Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Peering Behind the Anti-Bullying Agenda...

Two topics determine today's liberal tolerant attitude towards others: the respect of otherness, openness towards it, and the obsessive fear of harassment. The other is OK insofar as his presence is not intrusive, insofar as the other is not really other. Tolerance coincides with its opposite: my duty to be tolerant towards the other effectively means that I should not get too close to him, not to intrude into his/her space - in short, that I should respect his/her intolerance towards my over-proximity. This is what is more and more emerging as the central 'human right' in late-capitalist society: the right not to be harassed, i.e., to be kept at a safe distance from the others.
-Slavoj Zizek, "How to Read Lacan"


Always On Watch said...

Excellent video!

I'll be linking to this in a little over a wekk.

Joe Conservative said...

Great! Thanks AoW!

christian soldier said...

Enjoyed pursuing your site--found it thanks to AOW-
Carol-Christian Soldier