Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Lots of Democrats Becoming 'Former Democrats'...

I wonder why....


  1. Cenk is full of sh!t. As is often the case. I don't agree with Lenard either. Even though, according to you, I'm not permitted to. Are you (or have you) sent Cenk any money? He obviously wants rightturd money.

    Both Young Turds are correct that d0n0ld will be terrible in regards to Israel and Gaza. But criticizing the outgoing administration and Democrats is obviously of utmost importance to them.

    "All you have to do is click the join button right underneath the video".

    No way. Did you join?

    Cenk: "ha, ha, ha".

    He is so happy d0n0ld "won". I have very serious doubts. Cenk is a smug a-hole. If I was debating him and he laughed his smug laugh I'd be tempted to punch him in the face.

  2. Democrats love to eat their own. There is absolutely no reason for eating crow, however. Fvck Jon Stewart. Comedy Central could save themselves a ton of money by firing him. Was that recorded applause or did they invite in an audience of republicans? Is Stewart trying to make nice with tRump by attacking Democrats?

  3. Lenard Larry McKelvey = critical of, but not leaving the Democratic Party.

    Cenk Uygur = critical of, but not leaving the Democratic Party.

    Jon Stewart = critical of, but not leaving the Democratic Party.

    Another BS post title.

    These people want the Democratic party to be better. They aren't leaving it. They certainly aren't becoming republicans.

  4. Baloney. Bernie Sanders knows a third party candidate can't win the presidency. That's why, when he ran, he did so as a Democrat. And, when he wasn't the nominee, he endorsed the nominee. Hillary Clinton and then Joe Biden.

    1. That was when the Democrats still had a modicum of credibility.

    2. Exactly. In 2028 the Democratic Party becomes a fringe 3rd Party.

  5. The republican party has no credibility. It is 100 percent about lies and propaganda. The problem is that many have been fooled. But the mask will come off in Turd-2 and many will realize what a huge mistake they made in voting for d0n0ld. I'm praying we can find our way back from the brink of fascism. These are very troubling times we live in. Democracy as we know it could very well end in the next 4 years.

    Democracy haters like Minus and Mystere will be eating popcorn, enjoying watching American democracy destroyed :(
