Friday, December 6, 2024

Tucker Heads to Moscow


  1. Tucker Carlson Committed Treason. That's according to Mystere. Mystere thinks Tucker should be sent to Gitmo and executed. I'm guessing. That's what he says all the time about people he believes are guilty of "treason".

    1. Mystere didn't write that post. I wrote that post and attributed that to the crying RINO Adam Kinzinger. RINO Kinzinger accused Tucker Carlson of committing treason and wanted him to be charged, sent to GITMO and be executed.

      You, Dervish, are a lying weasel, serving Satan as a tool.

  2. Based upon the IC's belief that the People of the US no longer represent "democracy", and that it's the "institutions" like the lying media and the forever cheating election system that must be preserved, being called a "traitor" by an institutionalist like Kinzinger isn't necessarily a bad thing.

  3. "forever cheating election system" = republican system that puts republicans in office when a majority of the people favor progressive policies.

    1. No, a minority of idiots (like yourself) favor policies that benefit the wealthy and their corresponding luxury values.

    2. I'm very strongly opposed to the luxury values of idiots like you. Values that include further enriching big oil to the detriment of life on the planet. As well as values like inflicting hardship on the majority of Americans so the wealthy can have even more. Your values suck.

    3. oil is cheap. Except for nuclear, Green energy doesn't come close.

  4. btw, Kinzinger said Carlson is a traitor. He never said Carlson is guilty of treason. Treason (as per the Constitution) is narrowly defined. But Mystere (due to being a moron) has no idea what treason is. For the record, I agree completely that Tucker is a traitor. Putin knows he is a useful idiot and will eagerly spread Kremlin propaganda.

    I would say he is an embarrassment to the United States if the voters had not just embarrassed America bigly by putting a rapist and corrupt criminal back in the White House. If America survives a second term of Putin's puppet, we will suffer bigly embarrassment for generations. Americans abroad will rightly be referred to as STUPID for a long time to come.

    1. Check yourself into an insane asylum, Derv. Your TDS has become "oedipally" blinding.

  5. "Mystere didn't write that post".

    You lie. Mystere did write that post. You're Mystere. "Rattrapper" is another of your accounts, Mystere.

    1. I, Rattrapper, wrote the post. The by line shows me, Rattrapper, as the author, not Mystere. Your fatwa keeps boomeranging back, Flingo og-al-Dervish-bin-§atan-§ander$666.

  6. "Putin's REAL puppet."

    Elon Musk? I agree. Both he and d0n0ld are putin puppets. Putin has many puppets.

    1. Bernie... who never had a good idea in his life.

    2. Putin does have a puppet on Blogger: "The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders."

    3. I will say this about Bernie Sanders: at least Bernie was quite entertaining by hosting rallies back in 2016. He was able to draw a crowd, just like Donald Trump did, and he was at least entertaining to watch. I didn't agree with Bernie, but I did find him amusing with his antics, and personable. Crooked Hildebeest was an angry old crow and Mamala Empoxx cackled like a crazy hen pecker. Neither wacko bird could draw a huge crowd. The witch's crow and the cackling hen laid a bunch of rotten goose eggs.

  7. The byline shows "Rattrapper", but "Rattrapper" is an account controlled by Mystere. Which means that Mystere (you) did write that blog post, liar.

    You came up with "Mystere" based on the fact that you call yourself "Mr. E". That's your Twit-Turd handle. "Mystere" is your primary online identity. "Rattrapper" is a secondary identity.
