Friday, January 10, 2025

Los Angeles has been Struck by a Woke Hydrogen Bomb!

...and the Event has been covered up by the Media's Trump-based Semmelweis Reflex...
..."It's all 'Climate Change's' fault... an unanticipated act of the Environmental g_ds!"


  1. This is what the next 4 years will be like. More BS like this. This is similar to how you blamed green energy for the power grid problems in Texas. What moronity. But, as the "election" of d0n0ld proved, people are very eager for it. Just know that "solving" imaginary problems will have no effect on real problems. Though it's possible you'll be able to delude yourself into thinking they have.

    Victor David Hansen = lying Turd.

    1. Texas' ice storms proved the unreliability of green energy and the need for a double infrastructure backed up with black (carbon based) energy sources doubling the costs. In other words, a LUXURY mandated approach to energy generation.

    2. Shhhh! Don't tell Dervish that, Joe. Dervish will wet himself and freeze... OH wait, that's a GOOD thing. Never mind.

  2. Excuse me, the Turd's middle name is "Davis". The fires are due to global climate change. The fire chief isn't "DEI", she is highly qualified. The budget for the fire department went up significantly, not down. The greatest percentage of forest land is under the control of the federal government, not the state government. I'm not looking up every point that VDH makes. I heard several lies. I assume everything he says is a lie.

    1. Alternate facts aren't lies. They merely represent points on a path to a different good. ie- a California not burning in a DEI and environmentalism induced disaster nightmare.

    2. Derpish is a fudge eating dunce, Joe.

  3. That "California is burning in a DEI and environmentalism induced disaster nightmare" is a rightturd delusion. Alternate facts ARE lies.

    1. California can't afford it's luxury value obsessed Democratic legislature mandated stupidity any more. THAT is now a PROVEN FACT!

      In the fiscal year of 2024, California's state debt stood at about 158.05 billion U.S. dollars. Comparatively, the state's debt was 57.17 billion U.S. dollars in 2000.

    2. btw- How's that high speed train to nowhere going?

    3. When will it be adding 'Express' trains that actually hit high speeds and reduce travel town instead of local trains stopping at every E. Podunk town in the Central Valley making a trip down I-5 by car faster?

    4. Moonbeam and Gavin are experiencing orgasms over the KooKoo Train.

  4. "Doctor" John Campbell is virtue signaling to his fellow rightturds. Calling people "primitive" for acknowledging facts certainly isn't going to convince anyone to believe lies. "If you are smart like me, you will also believe lies and reject facts".

    Did your house burn down, Mystere? It would serve you right for asking Satan to burn down Barack Obama's house. You're the one who talks about curses boomeranging back.

    1. Go apply for the LAFD Derv. Maybe in 7-8 years they'll let you take the test... @@

      Oh wait, maybe you can move it up to next week if you tell them you pack fudge...

    2. ...just Virtue Signal the oppression you've faced in holding in your gastro-intestinal gases due to excessive poofffftering.

    3. Issuing death threats is a Federal Crime, Dervish, when issuing them across the state lines. And your prayers to Satan got spotted by God Almighty Dervish. If you really want that molten lava eternal real estate Fire Lake, it's waiting and begging for you to come soon.

  5. Summary of your position: Homes were lost due to a lack of policies supporting White Supremacy. We need to bring White Supremacy back to save lives and money. These jobs HAVE to go to whites. They are the only ones smart enough to do them. Vote for representatives that will reinstate White Supremacy.

    FYI, if you do that, it won't work. Given that the disaster was not caused or exacerbated by DEI. DEI says more QUALIFIED minorities should be hired. I don't believe the "400 pound female cop" story.

    1. If white supremacy means an effective and efficient government, bring it on! If it means you're hiring white morons on the basis of their skin colour and Cracker cultural artifacts for an executive position, fuck white supremacism! Why don't we have affirmative action and DEI hiring for Crackers, Derv? Are they an overlooked Democratic Party demographic? Oh, wait, you do have it... James Carville is one of the dumbest Cajun Crackers on the planet!

    2. Democrats have always LOVED political patronage jobs since Tammany Hall. DEI is political patronage. It's even worse than nepotism.


  6. End Illegal Immigration Now That We Are Rid Of Biden , and Harris
    The 2 Lunatics.

  7. Minus: means you're hiring white morons...

    The White moron d0n0ld tRump will be hiring many White morons to staff his administration. He has nominated White morons like Pete Hegseth for incredibly important positions.

    Minus: Why don't we have affirmative action and DEI hiring for Crackers, Derv?

    Crackers are the longtime dupes of the republican party. Democrats try to help them, but they hate Democrats and vote for republicans who want to take the help away. Why would anyone hire such morons? republican affirmative action for White morons is for White privileged morons, not poor White morons.

    DEI is for hiring QUALIFIED minorities. If you're unqualified you won't be hired regardless of your ethnicity. Unless you're privileged.

    1. So what percent of ALL lawyers are black? And what percent of judicial positions were staffed by black lawyers under Biden?

      They all must have been 160 IQ genius', huh Derv?

      Biden LITERALLY lowered the bar for jurisprudence in America by selectong them on the basis of their intersectional victimhood and not judicial experience and performance. Yes they were "qualified". They had law degrees and likely came from the bottom 10% of the available legal selection pool.

      Minimally qualified doesn't constitute much of a recommendation, Derv. They're like the rest of your DEI hires. Minimally qualified. They've got nothing but a DEI policy and sense of victimhood to recommend them. That, and a brainwashed guilt-pride educated elite.

    2. ...and when there aren't enough minimally qualified applicants for the job, what do Democrats do? They lower the "qualifications" bar and push a few more "Identity political 'patronage voters" over it.

      It's a great system... Tammany 2025.

    3. from Wikipedia:

      Tammany usually controlled Democratic nominations and political patronage in Manhattan for over 100 years following the mayoral victory of Fernando Wood in 1854, and used its patronage resources to build a loyal, well-rewarded core of district and precinct leaders; after 1850, the vast majority were Irish Catholics due to mass immigration from Ireland during and after the Irish Famine of the late 1840s.

      After 1854, it expanded its political control even further by earning the loyalty of the city's rapidly expanding immigrant community, which functioned as its base of political capital.

      The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    4. from Wikipedia AI:

      AI Overview
      Learn more
      The average GPA for Black law students is lower than the average GPA for white law students:
      Median GPA
      The median GPA for Black law students is at the 6.7th percentile of white law students. This means that only 6.7% of white students have lower grades than half of Black students.
      GPA disparity
      Black students are almost three times more likely to graduate with a GPA below 2.5 than white students.
      The average GPA for law school is between 3.5 and 3.7, but top-ranking law schools may expect higher GPAs. A GPA below 3.6 is generally considered low for top schools.

    5. ...but yeah, they're qualified. Like the qualification for President of the US... just be over 35...

    6. I guess that makes Trump VERY qualified, huh Derv!

  8. Minus: The average GPA for Black law students...

    The average GPA earners were not the candidates that Biden nominated for judicial seats. He nominated the above average GPA earners. Or do you think were are none? Previously you claimed to work with some Black employees who are smarter than you. Now you say such smart Black people don't exist? Is Clarence Thomas another Indian pretending to be Black? I mean in your delusions. I'm not convinced that he's that smart.

    1. Which ones were those? Can you ID them? Didn't think so. It wasn't part of Biden's "qualifications" for selection. Those were sex, sexual orientation, and skin colour. LOL!

    2. btw - How'd all those LA FD LGBTQ+ DEI hires work out for them?

    3. Weasel Karen Bass got her carcass handed to her when investigators discovered that the Ynez water storage tank that provides water to the hydrants had been empty for a while before the fires started. The water that was supposed to replenish the storage tank got flushed to the ocean to save a smelt fish, under orders from Gavin Newsom, with Karen Bass knowing he ordered the Ynez reservoir remain empty.

  9. You're angry because the most important qualification isn't being a straight White male.

    1. No, I'm angry that skin colour and sexual orientation would constitute a qualification for anything but perversion.

    2. Derpish wants some DEI hires to run his gay brothels on Highway 69 in Paris. His gay fatso frat boys want fresh meat to sit on.

    3. 你怎么敢诋毁中国共产党我是中国共产党中非常活跃的中国白人。你应该为说出我中国共产党的真相而死。나는 엉덩이 뒤에 성냥을 비추고 방귀를 내고 수확 된 투표 용지를 세고 큰 모닥불을 만들었습니다.你说谎的神秘!中国没有中国共产党。的亲信将病毒传播到世界各地,以恐吓所有人并杀死中国人。他是三K党和纳粹党的成员. 郭文贵是你的幻觉的虚构。

    4. Dervish has gone off the Kookoo Train again

  10. Minus: No, I'm angry that skin colour and sexual orientation would constitute a qualification for anything but perversion.

    Skin colors other than White and sexual orientations other than straight. If someone don't match that description they should be discriminated against in your White Supremacist fantasies.

    btw, having a skin color other than "White" (pinkish) qualifies as a "perversion"? That's under White Supremacy?

    Mystere: The water that was supposed to replenish the Ynez water storage tank got flushed to the ocean to save a smelt fish, under orders from Gavin Newsom.

    No, dipsh!t. The reason is because, if too much freshwater is diverted away from the river, saltwater from the ocean can move upstream, which would harm both agriculture and the freshwater ecosystem.

    1. You really need to give up on your attempts at mind reading Derv. You're really BAD at it.

    2. ...but then again, white guilt-pride will do that to you.

  11. Minus: You really need to give up on your attempts at mind reading Derv. You're really BAD at it.

    I haven't done any mind reading.

    Minus: ...but then again, white guilt-pride will do that to you.

    White guilt-pride is imaginary. Even if it was real, there is absolutely no reason that I would be afflicted with it. I have no reason to feel guilty for being White. I don't feel guilty.

    1. Then why can't you be critical of Black people that don't have (R)s after their names, Derv?

      ...because you follow the unwritten rules of the white guilt-pride cult, that's why.

    2. ...and why do you criticize people who can speak truths about black culture? That's your "pride", of course. I would label it not pride though... more like hubris (an excess of white guilt-pride).

      Meden agan!

  12. Minus: and why do you criticize people who can speak truths about black culture?

    I don't. I criticize people who say false and racist things about "black culture".


  13. To ALL my Republican MAGA Friends, Please read and observe this message to you all.
    Due the the Insanity, and the Stupidity of the Blogger know as Dave Dubya. wh is almost as Stupid as the other Blogger know as JoMala Truthless Kelly, I suggest that we all totally Ignore the both of these moronic posters, as neither of the two are worth any of our time. Let them sit and swelter in their own smell. And let them continue to kiss the behinds of their Heroine
