Thursday, December 5, 2024

83 Year Old Bernie Begins to Dump the Dems...

...but as always, way too late.
He later shills for "non-corporate" media with corporate media's Jon Stewart.  The hypocrisy and self-serving patronizing BS couldn't be any more evident.


  1. He's standing in front of a Harris/Walz banner. The election was in November. The Video is dated October 28. This is a speech encouraging people to vote for Harris/Walz. That is the opposite of "dumping".

    The wealth transfer Bernie Sanders refers to was facilitated primarily by republicans. republicans are who the voters should be dumping. But, yes, you're right... it's too late.

    You posted the wrong video AGAIN?

  2. Bernie Sanders is a pragmatist, not a moron. He is not dumping Dems. He will speak about needed changes. You aren't going to change that with your lies. Lies are powerful. They did win d0n0ld the election. Unless it was stolen. I'm definitely thinking it is a possibility that the election was outright stolen. Though lies were a bigly factor. But your lies aren't going to change what Bernie Sanders does.

    You think this is more of your "concept associations, or drawing conclusions from observations alone"? Is that how you think you're able to read Bernie's mind and predict he will walk away from the Democratic Party? I predict that absolutely will NOT happen.

    Bernie Sanders will offer criticism and maybe endorse independents for other offices. He won't endorse a third party candidate for president. Because he knows a 3rd party candidate for president can NOT win.

    1. He was speaking for changes in front of a candidate's poster which promised 4 more years of the same....

    2. ...and populist Dems are sick of the Democratic Party. They'll either take it over (ala Trump) of break off and make a party that will rob the Democrats of all but the UniParty.

  3. I'm a populist Democrat. I listened to and agree 100 percent with Bernie Sanders's words. But you'll likely tell me again what I believe. And insist I don't know what I believe. Or am lying about what I believe.

    Joe Biden was a very progressive president. He tried to pass BBB but no republicans supported it and two DINOs stopped it. The Democrats you speak of are dumb and don't understand how democracy works. It's impossible to get much done unless the right people in the right numbers are elected.

    The answer isn't to not vote, the answer is to vote more. If the nonvoters and people who sat out this election turned out, the Democratic Party could get things done.

    4 more years of the same = improving economy (which tRump will now take credit for) and inflation (cause by the pandemic and Turd-1 blowing the government response to it) slowing down (which tRump will now take credit for).

    tRump will claim bigly successes, all of which will be due to the work of the Biden administration. tRump promised infrastructure and didn't deliver. Biden delivered, though such projects take time to implement and show results. tRump will NO DOUBT take credit for those results. And rightturd voting morons will cheer for what "tRump did" aka what Biden did.

    1. Biden threw money at Progressive causes and organizations like a drunken sailor. His Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 was simply his ridiculous Green Energy plan with an oxymoronic new title.

  4. God bless our fantastic president, Joe Biden! Now watch all the progress we've made under Biden's leadership be rolled back. You'll probably blame him when Turd-2 drives inflation back up. While secretly cheering. You can pay the higher prices (and will be happy to do so) but they will hurt poor people badly. Hearing of poor people struggling must bring you great joy. Don't worry, they will be struggling bigly under Turd-2. The hardship Elon promises to inflict on the American people excludes the wealthy. Turds like him are already getting richer. As an Elon-worshiper, you must be quite pleased.

    1. FJ, did you see Derpish's Whoz Yo Mama blog links? Derpwood's having queer orgasms over Joe Biden. Derpy says Joe Biden is the sexiest President ever.

  5. "An exclusive Daily Mail poll".

    The "exclusive" daily mail poll has trump near the bottom. And it has Obama and Clinton near the top. Not that I place in stock in a daily mail poll.
