Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Woke Victimhood Social Scoring Hierarchies for the non-Woke

Kudos to Matt Walsh for Exposing the Grift.

"Am I Racist" should be mandatory viewing at your next mandatory employee DEI training session.  Does that sound redundant?  It might, but its' actually not.


  1. BS. Whites are at the TOP.

    That Whites are the biggliest victims is the most important plank in the White Supremacist potus candidate's platform. d0n-0ld did and continues to run on White Grievance.

    Kudos to Matt Walsh for exposing his grift.

    "Is Matt Walsh racist?... Yes"

    Self evidently.

    1. Yes, the "Woke White Saviours" like you are at the top... your "moral superiority" shines through like a beacon! BWAH!

  2. "If you think you're not racist, then you're not".

    Like the KKK thinks it is a Christian organization. I'm sure they believe they aren't racist. Must mean people in the KKK aren't racist.

    And, if someone can't be something they think they aren't, then why do you insist I'm not a Lefty but a neoliberal and center right? I'm not saying I am center right. I'm definitely not. I'm pointing out that you have told me I am something I know I am not.

    So, Matt Walsh can't be a racist because he thinks he isn't, but I CAN be "center right" despite thinking I'm not?

    1. Because the Overton window on left-right-center categories have shifted, Derv, and you are "behind the times" within the window. Especially when it comes to "racism".

    2. In other words, you're the racist now... because of your obsessive anti-racism. You don't call out racism... you racistly call out an imagined white racism.

    3. ...and ignore every other kind of racism. For many years, I was called "gringo". Did Venezuelans call me that because i was racist, and they weren't?

  3. Minus: In other words, you're the racist now...

    Matt Walsh: Here's the truth, if somebody doesn't think they're racist -- they aren't racist.

    That is from the 5:59 mark in the video. Didn't watch the video you posted? You're disagreeing with the bad Matt Walsh?

    As per the text of your post the bad Matt Walsh movie "should be mandatory viewing at your next mandatory employee DEI training session".

    Why is that, Minus? You're disagreeing with one of it's core messages. It's "just a fact" the bad Matt Walsh says. If you don't think you're racist, then you aren't.

    "If you truly, genuinely -- in your heart and mind -- don't think you're racist -- then you're not".

    I don't think I'm racist. Truly, genuinely, in my heart and mind.

    Minus: You don't call out racism... you racistly call out an imagined white racism.

    "Imagined" = bullplop.

    You're doubling and tripling down on the racism. And proving how racist you are over and over every day. You're screaming about how racist on this blog constantly.

    Minus: For many years, I was called "gringo".

    Gringo: gringo (masculine) or gringa (feminine) is a term in Spanish and Portuguese for a foreigner. In Spanish, the term usually refers to English-speaking Anglo-Americans. There are differences in meaning depending on region and country. In Latin America, it is generally used to refer to non-Latin Americans. The term is often considered a pejorative, but is not always used to insult, and in the United States its usage and offensiveness is disputed.

    The bad Matt Walsh (reviewing his own movie): "Just wait until you see the movie, it gets so much worse. It's so much worse than you think".

    I believe it.

    1. Gringo go home! Is that racist?

      Can Latin Americans be racists? I believe they can. How about you?

      "Oh, they mean foreigners".... BWAH! 3/4 of the occupants of the barrios of Caracas in '67 were poor Columbians looking for work as maids, gardeners, and servants for the Venezuelan residents. And they LOVED their impoverished house servants.

    2. During Carnaval I used to "test" your thesis by participating in the traditional neighborhood water balloon fights. My brother and I were always soaked from head to toe within five minutes, but just about every balloon I threw made a new person wet.

      But please, consult your dictionary...
