Friday, December 20, 2024

Just How Sharp Was That Tack?

Proof that an Empty Chair President can always get 38% of the Country to approve of him so long as he has a (D) after his name.


  1. d0n0ld no longer has a D after his name. He was registered as a Democrat, but is now registered as a republican.

  2. Not only that, he also has an (X) after his name, something much more powerful.... the world's current socially dominant "permission structure"!

  3. White Supremacy is now known as "X"? I think that is accurate.

  4. No, Deracialized Humanism is now known as 'X'...

  5. "Deracialized" in Turdspeak means mostly White men. They're the only ones qualified to hold the important jobs.

    "Qualified" in Turdspeak means spectacularly unqualifed. This time tRump will hire even worse "best" people. If you're a White man who did a very bad job in your last position and are accused of sexual assault or rape, you're bigly "qualified" under the d0n0ld meritocracy.

    1. lol! To see unqualified, all you need to do is look at all of Biden's judicial appointments over the last 4 years... cuz his only "qualification" for appointment was RACE and SEX!

  6. As a White Supremacist, I'm sure that makes you very angry. Race and sex were a factor for Joe Biden because these demographics are underrepresented in the judiciary. He had to appoint more QUALIFIED minority women to make up for the discrimination of past administrations who appointed only White men. Even if less qualified. But don't worry, I'm sure, under d0n0ld, most of the new judicial appointments will go back to being White men. cuz d0n0ld's only "qualification" for appointment was (and will be) RACE and SEX! The race being White and the sex being male.

  7. To White Supremacists such as yourself "unqualified" means minority. Minority women are super unqualified. You don't need any information about their background or experience to reach that conclusion either.
