Monday, December 2, 2024

The Biden Crime Family's Legacy...


No One is Above the Law....

...La Clemenza de Biden


  1. No One is Above the Law... Except d0n0ld tRump, America's first emperor.

    1. d0n0ld tRump is a figment of your delusions, Dervish.

      And we've had 2 emperors since 2009: Barack 0bama and J0e§€ph R0bb¡ng¡+ B¡d€+ Jr.

  2. Guess all those Indictments were for Naught.

  3. Fvck Merrick Garland and fvck tRump voters who decided they wanted to reinstall the d0n0ld Krime Klan. The indictments would not have been for naught if White woman had not decided they love patriarchy and that men should control their bodies. The indictments would not have been for naught if White men hadn't voted to put a rapist in charge of the country again. The indictments would not have been for naught if young hispanic men hadn't decided they themselves should be potentially deported. If not them then other hispanic people they hate and resent (perhaps their own family members or people they know).

    And the indictments would not have been for naught if the low IQ tRump voters had not decided they hate inflation -- because it didn't drive up prices ENOUGH.

    And then there are Putin-loving America haters like you. You'll be cheering as the Orange Turd emperor destroys America.

    btw I heard that record amounts of money were spent on Black Friday and Thanksgiving travel. What happened to people being financially strapped due to high inflation and barely being able to get by?

    Well, that will change soon. We are in the final days of the great Biden economy. Before predisent tRump crashes it and the d0n0ld depression begins.

    1. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 Merrick Garland is the perfect stooge that Joebama Bidet chose.

  4. The US has had zero emperors until now, Mystere. It wasn't possible until the corrupt scotus Turds gifted d0n0ld with bigly unconstitutional powers.

    fyi, the d0n0ld that gives a crap about anyone but himself is YOUR delusion. Also the d0n0ld that is "God's chosen leader". That's your bigly delusion. God would never select an evil Turd like Donald J Trump as his chosen leader.

    1. You know, I do stand corrected, Dervish. You're right. There has been only one Emperor who usurped the Office. Joebama Biden usurped 3 terms in office and tried for a fourth term, but got defeated by the real President Donald Trump. Joebama usurped the Office in 2008, under his "Hope" And "Change You Can Believe in" gimmick slogans, then committed treachery while playing golf almost daily.

      Then in 2020, Joebama ran the clown show with his basement dummy Bidet as his frontman
      farting puppet with the "Build Back Better" WEF Propaganda machine, with Crooked Hildebeest Clinton taking control at times in Joebama's absence during his daily golf games. In the confusion, Joe Biden started farting, falling upstairs and pooping his pants in public. Your job was to light matches behind his bare buttocks to gaslight the public. You failed miserably at it, Dervish. You didn't count on Joey's weakness for chocolate chocolate chip ice cream cones and his diarrhea attacks as a result of his excessive consumption of dairy products. His flatulence woke up many who slept through the political clown show.

    2. Let's just look ahead at what's coming in the future. That counts even more than whatever is going on right now.

  5. You're an insane Turd. I have never had any such job. I have never met Joe Biden. I can see the truth that Joe Biden has been a fantastic president. d0n0ld is a horrible Turd who will fvck up the country even worse then he did the last time.

    1. What happened to your header on your Mama blog, Dervy? You ditched the queer image of Joey Biden on your new head. Your queer vibes not doing you any good lately, Dervy? OH WAIT, MY BAD! You had a new queerness coming but had to change the header because Mamala and Tampon Timi lost Bigly. It hurt so badly when Tampon Timi and Mamala Hoebama Empoxx lost Bigly and you couldn't get yourself to redesign the new Mamala header featuring Tampon Timi in his full shame.

  6. "Tampon Timi" and "Mamala Hoebama Empoxx" are imaginary. I probably would have made a new header if the election had gone the way it should have, but it definitely wouldn't have featured these two imaginary people.

  7. "Dervish Sanders" is my blogger display name. The account that's under my control exists. It's not imaginary. There is also a "Dervish Sanders" account under Mystere's control. It's imaginary that this account also belongs to me -- as Mystere claims. Is that what you're talking about?

  8. Joe Biden's legacy will be as one of America's greatest presidents.
