEMOCRACY.
Get THAT through your thick skull.
The "unfairness by design" was a concession to appease the slave states. Given the fact we got rid of slavery, we should also get rid of the concession (the electoral college). Senators did not used to be directly elected by the people and we changed that. The only reason you love the electoral college is because it favors republics. You'd be against it if it favored Democrats.
What rights do "States" have since they no longer appoint their own Representatives (Senators) to Congress?
Madison's Memorial and Remonstrance:
True it is, that no other rule exists, by which any question which may divide a Society, can be ultimately determined, but the will of the majority; but it is also true that the majority may trespass on the rights of the minority.3
2. Because if Religion be exempt from the authority of the Society at large, still less can it be subject to that of the Legislative Body. The latter are but the creatures and vicegerents of the former. Their jurisdiction is both derivative and limited: it is limited with regard to the co-ordinate departments, more necessarily is it limited with regard to the constituents. The preservation of a free Government requires not merely, that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained; but more especially that neither of them be suffered to overleap the great Barrier which defends the rights of the people.4 The Rulers who are guilty of such an encroachment, exceed the commission from which they derive their authority, and are Tyrants. The People who submit to it are governed by laws made neither by themselves nor by an authority derived from them, and are slaves.
3. Because it is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. We hold this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of Citizens, and one of the noblest characteristics of the late Revolution. The free men of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided the consequences by denying the principle.5 We revere this lesson too much soon to forget it. Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other Religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other Sects? that the same authority which can force a citizen to contribute three pence only of his property for the support of any one establishment, may force him to conform to any other establishment in all cases whatsoever?
They lost their armies after the Civil War, and their representation in Congress 50 years later.
We ALL became the uniform 'State of America" and lost the subtle differences inherent in a 'The United States'.
Given the fact that republic senators like Lindsay Graham did not want Dotard to be the nominee and the fact that they only now supplicate themselves to the orange Putin-puppet because they fear his cultists -- if senators were not directly elected Dotard would likely be found guilty and removed from office. As opposed to being found "innocent". Which I've heard the bootlicking Graham wants to do. Despite Dotard himself releasing conclusive evidence of his guilt ("I need you to do us a favor though").
No surprise that you don't like the fact that senators are elected directly, however. Given the fact that you're ok with Putin selecting our president.
if senators were not directly elected Dotard would likely be found guilty and removed from office.
Sounds like a good reason to repeal the 17th Amendment. Too bad they "fear the people", huh. Sounds exactly like the system a propagandist like yourself would need to impose their will.
I favor the will of the people be imposed. A MAJORITY of the people. Propagandists like you want the will of a minority imposed. Even though that "will" has been manipulated by Putin. Or do you favor that "will" be imposed BECAUSE it has been manipulated by Putin?
The minority never want a majorities will imposed upon them. There's a word that describes being trapped in some other person's utopia, it's "nightmare". That's why the Founders created a personal space of "negative liberty" that prevented the majority from imposing their majority will upon them. And the 17th Amendment was a safeguard protecting the American people from absolute "democracy" (aka "socialism").
Better a majority will be voted for than a minority will be imposed. And the Founders would oppose the will of a foreign leader being imposed on any American via a puppet president.
That depends upon the will, doesn't it? I can accept the "negative liberty" of the Founders that prevent the will of "mere majorities" (not super-majorities) being imposed upon society from without (ie - the electoral college and 2/3 majority veto over-rides). Unlike your "democracy", it avoids the absolutism and totalitarianism you would support in circumventing these safeguards (ala Harry Reid's "Nuclear Option - Lite of lowering the standard for confirmation of judges).
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