Lets Remember Perl Harbor. “A Date Which Will Live in Infamy” On Dec. 7, 1941, when the Japan launched a complete surprise attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The assault killed or wounded more than 3,500 American Troops and civilians; and severely damaged the fleet; and shocked the entire Nation. The next day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed thr Congress and the Nation, declaring that the “American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute Victory. The way that he sounded left NO Doubt that .” The United States would enter World War II within the next few hours, and indeed we did.. On December the 7, 1941 - A DATE WHICH WILL LIVE IN INFAMY - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the Naval and Air Forces of the Empire of Japan.
The United States was at peace with that Nation of Japan, was still in conversation with the government and its Emperor, looking toward maintaining peace in the Pacific.
Indeed, in just one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleagues delivered a formal reply to a recent American message to the Secretary of State. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack. Although Dec. 7, 1941, will always be known as the date of the Pearl Harbor attack, Oahu wasn’t Japan’s only target on the “Date which will live in infamy.” Though Dec. 7, 1941, will always be known as the date of the Pearl Harbor attack, Oahu wasn’t Japan’s only target on the “date which will live in infamy.” Japanese forces accompanied the Pearl Harbor assault – which fell on Dec. 8 in Japan – with other well-coordinated surprise attacks on U.S. and British bases throughout the Pacific, including in the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, Malaya which is now part of Malaysia and Hong Kong. Japan formally declared war on both the United States and the British Empire The Pearl Harbor National Memorial is one of Hawaii’s most-visited destinations, drawing well over 1 million Service Members, Veterans and Civilians each year to pay tribute to those Hero's who fought and died in the attack. So lets Remember Pearl Harbo , and never forget it.
The Democratic Party strategist James Carville said the political misfortune of President Biden in the weeks following President-elect Donald Trump’s victory. In a recent video on YouTube, the outspoken 80-year-old pundit weighed in on the heat Biden is currently enduring from his own party for pardoning his son, Hunter Biden. Though Carville did not hold the pardon against the president, he lamented how Biden’s actions in the past year have made him such an unpopular figure. Carvill also said that Joe Biden was the most tragic figure in American politics in my lifetime " .
“The Breakfast Club” radio host Charlamagne tha God offered a nice dose of reality to “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg and her fellow panelists on Wednesday, laying out exactly why President Joe Biden’s pardon of his son Hunter Biden was wrong.
The previous day Goldberg had defended Biden’s decision to issue a blanket pardon of Hunter, saying, “He is the president of the United States. And it is his right, and he doesn’t have to explain to anybody. This is his right as president,” Mediaite reported.
She also dismissed the notion that Democrats had ceded the moral high ground because of Biden’s move, saying the party does so many good things.
“The Breakfast Club” radio host Charlamagne tha God offered a nice dose of reality to “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg and her fellow panelists on Wednesday, laying out exactly why President Joe Biden’s pardon of his son Hunter Biden was wrong.
No, he didn't. I just watched the clip here. He never says it is "wrong". What he said he didn't like is that Joe Biden "lied". If Joe Biden hadn't said he absolutely was not going to pardon Hunter, then Charlemagne would not be criticizing Biden. He didn't say the pardon was wrong.
btw, Joe Biden did not lie. Joe Biden's decision to pardon his son was influenced by the outcome of the election and advice from James Clyburn. Clyburn talked him into pardoning his son. James Clyburn also said Biden should pardon d0n0ld, but that would be a big mistake. He doesn't deserve one, and he would probably reject it, making Biden look foolish.
Clyburn also foisted Kamala on Biden and the DNC as the presidential candidate. Clyburn thought that his ballot harvesting scheme couldn't miss. What a maroon!
Most of the regional precinct workers in the key counties that change the elections, are affiliated with and originate from the African Methodist Episcopal church. This is who James Clyburn was visiting and organizing. In person coordination eliminates the need for a paper trail.
The African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church, has precinct level ballot counting election operations (poll workers) in the key counties [Fulton (GA), Wayne (Mich), Philadelphia and Pittsburgh (PA), Clark (NV), Maricopa (AZ), Dane (WI), etc.] The ballot counting doesn’t need to happen all over the state, just at the key urban county level.
Minus: Clyburn thought that his ballot harvesting scheme couldn't miss.
Copilot: James Clyburn, he has been a strong advocate for voting rights and expanding access to voting. While I couldn't find a specific statement from him explicitly endorsing ballot harvesting, his support for measures that make voting more accessible suggests he might be in favor of practices that help ensure all eligible voters can cast their ballots. (end copilot response).
James Clyburn has no "ballot harvesting scheme". I think your mind reading abilities are on the fritz.
Mystere: Blaming another libclown for Biden pardoning his boy, looking like a flatulent liar, Dervish? Two butt clowns don't make it right, Dervy.
My comment didn't mention any "libclown". James Clyburn talked sense to Biden and got him to do the right thing in pardoning his son. The pardon needed to be broad, or the tRump AG would have found some BS to come after Hunter in regards to. I'm assuming they will still come after him in some manner.
ReplyDeleteLets Remember Perl Harbor. “A Date Which Will Live in Infamy”
On Dec. 7, 1941, when the Japan launched a complete surprise attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The assault killed or wounded more than 3,500 American Troops and civilians; and severely damaged the fleet; and shocked the entire Nation. The next day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed thr Congress and the Nation, declaring that the “American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute Victory. The way that he sounded left NO Doubt that .” The United States would enter World War II within the next few hours, and indeed we did..
On December the 7, 1941 - A DATE WHICH WILL LIVE IN INFAMY - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the Naval and Air Forces of the Empire of Japan.
The United States was at peace with that Nation of Japan, was still in conversation with the government and its Emperor, looking toward maintaining peace in the Pacific.
Indeed, in just one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleagues delivered a formal reply to a recent American message to the Secretary of State. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack.
Although Dec. 7, 1941, will always be known as the date of the Pearl Harbor attack, Oahu wasn’t Japan’s only target on the “Date which will live in infamy.”
Though Dec. 7, 1941, will always be known as the date of the Pearl Harbor attack, Oahu wasn’t Japan’s only target on the “date which will live in infamy.” Japanese forces accompanied the Pearl Harbor assault – which fell on Dec. 8 in Japan – with other well-coordinated surprise attacks on U.S. and British bases throughout the Pacific, including in the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, Malaya which is now part of Malaysia and Hong Kong. Japan formally declared war on both the United States and the British Empire
The Pearl Harbor National Memorial is one of Hawaii’s most-visited destinations, drawing well over 1 million Service Members, Veterans and Civilians each year to pay tribute to those Hero's who fought and died in the attack. So lets Remember Pearl Harbo , and never forget it.
The Democratic Party strategist James Carville said the political misfortune of President Biden in the weeks following President-elect Donald Trump’s victory.
ReplyDeleteIn a recent video on YouTube, the outspoken 80-year-old pundit weighed in on the heat Biden is currently enduring from his own party for pardoning his son, Hunter Biden. Though Carville did not hold the pardon against the president, he lamented how Biden’s actions in the past year have made him such an unpopular figure.
Carvill also said that Joe Biden was the most tragic figure in American politics in my lifetime " .
“The Breakfast Club” radio host Charlamagne tha God offered a nice dose of reality to “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg and her fellow panelists on Wednesday, laying out exactly why President Joe Biden’s pardon of his son Hunter Biden was wrong.
ReplyDeleteThe previous day Goldberg had defended Biden’s decision to issue a blanket pardon of Hunter, saying, “He is the president of the United States. And it is his right, and he doesn’t have to explain to anybody. This is his right as president,” Mediaite reported.
She also dismissed the notion that Democrats had ceded the moral high ground because of Biden’s move, saying the party does so many good things.
“The Breakfast Club” radio host Charlamagne tha God offered a nice dose of reality to “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg and her fellow panelists on Wednesday, laying out exactly why President Joe Biden’s pardon of his son Hunter Biden was wrong.
ReplyDeleteNo, he didn't. I just watched the clip here. He never says it is "wrong". What he said he didn't like is that Joe Biden "lied". If Joe Biden hadn't said he absolutely was not going to pardon Hunter, then Charlemagne would not be criticizing Biden. He didn't say the pardon was wrong.
btw, Joe Biden did not lie. Joe Biden's decision to pardon his son was influenced by the outcome of the election and advice from James Clyburn. Clyburn talked him into pardoning his son. James Clyburn also said Biden should pardon d0n0ld, but that would be a big mistake. He doesn't deserve one, and he would probably reject it, making Biden look foolish.
Blaming another libclown for Biden pardoning his boy, looking like a flatulent liar, Dervish? Two butt clowns don't make it right, Dervy.
DeleteClyburn also foisted Kamala on Biden and the DNC as the presidential candidate. Clyburn thought that his ballot harvesting scheme couldn't miss. What a maroon!
DeleteA looney tunes maroon!
DeleteMost of the regional precinct workers in the key counties that change the elections, are affiliated with and originate from the African Methodist Episcopal church. This is who James Clyburn was visiting and organizing. In person coordination eliminates the need for a paper trail.
DeleteThe African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church, has precinct level ballot counting election operations (poll workers) in the key counties [Fulton (GA), Wayne (Mich), Philadelphia and Pittsburgh (PA), Clark (NV), Maricopa (AZ), Dane (WI), etc.] The ballot counting doesn’t need to happen all over the state, just at the key urban county level.
Minus: Clyburn thought that his ballot harvesting scheme couldn't miss.
ReplyDeleteCopilot: James Clyburn, he has been a strong advocate for voting rights and expanding access to voting. While I couldn't find a specific statement from him explicitly endorsing ballot harvesting, his support for measures that make voting more accessible suggests he might be in favor of practices that help ensure all eligible voters can cast their ballots. (end copilot response).
James Clyburn has no "ballot harvesting scheme". I think your mind reading abilities are on the fritz.
Mystere: Blaming another libclown for Biden pardoning his boy, looking like a flatulent liar, Dervish? Two butt clowns don't make it right, Dervy.
My comment didn't mention any "libclown". James Clyburn talked sense to Biden and got him to do the right thing in pardoning his son. The pardon needed to be broad, or the tRump AG would have found some BS to come after Hunter in regards to. I'm assuming they will still come after him in some manner.