Thursday, October 17, 2013

RINO's to Ted Cruz...(response)

Participating Backstabbers

Alabama RINO: Bachus

Alaska RINOs: Young, and in the Senate Murkowski (R-AK)

Arizona RINOs: In the Senate Flake (R-AZ), McCain (R-AZ)

Arkansas RINOs: Cotton, Crawford, Griffin, Womack, and in the Senate Boozman (R-AR)

California RINOs: Calvert, Cook, Issa, McCarthy, McKeon, Miller Gary, Nunes, Valadao

Colorado RINOs: Coffman, Gardner, Tipton

Florida RINOs: Bilirakis, Buchanan, Crenshaw, Diaz-Balart, Ros-Lehtinen, Webster, Young, ?

Georgia RINOs: In the Senate Chambliss (R-GA), Isakson (R-GA)

Idaho RINO: Simpson

Illinois RINOs: Davis Rodney, Kinzinger, Roskam, Schock, Shimkus, and in the Senate Kirk (R-IL)

Indiana RINOs: Brooks, Young, and in the Senate Coats (R-IN)

Iowa RINO: Latham

Kansas RINOs: Jenkins, and in the Senate Moran (R-KS)

RINOs: Guthrie, Rogers, Whitfield, and in the Senate McConnell (R-KY)

RINO: Boustany

RINO: In the Senate Collins (R-ME)

Michigan RINOs: Benishek, Camp, Rogers, Upton

RINOs: Kline, Paulsen

Mississippi RINOs: Harper, and in the Senate Cochran (R-MS), Wicker (R-MS)

RINO: In the Senate Blunt (R-MO)

Montana RINO: Daines

RINOs: Fortenberry, Smith, Terry, and in the Senate Fischer (R-NE), Johanns (R-NE)

Nevada RINO: Heck

New Hampshire RINO: In the Senate Ayotte (R-NH)

New Jersey RINOs: Frelinghuysen, Lance, LoBiondo, Runyan, Smith, and in the Senate Chiesa (R-NJ)

New York RINOs: Gibson, Grimm, Hanna, King

North Carolina RINOs: Coble, McHenry, Pittenger, and in the Senate Burr (R-NC)

North Dakota RINOs: Cramer, and in the Senate Hoeven (R-ND)

RINOs: Boehner, Joyce, Stivers, Tiberi, and in the Senate Portman (R-OH)

Oklahoma RINOs: Cole, and in the Senate Coburn (R-OK)

Pennsylvania RINOs: Barletta, Dent, Fitzpatrick, Gerlach, Kelly, Meehan, Murphy, Shuster, Thompson

South Carolina RINOs: In the Senate Graham (R-SC), Scott (R-SC)

South Dakota RINO: In the Senate Thune (R-SD)

Tennessee RINOs: In the Senate: Alexander (R-TN), Corker (R-TN)

Utah RINO: In the Senate Hatch (R-UT)

RINOs: Cantor, Rigell, Wittman, Wolf

Washington RINOs: Hastings, Herrera Beutler, McMorris Rodgers, Reichert,

West Virginia RINOs: Capito, McKinley

Wisconsin RINO: Ribble


Always On Watch said...

The political scenario is now beyond disgusting. The crazies have the bit in their mouths and are running madly -- and taking us all to the destruction with them.

Thersites said...

The crazies are the RINO's and their donor base (and the media conglomerates they own).

Rebel Mississippi said...

Great post - Please email me when you get a chance, I just have a quick question for you.
