Saturday, September 21, 2024

Viva la France!

Refrain :
Notre maison : Démocratie !
Notre horizon : Démocratie !
Notre raison : Démocratie !
On se bat pour la Démocratie

Our house: Democracy!
Our horizon: Democracy!
Our reason: Democracy!
We fight for Democracy


Les voilà qui défilent
Aux portes du palais
Faudrait-il qu’on se méfie
Alors que le peuple a parlé

Here they are parading
At the gates of the palace
Should we be wary
While the people have spoken

Les voilà qui s’arrangent
Selon leurs convenances
Voilà qu’on les dérange
Voilà encore qu’ils manigancent

Here they are getting along
According to their convenience
That's what we're disturbing them
Here they are again planning

Car c’est un jeu de dupes
Auquel ils nous convient
Tout ce qui sort des urnes
Doit convenir à leurs envies

Because it’s a fool’s game
To which they suit us
Everything that comes out of the polls
Must suit their desires

Si nous choisissons mal
Ils changeront les règles
Pour qu’ainsi au final
Leurs mains ne lâchent pas les rênes

If we choose wrong
They will change the rules
So that in the end
Their hands don't let go of the reins

Refrain (x2)

Ils ont le verbe haut
Et les bonnes manières
Ils citent Victor Hugo
Maîtrisent la langue de Molière

Chorus (x2)

They have a high verb
And good manners
They quote Victor Hugo
Master the language of Molière

L’art de la rhétorique
Dans leurs plus beaux habits
Parlent de République
Et dinent avec les grands lobbys

The art of rhetoric
In their most beautiful clothes
Talk about the Republic
And dine with the big lobbies

Devant les caméras
Tenues par leurs amis
Ils nous pointent du doigt
Et nous recouvrent d’infamie

In front of the cameras
Held by their friends
They point the finger at us
And cover us with infamy

Mensonges et boniments
Sont le pain quotidien
Qu’ils offrent aux pauvres gens
“Avalez, et tout ira bien”

Lies and sales pitches
Are the daily bread
That they offer to poor people
“Swallow, and everything will be fine.”

Refrain (x2)

Et moi, je fais partie
De ce peuple en colère.
À qui on a promis
À peu près tout et son contraire

Chorus (x2)

And I am part
Of this angry people.
To whom we promised
Almost everything and its opposite

Je ne peux plus les croire
Ils nous ont tant abusés
Ils ne voulaient pas nous voir
Unis, mais toujours divisés

I can't believe them anymore
They abused us so much
They didn't want to see us
United, but still divided

Je suis de ceux qui s’opposent
De ceux qui dénoncent
De ceux qui proposent
Le chemin de la résistance

I am one of those who oppose
Of those who denounce
Of those who propose
The path of resistance

Démocratie, en ton nom
Nous relevons la tête
Nous voilà des millions
Comme un souffle que rien n’arrête !

Democracy, in your name
We raise our heads
There are millions of us
Like a breath that nothing can stop!

Refrain (x2)

Chorus (x2)


  1. Bill Maher trashes Kamala Harris for being 'full of SHIT on Israel, Middle East: and tells her to "Just shut up"

    "Real Time" host Bill Maher had some harsh words for Vice President Kamala Harris, insisting she was "full of "SHIT" when it comes to her Middle East policy.

    During Friday's panel discussion, Maher addressed what's widely believed to be Israel's stealth operation against Hezbollah in Lebanon by detonating their pagers and walkie-talkies this week that led to dozens of terrorist operatives killed and hundreds more injured.

    "Here's what Kamala Harris said this week about what we should do when the war is over: ‘No reoccupation of Gaza,’ ‘no changing of the territorial lines of Gaza’ and an ‘ability to have security in the region for all concerned in a way that we create stability.' I feel like if that's what you have to say, don't say anything. Just shut up," Maher reacted.

  2. Kamala parrots whatever her masters tell her to parrot. Bill's just getting tired of the lies like the rest of us.

  3. d0n-0ld (if he gets back in 0ffice) will do what his master Peter Thiel tells him. That is the primary reason why jd "Vance" is there. As d0n-0ld's Peter Thiel appointed handler.

    And Bill Maher is not a fan of d0n-0ld.

  4. Bill Maher: I thought she [Kamala Harris] was great [during the debate] and I couldn't be more thrilled, and I would put my money on that Kamala is going to win the election... link

    1. Some people know horses, and others just bet on the favourite.

  5. Time to put dementia d0n-0ld out to pasture. I guess you want "Vance" (controlled by Peter Thiel) to be predisent.

    1. Nope. I don't trust JD as far as I could throw him. He hasn't proven himself. He'll have 4 years to try.

  6. He won't be in politics any longer after the d0n-0ld/"Vance" ticket loses to the Harris/Walz ticket. You think he's going to run for predisent in 2028 as a former veep loser? His tenure in the Senate has been short. I don't know, but I don't think there will be an appetite for him to try for the White House again with the voters. I certainly hope to never hear of him again.
