We can make a difference! Learn about the Toll Increases, and how to have your voice heard!
Toll Increase PROTEST then Public Hearing at Perryville High School in Cecil County this Thursday, June 16 at 5PM
Toll Increase PROTEST then Public Hearing at the Havre de Grace Activity Center June 27 at 5PM
The Maryland Transportation Authority (MdTA), the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), and the Governor are planning to raise revenue to pay for the 8 tolls and associated infrastructure in Maryland. These include the two toll facilities that span the Susquehanna River from Harford to Cecil County (on I95 and 40), the 2 Tunnels in Baltimore, the Bay Bridge, the Key Bridge, the Nice Bridge in Southern Maryland, and the Intercounty Connector in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties.
The MdTA is an "independent" body tasked with raising the revenue to maintain and police the bridges, tunnels, and toll roads listed above. The Secretary of the Maryland Department of Transporation is Mrs. Beverley Swaim-Staley. She was appointed to this position in 2009 by Governor O'Malley. She is also the Chairman of the Maryland Transportation Authority (MdTA). These increases are due to irresponsible planning by legislators and executives in Maryland Government!
Because of the huge costs of the Intercounty Connector in Montgomery and Prince George's County, there is a revenue shortfall, so they say that Harford County's tolls must be raised???
Do you use a decal at the Hatem Bridge in Havre de Grace? The Governor and the MdTA are eliminating the use of the decals and replacing them with a $90.00 per year EZ-Pass plan ($72.00 per year plus $1.50 per month)! This will suffocate commerce between Harford and Cecil Counties!
The toll increases are laid out in the image below, courtesy of the MdTA.
Link to Toll increasses: Toll Increase Chart
You can make a difference! Steps to influencing these political appointees and stopping toll increases:
1. Call the Governor's Office at 1.800.811.8336 and email him with this page:
2. Email each of the Commissioners of the MdTA and ask them not to raise the tolls:Beverley Swaim-Staley - secretary@mdot.state.md.us3. Join us at the Rally and Hearings on June 16 at Perryville High School and on June 27 at the Havre de Grace Activity Center.
Peter J. Basso – pbasso@mdta.maryland.gov
Rev. Dr. William C. Calhoun, Sr. – wcalhoun@mdta.maryland.gov
Mary Beyer Halsey – mhalsey@mdta.maryland.gov
Louise P. Hoblitzell – lhoblitzell@mdta.maryland.gov
Richard C. Mike Lewin – mlewin@mdta.maryland.gov
Michael J. Whitson – mwhitson@mdta.maryland.gov
Walter E. Woodford, Jr., P.E. – wwoodford@mdta.maryland.gov
4. Help us get the word out by contacting friends, businesses, and neighbors about this issue! Forward this URL right now!
We'll see you this Thursday, June 16 at Perryville High School at 5PM to STOP THE TOLL HIKES! BRING a Friend!
The Harford Campaign for Liberty meets every 4th Tuesday of the Monday at the 23 Newport Drive in Forest Hill, MD. Join us, and bring a friend!
Copyright © 2011 Harford Campaign for Liberty, All rights reserved.
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