Friday, November 29, 2024

How Progressives Pushed the Overton Window

"I'm so offended...."
...the Karen's call the manager, again.


  1. White Supremacy has come roaring back with the selection of the Orange Turd emperor, that's for sure. The racists have been emboldened. We'll be making many steps backward over the coming years.

  2. Racist Karen trump supporters are the worst. Your karening has definitely been emboldened. There will be a lot more whining from those of your ilk about imposing your White Supremacist values on everyone in the next few years. Given your mistaken belief that you have a "mandate" to steamroll anyone who disagrees now.

  3. Cooties are imaginary. But Mystere believes they are real. Because his his mind is child-like and he lives in a world of make-believe.

    1. Your fixation on orange colored turds is proof you need another cootie shot, Dervish. Your quack doctor Fowchee announced another round of cootie shots has become available. You really should take that cootie shot, Dervnac. It might get you to stop hallucinating and cure you of your queer fixations.

  4. So why did d0n0ld (during Turd-1) tout "Operation warp speed" and approve $12.4 billion on vaccine development? If they don't work why did he waste so much taxpayer money?

    1. Cuz Fauci lied to him when he pretended to develop a "vaccine".

    2. ...when he actually developed the virus and used the money to weaponize monkeypox.

  5. Replies
    1. Uh oh! Did Dervy blab a truth for once, and need to hide it?

  6. You are really dedicated to the parody promised in your blog tagline, aren't you? I don't know if your insane comments are parody when it comes to real tinfoil hate rightturd nutters, though. Many of them actually believe the total bullsh!t you just spouted.

    If what you wrote is true, why did you get vaccinated? You said you did. Because your employer paid you to and because your wife wanted you to. Or maybe that didn't happen? Maybe that was more "parody"?

    1. Are you up to date with your "vaccine". Oh wait, it's not actually a vaccine. That's why you need to keep getting shots.

    2. ps - I'll never be getting another fake vaccine... EVER.

  7. Whatever. It's certain that d0n0ld won't force you to get one for your own good. And for the good of those around you. You don't care if you pass a virus to other people. Even if they have compromised immune systems and could die. That prospect might excite you. You could conceivably legally murder someone.

    1. The shot simply raises immune defenses against virus' that have already mutated, wasting energy.

    2. Neither do your brothel buddies when you engage them in your acts, Dervish. And rubbers can still pass viruses into your colon, spreading through your carcass.

  8. Brothels (outside of Nevada) are illegal, Mystere. I don't have any "brothel buddies". None of the legal brothels in Nevada cater to gay men, btw. What's going on here is that you're babbling about your delusions again.

    1. You can't do something if it's illegal? What's the judicial system for then?

  9. If it's so well known that I'm operating an illegal male brothel (Mystere knows all about it), why haven't I been arrested and my (imaginary) brothel shut down?
