Monday, December 16, 2024

Democrat Psychology

Why everything is race and identity.


  1. The gaslighting continues.

    Everything is race and identity with republicans. The party of White Identity politics.

  2. Replies
    1. Dervish keeps pulling his pants down in public as he lights matches behind his flatulent behind, passing gas and roasting his rump.

  3. What was the maintenance? Did the toilets at "Political Tea Leaves" back up and overflow?

    1. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  4. Did your septic tank clog up and cause your outhouses to overflow, Dervish? It seems you're projecting yourself onto Joe.

  5. I didn't put up a notice at my blog saying it was "closed for maintenance".

    Mystere knows all about projection because it's mostly what he does. Mystere pulls down his pants and does a dance he calls the "jiggly wiggly". Nobody wants to see you dance the "jiggly wiggly" in the nude, Mystere. That's why your OnlyFans account isn't earning any money, despite all the content you uploaded.

    1. ^^Sounds like he has at least one subscriber^^

    2. Dervish is throwing his infantile temper tantrum because Q-Taro laughed at him.

    3. And now that Dervish has just told us about some site I never heard of before, I'm going to do a name search for porn stars with the name Sanders. I bet something embarrassing will show up. Dervish is the guru of all vile things I've never heard of before he squeals about them. I never heard of Boofing until he oinked about it. And now that he farted out Only fans, I saw the Wikipedia definition of it being some kind of queer porn site, something that turns Dervish on.

      Queertard Sicko!

    4. These are the result of looking up gay pornstars with Sanders in their name:

      Gay Porn Star Keb Sanders Porn Star David Sanders Gay Porn Star Jamie Sanders Gay Porn Star Timothy Greenfield-Sanders Gay Porn Star Alex Sanders Shane Sanders Gay Porn Star

    5. You certainly opened up a can of worms, Dervish. You poked the lion.

    6. Hey Dervish, I don't have an "OnlyFans" account, you sick freak! I never will, either. I hear it's some sort of queertard porno site, something that suits your queer fixation. You probably have an OnlyFans account, given that you just made a baseless slanderous accusation against me, you sick pervert. Is it true that you're a highly active card carrying member of NAMBLA, you sick freak? After all, NAMBLA members see it fit to create sick queer videos for sickos like you to get their jollies over. Go joebiden yourself, you sick freak!

    7. Dervish Sanders is a card carrying member of NAMBLA, a sick queertard jackal.

  6. Replies
    1. You must be, since you claim familiarity with recently uploaded content...

      "That's why your OnlyFans account isn't earning any money, despite all the content you uploaded."

      Am I to understand that you are being untruthful?

    2. Dervish is the king of projection. Dervy's papa is the Father of Lies.

  7. As per the video, many people judge others according to their own life experiences. Obviously that's what's going on here. Mystere thinks that because he is a card carrying member of NAMBLA who uploads queer content to OnlyFans, that must be true of me as well. But I've never been on the OnlyFans website or been associated with NAMBLA in any way, Mystere.

    btw, I think Mystere just confessed that his papa is the "father of lies". What did your father lie about, Mystere? If he is like you, it must be everything. Mystere does so much lying he needs multiple identities to spread all his lies.

    1. Blushing much, Dervish? The truth about your family background is on the internet for everyone to see. You brought up that disgusting queer porn site because you're a very active member of that vile site. Your attempt to bait and lure people to watching your queer porno flicks keeps boomeranging back into your rotten carcass.

    2. Why would your delusions cause me to blush, Mystere.

      This is my second reply. I wrote something longer but I guess Minus didn't like it.

    3. Nothing is the Spam folder Derv. if you wrote something the NSA must have disapproved of it.

  8. It was about OnlyFans not being what he described. It's mostly women uploading content for straight men to pay to look at. Yet he says it's all "queer" content. And I have never looked at it. But I am able to read what other people have written. People who have looked at it.
