Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Trump Threatens to Dismantle Dervy's Beloved "Whole of Society" approach to Totalitarian Control


  1. I'm strongly opposed to the "whole of society" totalitarian control Turd-2 will seek to impose on us.

  2. I have no such delusions of grandeur. And I'm not a trumper.

    1. Showing your perverted fixations again, Dervish?

    2. By the way, how long are you going to keep standing on your head? It must hurt badly when you sit on your face, Dervish.

  3. As for the video, Mike Benz's alternate history fiction is sellable to those who aren't that bright. Or who don't look to deeply into what's really going on. They are willing to believe fictional accounts like his. Especially if they find his fiction preferable to reality. Joe Rogan eats it up.

    It's slightly more believable than alternate history fiction like "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" and "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". Not much more believable though.

  4. Joe Rogan: Whooooo. ... Jesus! ... Wow! ... Chooo! ... Jesus Christ! ... Witch Hunt. ... This is right out of 1984! ... OOOOhhhh!

    He's really into Mike Benz's Russiagate, Covid and Burisma fiction.

    1. Reality? Unlike progressives, most conservative are.

  5. Kamala Harris has failed to flip a single State in last month’s presidential election, data reveals.
    She the first one in 2 decades to accomplish that miserable achievement
    The sheer scale of Donald Trump’s overwhelming victory has been widely reported; the Republican won the popular vote for the first time in his political career, and the first time in 20 years for the GOP. He also swept every swing state, with his victory all-but confirmed just hours after polls had closed.

  6. Free Press: Rigged? Cyber Security Experts in "Duty To Warn" Letters Urge Harris To Demand a Hand Recount of The Presidential Election. “In my view it is a near certainty the results have been changed at a scale which reversed the US presidential election,” asserts preeminent computer hacking expert Stephen Spoonamore, in a "Duty To Warn" letter addressed to Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday. “I am stating a hand count will most likely show you did win". Link

    As I said previously, d0n0ld tRump is a know quantity. Nobody needed to wonder what he would do as president, given that he already was president. And he did a horrible job. Joe Biden didn't cheat. It's starting to look like d0n0ld cheated to steal back the presidency. Although Snopes "debunked" Spoonamore's claims. But I surely do not take Snopes as the last word on this. They also fake-debunked d0n0ld's "Very fine people" remark. I suspect the election was stolen.

    republicans steal elections. It's just what they do. The supreme court stole the presidency from the real winner, Al Gore. Russia interfered and contributed to d0n0ld's first "win" in 2016. The enemies of America had 4 years to implement their plan to steal back the presidency. After their plan to steal the presidency failed in 2020. tRump will (again) be an illegitimate president, IMO.

    It's for certain that a majority of people are not going to like the misery Turd-2 inflicts on the United States. You will love it, of course. But a majority of US citizens will not. I guarantee it.

    1. Stealing elections??? ...that's why California's still counting votes today, a month AFTER the election ended.

    2. It's quite bad where I am, Joe. Dirty Duc Vietcong Derek Tran is stealing the 45th Congressional Seat from Patriot Michelle Park Steel with help from his butt buddy George Gascon. Most of the district is in ORANGE COUNTY, under the DA Todd Spritzer, not the crooked LA DA George Gascon. Last time, they ran a Commie Chinaman named Chen, but failed to steal the seat.

  7. You libel Derek Tran with your 100 percent false allegations, Mystere. Derek Tran is the legitimate winner. Michelle Park Steal conceded.

    "Dirty Duc Vietcong" is imaginary. Derek Tran came to the United States when he was 4. The Vietcong disbanded. Derek Tran has ZERO association with the no longer existing Vietcong. George Gascon isn't helping Derek Tran steal the election, liar. I don't think they know each other. Though you may know otherwise. I don't live in California and am not familiar with California politics. But I surely would not believe anything you say. You're a bigly liar and confabulator.

  8. republiturds are election stealers. That's a sad fact. They disenfranchise voters and use many other dirty tricks. Like Elon spending 45 billion to acquire twitter, then driving down it's value to 15 billion. He didn't care because it served it's purpose, which was to spread disinformation bigly. It's still being used for that purpose. Elon is a evil Turd. He wants Americans to suffer while his wealth skyrockets.

    1. Democrats in California are still counting fabricated votes.

  9. Mystere: By the way, how long are you going to keep standing on your head? It must hurt badly when you sit on your face, Dervish.

    I don't do either of those things. Therefore it does not hurt at all.

  10. Of course. tRump has also suggested votes not counted on election day should be thrown out. Because not counting legit votes is "democracy". Just call them "fabricated" and toss them in the trash. Or perhaps prosecute the people who they belong to. That doesn't sound fascist at all.

    1. Votes that magically appear to be counted a month after the election are "fabricated" and should be thrown out. Despite running the worst candidate in 100 years, California Democrats flipped 3 seats by "counting til you win". It's fraud, pure and simple. And it fools no one.

  11. The votes did not "magically appear". California is a very populous state and they are taking the time needed to count ALL votes. As opposed to throwing out legitimately cast ballots, as pro-cheating, anti-democratic fascists like you advocate. YOU aren't fooling anyone with your calls to throw out legitimately cast ballots.

    fyi, people can vote split ticket. It is allowed. Though you're likely opposed. If idiots vote for d0n0ld, they should be forced to vote for the republican down ballot? You obviously believe they should.

    Now that tRump has been "elected", would you support the "once in a lifetime" voting that Qtard endorsed? If you don't remember, he said that the one election in which the inhabitants of Gaza put Hamas in power was their "once in a lifetime" vote. And that he had no problem with them not being to ever change their minds ever. That probably sounds AWESOME to you, yes?

    Will there be court challenges that overturn these results? "Stop the steal" 2.0? Elections aren't valid unless the republican wins, yes? Let me guess, all the judges are in on the steal? In your delusion republicans can't win. So why is d0n0ld predisent-elect instead of Kamala Harris? Why didn't they keep voting until she won?

    1. How many illegals voted?

      California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 1174 into law on September 29, 2024. SB 1174 prohibits local governments from requiring voters to present identification when casting their ballots at the polls.

    2. ...and of those, how many "cured"?

  12. Looks like Mystere ran away. He was too afraid to defend his lies about Derek Tran.

    1. Mystere was never here, Derpwood. And Dirty Duc Vietcong Derek Tran's parents were drug dealers in Vietnam. Dirty Duc Vietcong Derek Tran comes from a Vietcong Crime Family.

  13. What you say about Derek Tran and his family are all lies, Mystere. Derek Tran's family entered the United States legally and underwent a vetting process. If they had been drug dealers or been members of a crime family, they would have been deported.

  14. btw, nobody calling themselves "Derpwood" was ever here, Mystere.
