Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gay Marriage in Maryland - I'll be Back!

Excerpts from the Washington Times
“Oh, it’s dead,” said committee member and Delegate Curt Anderson, a Baltimore Democrat who co-sponsored the bill. “When you resubmit a bill to the judiciary committee, you probably won’t see it anymore this year.”

“It was incredibly, razor-thin close, but we couldn’t be assured,” said Mrs. Mizeur, who gave an impassioned speech during the debate asking her colleagues to vote “in favor of love.”

“This will allow us to continue to work to firm those commitments up,” she said.

Both sides acknowledged Friday they were at a stalemate but that the issue likely will be revisited next year.

“I’m just relieved that we don’t have to go through the petition (or referendum) process,” said Delegate Michael Hough, a Frederick Republican who opposed the bill.
“But at the same time, the issue is going to come back.”
Meanwhile, the Bill to persecute and intimidate those who would collect signatures for said fall-back/repeal petition (HB 101) continues to move through State Legislature.
Detailed story from the Baltimore Sun

Update 4/12 Legislature adds insult to injury on gays by rejecting Transgender Equity Bill in an Assembly with a 2/3+ DNC advantage. *Snap!*

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