Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Covid Vaccine Scam Exposed in 3 Words...

...Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)!
...and Simone Gold on the J6 "Insurrection" and "Invasion of the Capitol".  @@


  1. Emergency Use Authorization = authorized by d0n0ld tRump.

  2. Hydroxychloroquine has been studied extensively as a potential treatment for COVID-19, but the consensus from multiple studies and health organizations is that it is not effective for treating COVID-19. The FDA revoked its emergency use authorization for COVID-19 treatment in June 2020 due to lack of evidence of its effectiveness and concerns about serious side effects, including heart problems. link

  3. A Little Birdie Told MeFebruary 10, 2025 at 9:44 AM

    There will be BIG difference in things in America because of the past presidential election. I think that great tings will happens again in this country I believe it will lead to another revolutionary war. I truly believe Americans need to wake up we don’t have a Democrat problem we have a politician problem the republicans are on board with the rules for thee but not for me all of them get to do insider trading including their families but if us common folks did it we would go to prison. Politicians DO NOT have to pay into Social Security, but we are FORCED to pay into a system that our Politicians both Democrat and Republicans have almost bankrupt. Once they retire they collect a pension for the rest of their lives, over 150,000 a year(not taxed i believe). After 20 years of service my small retirement check ia taxed, federal, state, SS, you get the jist. If you actually look at all the taxes that you pay over 50% of your income is going to taxes so the taxes so the American government has become has become what we fought against in the Revolutionary War. The WORKING CLASS is taxed to death while people are allowed to sit at home and collect welfare and disability for being obese, I’m not being mean this is a fact. People want free health care which the United States probably could afford if our welfare system was an abused so much there are so many people that have babies just to collect more money so they don’t have to work. Our government is still paying people to stay home and not work, How can they say they’ve created over 600000 jobs when everyone is everyone is hiring places have had to shut down because people don’t have to work. Why work when Bidumb sends you Free Money? Americans wake up if they’re not working they’re getting money from somewhere to survive so it’s coming from the government. We have women that collect welfare while they say their boyfriends don’t live with them and their boyfriends are out making thousands of dollars the dollars it’s reported to the state and they do nothing about it. We send billions and billions of dollars to foreign countries in aid while we have children in America starving to death, We have the elderly who can’t afford to barely live and they worked in our country their entire lives. We have a war at home in our country the government against the American people. I took a note at 17 years old to die from my country when I joined the United States Army, Part of that oath said I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. Every police officer every politician every service member takes this oath any one of those public servants enforces enforces any of these mandates that this corrupt tyrannical government is trying to force on the American people is Justice guilty for treason and tyranny against American citizens and citizens and every single 1 of them should resign from their positions. I am almost 50 years old and to this day even though I’m retired after 20 years and I’ve been retired for almost 10 years I will still die from my country and the freedom that I defended for 20 years of my life and now both of my sons are in the army defending that same freedom and they would die for their country too in any American who is not willing to stand up against this tyrannical You should be ashamed to yourselves and leave this country and go live in Canada because that is what America is going to become if this administration But you loved the last President , the demented ,one that walked like a Zombie, and protected his Crooked, Crackhead Son, and couldn’t remember where he was or were he was going. and who allowed to continue to destroy our country and take away our freedoms, and our rights to Free Speech etc, and ETC,! . They did it once and Americans believed and obeyed this Socialist, Crook leaning towards a Communist government with the pandemic what’s next,

  4. The covid vaccines saved 14.4 million people from death. The "scam" MUST be that you'd have preferred those people to have died.

    Your link goes to an article that is titled "Hydroxychloroquine provides moderate COVID-19 prevention, large clinical trial shows".

    Your original comment said, "Lies for denying hydroxychloroquine treatments... Anthony Fauci.".

    Moderately preventing and TREATING (after someone has covid) are different things.

    From your link: "While trials in hospitals showed subsequently that hydroxychloroquine was not effective in severely ill patients, its role in prevention remained uncertain".

    I think YOU need to tell India. And then India will tell you that you're full of shIt. In regards to your delusions about what that study found.

    1. There would have been no EUA, and Pfizer, et al, would be liable for all the harm the vaccines caused.

    2. But Bernie is in Pharma's pocket, so you're fine with their liability immunity.

    3. Derpish is upset because his gravy train got derailed again.

  5. Minus: There would have been no EUA, and Pfizer, et al, would be liable for all the harm the vaccines caused.

    d0n0ld tRump authorized the emergency use. Though saving lives isn't what motivated d0n0ld tRump. He was concerned about taking the blame for the millions more that would have died if he had not done it.

    FYI, Bernie Sanders is not in Pharma's pocket and Bernie Sanders did not give emergency authorization to the covid vaccines.

    STAT News: Sanders... received no contributions at all from political action committees affiliated with drug companies, or from top pharmaceutical executives. But because of a quirk in the site's methodology, donations from individual, low-ranking employees are counted the same as official contributions from corporate PACs. link

    Apparently rfkjr lied about this during his confirmation hearing. What a surprise. Not.

    Mystere: Derpish is upset because his gravy train got derailed again.

    "Derpish" is imaginary. Though, if Mystere means me, I can point out that I have no financial stake in covid vaccinations. Therefore I had no "gravy train" (re covid vaccines) to derail. What a dipsh!t.

    1. Trump authorized based on Fauci's lies. There were alternative treatments. The EUA request was fraudulent on its' face.

    2. Just like the FISA warrants that DoJ submitted on Trump's advisors back in 2016.

    3. Sanders, Bernie (I-VT) $1,953,613

      ...why are Pharma "employees" so generous to Bernie?

    4. 8 million from working people giving $27 at a time.

      72,356 Pharma employees donated to Bernie ($27 per)?

      US Pharma employs 1.3m people ... so that means 5.6% of all Pharma employees donated to Bernie.

      Not likely since only 3.3 million people donated to any political campaigns (1% of all Americans).

      btw - It's called math... it's a superpower.

  6. Anthony Fauci gave d0n0ld facts. Granting the authorization was the correct thing to do, given that the vaccines saved millions of lives. People you prefer were dead.

    Minus: btw - It's called math... it's a superpower.

    Reading is obviously not a superpower you possess. The page you link to says "IMPORTANT: This money comes from employees or PACs affiliated with the industry, not from the companies themselves". It also says the figures are for 14 years.

    1. Lying about available treatments and medicines isn't "giving "facts". The excess death rate amongst 20-45 year olds is still 3x what is was before the vaccine. And US taxpayers will be paying their lifetime medical bills instead of Pfizer and their ENTIRELY INEFFECTIVE quote vaccine unquote.

    2. ps- The figures say he took the 12th most $ of ALL politicians (who's figures included PAC money).

    3. Fowchee's a proven psychopath. If you look at the uncensored history of his pet projects, you will see what kind of psychopath he really is.

  7. "Fowchee" is imaginary. No such person as "Fowchee" exists. You are very seriously mentally ill, Mystere. fyi, d0n0ld tRump is a proven psychopath. btw, I mean Donald John Trump, who is a real person. Despite your prior claims that Donald John Trump is imaginary. He is real while "Fowchee" isn't.

  8. "The figures say he took the 12th most $ of ALL politicians".

    They don't. They CAN'T. Anthony Fauci wasn't a politician. Anthony Fauci could not accept any money as a political donation. Given that he wasn't a politician.
