Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Swamp News from RFK, Jr.


  1. Video #1: I'm glad this Turd is being investigated. I highly doubt the Biden administration has anything to do with it. It's been in the news and it came to the attention of the authorities that handle such things. That's all. rfkjr has gone full tinfoil hat. Though they're all claiming that on the right -- that crimes being investigated is "political persecution". Like tRump, he believes that being involved in politics is a "get out of jail free" card. I hope he faces some consequences for his abhorrent behavior. Though I don't know what they could be, given how long ago this happened.

    Video #2: "He wants to do something good for this country". No, he wants to do something very very bad. All the far-far right Christofascist rightturds want to "help" the narcissist in obviously mental decline transition America away from democracy. Shame on rfkjr for helping in this attempt to move America to a total fascist oligarchy. Elon Musk is onboard for even more sweet government cash.

    Video #3: Sirhan, a Christian Palestinian from Jordan, admitted he was angry at Kennedy for supporting Israel, a rage the evidence later revealed had been brewing for some time. He wrote in his diary that he wanted to kill Daddy," said Kerry Kennedy. A thousand times, he writes, "Bobby Kennedy must die", added Chris. "A thousand times. before he goes in the hotel and kills our father". It was, said Kerry, "a totally premeditated, political terrorist assassination". link

    Regarding Sirhan not being the guy that did it, Chris Kennedy says "I know he's a murderer, so it's not a big leap to believe he's a liar". His family members don't buy rfkjr's not believing that Sirhan did it. Like they didn't support his fake presidential run. Like they disagree with his support for tRump.

    Me: Can hypnotism be used to make people do something they don't want to?

    Bing Copilot AI: Hypnotism, or hypnosis, is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. While it can be a powerful tool for relaxation, therapy, and behavior modification, it cannot make people do something against their will or moral values.

    People under hypnosis are still aware of their actions and surroundings, and they retain control over their behavior. Hypnosis can help individuals access their subconscious mind, but it doesn’t override their free will or ethical boundaries.

    Me: Is it possible to hypnotize someone into committing murder? And then, afterward, would it be possible that the person who was hypnotized into committing murder to have no memory of what they had done?

    Bing Copilot AI: ...the notion that someone could be hypnotized to commit a crime and then have no memory of it is also highly unlikely. People under hypnosis are generally aware of their actions and retain control over their behavior.

    Me: [Asked about MKUltra].

    Despite its sinister reputation, there is no credible evidence that MKUltra or any of its methods could reliably control people’s actions against their will. [end Bing response]

    So... tinfoil hat nuttery.

    1. Because the CIA would reveal any discoveries learned by MKUltra... e-r-r-r-r-p!

      And the whale incident is WAY past any statute of limitations, and so any investigation serves only prurient-esque interests like political attacks. And using government to pursue them is an abuse of office.
