Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The Final Word...

...on why Kamala Lost the 2024 Presidential Race


  1. You're calling yourself the "Moonbutt Poker" now, Mystere? I thought, in regards to your marriage to your husband, you are the "woman" and that you are the one getting "poked" in the endo? Now you say that you're the one doing the poking? In your husband's "moonbutt"? I have seen you post (multiple times) images of your husband's "moonbutt". Like here for example.

    Why did you graft Joe Biden's head onto your husband's body, Mystere? It seems Mystere has a thing for Joe Biden. Though it appears as though Mystere is bigly embarrassed about being sexually attracted to Joe Biden. Why he wrote about how horny Joe Biden makes him while pretending to be me.
