Saturday, February 8, 2025

China Assesses Trump 2.0


  1. Sick of you Hypocritical RightiesFebruary 8, 2025 at 3:01 PM

    Wake up people!

    DOGE is the deep state. You people who constantly complained about George Soros have done the same thing but with have an unelected man with a shadow crew of operatives looking at everybody's information. It fits the description of the deep state people on the right have always talked about.

    19 states sue to stop DOGE from accessing Americans' personal data​
    Nineteen Democratic attorneys general sued President Donald Trump on Friday to stop Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency from accessing Treasury Department records that contain sensitive personal data such as Social Security and bank account numbers for millions of Americans.

    The case, filed in federal court in New York City, alleges the Trump administration allowed Musk's team access to the Treasury Department’s central payment system in violation of federal law.

    The payment system handles tax refunds, Social Security benefits, veterans' benefits and much more, sending out trillions of dollars every year while containing an expansive network of Americans' personal and financial data.

  2. What these assholes did to Joe Vegetable is precisely what a violent domestic abuser does to their spouse.
    It was all a staggering con job, nothing more than a Barack HUSSEIN Obama third term. And a man who wants his fourth term. Let’s not forget:
    I’m absolutely convinced that Obama spoke the truth, as he has a disdain for getting his hands dirty, dealing with the great unwashed, having to be accountable to us little people, the peons. Doing the work, shaking hands, being accountable, being responsible, attending all the meetings, glad-handing, photo ops, all the political dreck associated with POTUS was beneath him and frequently the arrogance would ooze through his vocals. He just couldn’t help it. If he could command absolutely, and let somebody else be The Face, he’d be fine. Sometimes you simply have to take people at their word. Like Islam. When they say they want to kill you, well, they really want to kill you.

    And now, used up, washed up, Joe Vegetable will be flushed down the Demorat Toilet like a Dripping, Soiled Tampon. He is already so incredibly Yesterday’s News.and he could Fall, Trip, and Stutter all he wants, because Nobody gives a damb about him anymore.

  3. President Donald Trump’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement has racked up 11,000 illegal alien arrests in the first 18 days of this administration as the president seeks to enact the largest mass deportation operation in the history of the United States. And mind you this is only the beginning.

  4. The progressive left has gone Race Crazy—and they want to take America down the same path of insanity.

    When did America become obsessed with racial differences? After decades of progress healing real-world prejudices and anger, we suddenly live in an America where we’re expected to view every single thing through the lens of race.

    Children are taught the politics of racial resentment and fear in schools. Films, novels, and even comic books are judged by the color of their protagonists—and their adherence to the latest “woke” messaging. Corporate America has universally adopted the slogan “Black Lives Matter” in every piece of marketing, those words serving as a talisman to protect them from Twitter mobs and outraged activists. And the 1619 Project and similar pieces of academic propaganda seek to redefine and undermine the very notion of America as a unified and great nation.

    Meanwhile, organized BLM advances a radical and dangerous political agenda which, if enacted, would mean the end of the American experiment as we know it. The nation faces a pivotal moment: will we reject the Race Crazies, or let them destroy us?

    1. Evil loves to disguise itself in the cloak of goodness... and in America's case (as in the case of several European colonialist powers), it's white guilt-pride. Guilt for historical sins, pride in attempts to atone for them. Unfortunately the atonement benefits some real race hustlers and scumbags, not the historically oppressed victims it was intended for.

  5. voted for Trump, and so far I thing I picked a WINNER. Trump may wind up not being as Great as he says he is, that's always a possibility, but on the other hand, he may end up being the best President we've had since Reagan. So Who Really Knows?
    BUT with that Giggling Hyena Kamala Harris we know that she would have been be a TOTAL DISASTER..

  6. Attention : to all the Singers, entertainers, actors, musicians, comedians, journalist, Football Players, Basketball players and all you 7- 8 foot Athletes

    You exist for my entertainment. Some of you are great. Some of you can deliver a line with such conviction that you bring tears to my eyes. Some of you can scare the crap out of me. Others make me laugh. But you all have one thing in common, you only have a place in my world to entertain me. That’s it.

    You make your living pretending to be someone else. Playing dress up like a 6 year old. You live
    in a make believe world in front of a camera. And some behind the camera. Some of you sing and dance, some play games with balls, Your entire existence depends on my patronage period. Without myself and people like me all American citizens I might add your NOTHING. Your unemployed.

    I’ll crank the organ grinder; you dance. Like the monkey you are.

    I don’t really care where you stand on issues. Honestly, your stance matters far less to me than that of my neighbor. You see, you aren’t real. I turn off my TV or shut down my computer and you cease to exist in my world. Once I am done with you, I can put you back in your little box until I want you to entertain me again.

    And you? Really? I’m supposed to care what the director of fluffy tripe made for gullible people thinks about global warming or gun control? Get back into your bubble. I’ll let you know when I’m in the mood for something blue and shiny.

    And I'm also supposed to care that you will leave this great country if Trump becomes president? So you know how stupid you sound? Please don't forget to close the door behind you. We'd like to reserve your seat for someone who loves this country and really wants to be here.

    Make me laugh, or cry. Scare me. But realize that the only words of yours that matter are scripted. I might agree with some of you from time to time, but it doesn’t matter. In my world, you exist solely for my entertainment

    So, shut your pie hole and dance, monkey!"

    Signed: Deplorable Me

  7. Minus: Evil loves to disguise itself in the cloak of goodness...


    Minus: and in America's case (as in the case of several European colonialist powers), it's white guilt-pride.

    No. It's White Supremacy. Not the people fighting White Supremacy.

    Minus: Guilt for historical sins, pride in attempts to atone for them. Unfortunately the atonement benefits some real race hustlers and scumbags, not the historically oppressed victims it was intended for.

    "Race hustler" is a White Supremacist term to describe a Black leader in a minority community.

  8. Replies
    1. Well Dervy, it sure does describe that machine you made and named Mystere.

  9. I made no machine that I named "Mystere". "Mystere" is the name attached to one of your bl0gger accounts. "Mystere" is you "Mr. E". You're the racist.
