Tuesday, February 25, 2025

A German Guilt-Pride Moment!

...and Keeping German Guilt-Pride ALIVE today!:
Guilt...Pride... there is no middle ground 
(tertium non datur)!

It exists in Consciousness in a Quantum-Superposition State... until the wave function collapses:  Guilt/ Pride/ Both/ Neither!

Classical reality is ascertainable... Quantum reality (ie- spin) is merely confirmable, not ascertainable

Einstein, "If you can confirm with certainty, it's an element of (quantum) reality". [ie- EPR Experiments]


  1. Copilot: "Vergangenheitsbewältigungsweltmeister" isn't an officially recognized word in the German language. However, language is constantly evolving, and new terms and expressions are often created to capture specific ideas or concepts. Jan Böhmermann's coined term is a humorous and creative way to express Germany's efforts in confronting its own history.

    Me: If anyone could coin such a new word, it would be the people who are allegedly proud to be "world champions at confronting our own history", but I think there are no such people. I don't think a word is needed to describe people that don't exist.

    Copilot: That’s an insightful point. Language often reflects our cultural and societal realities, and if a group or concept doesn’t truly exist, it doesn’t necessarily need a dedicated term. Böhmermann’s creation of “Vergangenheitsbewältigungsweltmeister” seems more like a satirical commentary than a reflection of an actual demographic.

  2. I can grasp bullsh!t. Which "Vergangenheitsbewältigungsweltmeister" is.

    1. Too big a chuck to collapse the wave function on... Got it!

    2. How about Kollektivschuld?

      As Hannah Arendt ("Personal Responsibility Under Dictatorship") once said:

      “There is no such thing as collective guilt or collective innocence; guilt and innocence make sense only if applied to individuals."

    3. Looks like your admission that "guilt pride" is imaginary.

    4. No, it points out the fact that the very thought that the descendants of slave owners should be held responsible for the actions of their ancestors is based upon a faulty premise... the premise currently central to the Democratic Party's raison d'etre.

    5. Racism is based entirely upon faulty moral premises. It judges "groups" instead of individuals (as MLK Jr. noted in his famous speech... you know the one “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,”).

  3. Minus: ...the descendants of slave owners should be held responsible for the actions of their ancestors...

    They should not be.

    Minus: ...the premise currently central to the Democratic Party's raison d'etre.

    It isn't.

    Minus: Racism is based entirely upon faulty moral premises.

    So, even though you acknowledge the reasoning is faulty, you engage in it anyway? And excuse your racism by claiming not to be racist against all Black people, only most of them?

    1. What is "Identity" politics then? "My people were oppressed!"

      Were YOU oppressed?

      "No, my people were oppressed!"

      So where's the fallacy again?

    2. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,”

    3. That's why tRump supporting Whites are so angry, huh? Their people have been opposed? You know all about identity politics. White identity politics.

    4. Yes... I'm a "reactionary", remember?
