Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Exercises in Hubris...


  1. Time to stock up on some root beer, ginger beer, popcorn, butter and potato chips. The clown show's about to start. Oh, I can't forget to get some sour cream to go with baked potatoes too. Or maybe I should boil the potatoes, mash them, then fry them in butter and turn them into potato pancakes.😋😋😋😋😋

    The show is about to begin!

  2. I'm looking forward to tRump losing the election. Then going on trial and being convicted and sent to prison.

  3. Hopefully that will happen before never. I don't know how these prosecutions will play out. There definitely needs to be some accountability for tяump and his fellow conspirators. So another lawless president does not attempt such actions in the future. Zero accountability for tяump would be very bad for America.
