Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Santa's on his way!


  1. The good news: Biden didn’t pardon the Boston bomber, the Tree of Life synagogue shooter, or the Charleston church shooter.

    The bad news: Biden DID pardon 5 child killers and 32 mass murderers.

    How is it that Joe Biden was deemed too senile to be charged for stealing classified documents, but is somehow fit to issue pardons and commute sentences?

  2. I challenge any and/or every Democrats leftist/Moron /woke person/hopelessly TDS afflicted to show me a single video or audio clip of Trump saying he intends to get revenge on his political opponents, no matter how bad they were. Never happened. Never will. He has never said that no matter how much you dishonestly spin what he actually has said.

    Don't give me memes. Don't give me quotes of what others say he has said. And don't give me edited video or audio that leaves out the full context and intent of what he is saying. Plucking one line out of a conversation and leaving out all the conversation that qualifies that one line is dishonesty of the worst sort.

    Let's see some integrity from the left. If you are going to accuse Trump, show your evidence. And dot tell me anything about something that that Moronic Progressive Blogger said! She’s totally full of Craziness and Crap.

  3. I challenge any and/or every Leftist Progressive/ leftist/Democrat/woke person/hopelessly TDS afflicted to show me a single video or audio clip of President Trump saying that he intends to get revenge on his political opponents, no matter how bad they were. Because it Never happened. And Never will. He has never said that no matter how much you in your Lying ,dishonestly spin what he actually has said.
    You may have read it in someone’s IDIOTIC Blog, by some IDIOTIC Trump Hater, with an Obsession to damage anything and everything that The President says or does.
    Don't give me memes. Don't give me quotes of what others say he has said. And don't give me edited video or audio that leaves out the full context and intent of what he is saying. Plucking one line out of a conversation and leaving out all the conversation that qualifies that one line is dishonesty of the worst sort.

    Let's see some integrity from the left. If you are going to accuse Trump, show your evidence.

    1. That will never happen. Libtards are never honest.

  4. "Biden DID pardon 5 child killers and 32 mass murderers".

    He didn't. He commuted death sentences to life in prison.

    "How is it that Joe Biden was deemed too senile to be charged for stealing classified documents".

    He wasn't. That never happened.

    "..show me a single video or audio clip of President Trump saying that he intends to get revenge on his political opponents".

    USA Today: Donald Trump threatens to imprison Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and others. Experts are worried. the Republican presidential nominee alleged on Truth Social that there was "rampant Cheating and Skullduggery" in the 2020 presidential election, despite numerous recounts and audits disproving his claims that he only appeared to have lost because of voter fraud. Trump then brought those baseless fraud claims to bear on the 2024 election, saying various groups – including lawyers and "Corrupt Election Officials" -- should beware that after he wins the 2024 election, "those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted". link.

    And there are MANY more examples of d0n0ld threatening revenge. It absolutely positively has happened. Over and over.

    d0n0ld claims there was "rampant Cheating and Skullduggery" in the 2020 election, but there was not. He's talking about bringing false charges as part of the revenge he has vowed many times.

    He also falsely claims the J6 committee destroyed evidence and should be prosecuted for that reason. But they did not. d0n0ld keeps saying OVER AND OVER he is going to prosecute his enemies for imaginary crimes, but this idiot says it has "never" happened. Right.


  5. I got double presents due to it also being my birthday. You deserve white hot coals in your stockings, Mystere.

    1. Hey Assplug Derpwood, you're not Jesus Christ. Your birthday is April 1st, LIAR.

    2. Put some white hot coals in my BBQ grille. I'll get myself a nice chunk of pork chops and cook up a feast.

  6. Now Mystere is yelling at his delusion named "Assplug Derpwood" and calling his delusion a liar. fyi, I didn't lie. I told the truth.

  7. By the way Shaw, why are you upset about a few people are confused about your HERO Joe Biden thinking that he "Pardoned the 5 Murderers when he actually only "Commuted their sentence ? After all, it really wasn't a Pardon after all . So what if they confused a term? No Biggie, and You got SO UPSET! It's funny watching your kind self destructing without anything done by conservatives to cause it. You seem to screw up everything said on your Dumb-ass blog, and nobody get their balls in an up raw like you do. So Cool it, and either shut up or get the hell out of here.

  8. Democrats have created the great greatest deficit in history. And it's ultimately what cost Kamala Harris and the Democrats control of the White House and the Congress. We need a fiscally prudent Democratic Party that focuses on people's economic concerns."
    "The Democrat Party, I cannot recognize it. I'm a former Democrat. Latinos voted in this election with their wallets. We didn't vote for pronouns. We voted for our paychecks. We voted for safety. We voted with our Catholic values. And the Democrat Party does not represent that. They've really lost us.
    This One Time Great Country of Ours should be Ashamed of itself for having a DIMWITTED, Old Fart as our Leader, and a President that can’t find his own way off the stage without his wife leading him ro shoe the moron the way. And how about his “Shaking Hands with the Air”? Wasn’t that a dooozie? .
    We can already see the result of what the rest of the world thinks about us now, with these Wars breaking out all over the world. They no longer Respect us or Fear us.
    Thank GOD that this nonsense will ALL END in a few weeks and We WILL make America Great Again with a new and respected Leader Donald J. Trump.
    This Horrible Mistake was the fault of the LEFT and the People in the Democratic Party who had no respect of Love for our Country, and Hopefully we will be RID for them and their miserable Party. And the Jackass Dave Dobowoo that Writes THIS CRAP THAT HE CALLS A BLOG
    And now Former President Bill Clinton and that Yo-Yo from California are forming a relationship to tey to save California from becoming a Red State. Imagine the Land of Nuts and Fruits becoming Republican! The beaches with be banning Bikini’s I won’t be able torecognize it. The DNC should declared it criminal.
    IMHO if the public at large is not happy with what happens in the next 4 years, they'll turn back to the democrats. Whether it's Trump's fault or the GOP's doesn't really matter.
    The American People have had enough of the Democrat Party's extreme leftist ideology. The woke insanity of the Left will be their downfall.

  9. Mystere keeps sharting. It's pretty messy. Minus might have to close for maintenance again.

    1. Your fart machine you call Mystere keeps taking dumps? You shouldn't have counterfeited the name Mystere™. Stealing things backfires, Dervy.

  10. Do you think you're my slave Mystere? Is that your fantasy? I don't want you anywhere near me. You are a fart machine. But I don't own you.

    1. Your fart robot can't hear you, Dervish. It's a machine.

  11. Now in Mystere's delusions he's a robot that belongs to me.
