Tuesday, January 7, 2025

How to Manufacture an "Insurrection"

Some cops got injured... I wonder "Why?"

Matt Margolis, "Wow, Democrats Lost the Capitol Riot Narrative Big Time"
In the four years since the Capitol riot, Democrats have tried incessantly to turn it into a national tragedy akin to 9/11 and/or the Pearl Harbor attack. With the goal of preventing Trump from being able to seek the presidency again, they even called it an insurrection (it wasn’t) and accused Trump of inciting it (he didn’t).

Their efforts failed, and Trump was reelected on November 5, becoming the first Republican presidential candidate to win the national popular vote since George W. Bush. Oh, what a sweet victory it was. On Monday, Trump’s victory over Kamala Harris was certified, and once again, Democrats proved they just can’t let their phony baloney narrative go.

I won’t bother posting all the tweets from Democrats waxing philosophical about the difference between January 6, 2025, and January 6, 2021, but I will show you this cringy post from Sen. Chuck Schumer and some silly “moment of prayer” he and a few other January Sixth-copalians held on Monday.

They’re really trying hard, aren’t they?

The problem for them is that it’s not working. Despite all their efforts, that day didn’t leave the lasting political scar on the public Democrats had hoped for. Despite the massive media coverage, congressional hearings, and the general pushing of the narrative that the riot was an “insurrection,” most Americans have moved on.

CNN’s chief data reporter Harry Enten laid out the data starkly: back in early 2021, a majority of voters—56 percent—believed Trump’s actions on January 6 should disqualify him from the presidency. That figure included those who supported removing him from office. But by 2023, the percentage dropped to 47 percent, flipping the narrative. As Enten put it, “This nine-point shift was tremendous” because it took the issue from a majority stance to a minority one. Trump captured the overwhelming support of the other 53 percent, effectively neutralizing the talking point.

A deeper dive reveals an even more striking reality. In January 2021, 48 percent of voters blamed Trump for the Capitol riot. By December 2023, that number had fallen to just 37 percent. Fewer Americans blamed Trump, fewer thought it made him ineligible to lead, and, perhaps most tellingly, far fewer cared enough to remember it. When asked about their biggest memory of Trump’s first term, only 5 percent of Americans pointed to January 6. Among Republicans, it was a meager 2 percent.

Pardon me while I laugh hysterically for a moment.

Enten captured the sentiment perfectly: “Folks—fewer folks thought he was responsible… and more than that, as it went into the rear-view mirror, far fewer folks thought that it was their number one memory.” Simply put, the public has moved on.

“So, the bottom line is, fewer Americans faulted Donald Trump or thought he was greatly responsible for the January 6th attack,” Enten noted. “And more than that, as it went into the rear-view mirror, far fewer folks thought that it was their number one memory.”

This apathy underscores why Joe Biden’s strategy of making January 6 a huge part part of his campaign’s messaging failed. As CNN’s John Berman noted, it “never really was registering.” The Democratic Party’s hopes of turning the Capitol riot into a perpetual political weapon against Trump have fallen flat.

The bottom line? January 6 has become a historical footnote for most Americans, far from the game-changing issue Democrats envisioned. While they may have bet big on the riot defining Trump’s legacy, voters seem to have made up their minds: it’s time to move on.


  1. "Some cops got injured... I wonder Why?"

    Because many more rightturds are inclined to violence than Democrats. Why no angry mob of Democrats attacked the Capitol this January 6. Also, Kamala Harris didn't incite her supporters to do so, like d0n0ld did when Joe Biden won the presidency. d0n0ld should be in prison instead of returning to the White House. He might commit some more crimes this time that even the corrupt scotus won't give him a pass on? Due to being so egregious? Unfortunately they are so corrupt they might give him a pass no matter what he does.

    1. So if the cops punch a protestor in the face, he shouldn't punch back... I'll remember that for the next BLM protest.

  2. btw, I see "you're blocked" and no tweet content. I assume it's video of J6-2021 protesters behaving peacefully until they are forced to defend themselves against unprovoked violence from the Capitol police? Or video NOT showing that but being spun as that's "really" what's going on. aka I should disbelieve my own lying eyes.

    1. The Twitter response video re-posts it.

    2. I tried to grab it off X directly, but can't (it's blocked on X but not the Gateway Pundit page). The rebuttal video (of the police chief's warning shouted to the crowd seconds before they open fire) hardly 'refutes' the original images... it wins a mere minor debating point about the inaudible warning before unleashing the barrage.

  3. Some cherry picked video doesn't justify going inside and trashing the place. tRump should have been in prison for some time already. He should have been promptly arrested along with the other J6 insurrectionists.

    1. Yes, that Hollywood-produced J6 Committee video didn't convince me either.

    2. The Viking-Shaman had a police escort for his entire tour. Where was THAT footage?

  4. Pretending we agree again? I referred to the blocked video you claim exists. I haven't seen it, though I will take your word that it shows something like what you describe. Though I could be wrong.
