Monday, September 9, 2024

Celebrating the Hypocrisy Party - Happy Happy Joy Joy!


  1. Gaffing Nuisance is a close second to being the worst governor of the 50 states. Tampon Timi just barely edged him out of the moonbat hall of shame. And Tampon Timi is a demon possessed beast. For Gaffing Nuisance to just barely be pushed to second shows how evil Gaffing Nuisance is. Tampon Timi lowered the bar to the level of perversion. California once had a high bar of excellence when Ronald Reagan was Governor. Moonbeam, Graham Davis and Gaffing Nuisance lowered the bar.

    1. Yeah, I suffered the pains Baldy Moonbeam inflicted upon us in California. He and Slimy Willie Brown, who is probably the descendant of Edmond Gerald "Pat" Brown Sr.'s grand and great Grand Parents' slaves inflicted serious damage upon California, and Pat's boy Moonbeam sank it down further in his first 2 terms in office. I was a teen when Moonbeam served his Second Term in office (79-83) and saw the damage he did. Moonbeam's butt buddy Graham Davis bankrupted the state after he blew through a surplus George Deukmejian and Pete Wilson compiled in 83-99. Power hungry Farting expert Baldy Moonbeam returned to steal a third & fourth term in office to set up Gaffing Nuisance's grab for power.

  2. Yeah, I lived in California in Pat Brown/ Ronald Reagan/Jerry Brown days. '63-82 on and off.

  3. Much more "commentary" than actual words of the people Jimmy d0re is commenting about. But who needs their actual words when expert mind reader Jimmy d0re can tell us what they "really" mean? They didn't actually say anything the mind reader d0re "knows" they are thinking.

    fyi, Mystere, "Baldy Moonbeam" wasn't inflicted on California. The voters wisely chose him. And he did an excellent job.

    g00gle: In the general election, Brown defeated Republican state senator Charles Poochigian 56.3% to 38.2%, one of the largest margins of victory in any statewide California race.

    And Californians love Gavin Newsom. That is why, when rightturds tried to recall him, Gavin Newsom easily won and was not booted from office.

    btw, Tim Walz received 52.27% of the vote and his republican opponent Scott Jensen received 44.61%. Meaning, Walz won comfortably. He'd probably win another term as MN governor if he wasn't going on to be the Vice President.

    1. Yes, the Democrats have perfected the art of ballot harvesting and cheating. That's nothing to do with democracy. It's Tammany Hall on steroids.

  4. You link to Wikipedia and say it's a "better bio"? How is that possible? I link to Wikipedia and you respond with an "LOL" and a link to BS from that guy that was kicked out of Mumford and Sons. How the hell can anything on Wikipedia be "better"?

    1. Wikipedia's truths are determined by a single editor named X, who deems all liberal sources perfect and conservative sourced verboten. If you'd watch the Mumford video, you'd know that.

    2. Wikipedia editors either follow X's rules, or they're canned. Then Google doubles down on the fakery by listing Wikipedia sources as the first search results. It considers Wiki articles "high quality" content. But writing well about fictional content is hardly a virtue.

  5. Minus: Wikipedia's truths are determined by a single editor named X...

    Elon Musk is in charge of Wikipedia now?

    1. ...but more likely, a Malcom X lover (even though I kinda like Malcom X myself. He was smart enough to dump Farakhan's fake NOI for real Islam).
