Thursday, September 5, 2024

Deep State Neoliberalism is Out of Control


  1. Much of what Tulsi talks about has been debunked. There are some facts, but she spins them into tinfoil hat conspiracy BS.

    The FBI did not know the Russia collusion allegations were false. They have been proven true over and over. Just recently it was shown that RT was paying rightturd podcasters and other media figures to spread disinformation.

    jfkjr was a fake candidate. Secret Service protection is for real presidential candidates.

    Tulsi has gone full tinfoil. What will she do when Kamala Harris is elected president? Will she snap? Maybe she should be watched.

    1. This is precisely what I would have expected from a fascist bastard. I'm amazed anyone could get as much bullshit in such a small space.

    2. Keep wearing your tinfoil hat Derv. It blocks any and all right-wing propaganda, and only lets the left-wing variety in.

    3. You can give some examples of "left wing propaganda" that the tinfoil hat you allege I wear let's in?

      Also, it is interesting that you acknowledge there is rightwing propaganda. Please tell me more about that.

    4. That China Joe didn't sell his office for cash.

    5. for right wing propaganda, "marriage is good and children are a blessing."

  2. Harris and Walz owe it to the American people to provide their opinions on Israel/Palestine and the war in Ukraine. As the government is funding those wars with our money. They need to address the terrible economy in this country as a pew survey says Americans top concern is the economy, at the bottom of those concerns are things like race and gender.
    She stands there and laughs, and cackels and that is NOT good enough , she has giving ONLY one interview that was 15 minutes, of BS and she only did that because the people were complaining about it. .
    And why do such a HUGE amount of Democratic voters oppose Israel in Gaza and they call the Israeli government a war criminal? They should know damn well that Israel was BRULTLY attacked and they took 250 hostages and murdered half of them !! Harris doesn’t even care about these voters apparently.

    It is a disgrace. By now, she should’ve given dozens of interviews and done a number of podcasts. I want to see her sit for an interview for over an hour without a teleprompter in front of her. I want to hear her talk about Israel, Ukraine, and the economic situation in America without a Teleprompter. No matter what the fact that she has done no press conferences and one interview up until today is ridiculous.

    She is a weak candidate and so is her Cuck vice president nominee.

    Walz is weak and feminized. Calling for tampons in boys bathrooms. Not taking a stand against BLM. They brainwashed all of you people. Why don’t you talk about the fact that 1 million white people were enslaved in Africa.

    Harris is “woke” which makes her a hypocrite. She’s the type of politician that either believes in or is for money/power saying in public that blacks have it worse than whites in 2024.

    Harris does not deserve to be the Democrat nominee. She did horrible in the 2020 primaries.
    Like Trump or not he constantly answered questions from the media, even if they were tough ones. He gives tons of interviews today has done numerous press conferences. What is wrong with Harris supporters?

    Walz recently ignoring a question about israeli hostages in Gaza being killed is poor leadership. And we really haven’t heard Harris talk at all about the US support for the war in Israel/Palestine or support for the war and Ukraine. That is again poor leadership.

    Democrats don’t care about it … they constantly rant about how bad Trump is, “Trumps a white supremacist, he’s a sexist”. There is zero substance on the part of Democrat supporters. It’s not good for the country.

  3. Mustang: This is precisely what I would have expected from a fascist bastard.

    I don't support the fascist candidate, d0n-OLD tRump.

    Opinionated: Walz is weak and feminized. Calling for tampons in boys bathrooms.

    BS. This never happened. Tim Walz never "called" for tampons to be available in boy's bathrooms. No tampons are available in the boy's bathrooms in MN schools.

    Opinionated: they constantly rant about how bad Trump is, “Trumps a white supremacist, he’s a sexist”. There is zero substance on the part of Democrat supporters. It’s not good for the country.

    Yeah, it wasn't good for the country that a sexist White Supremacist was predisent. It would be super bad for the country if the sexist White Supremacist d0n-OLD were to become predisent again. Or his sexist White Supremacist VP jd "Vance".

    1. "sexist white supremacist" is becoming less and less a pejorative and more and more an exhortation extolling or eliciting higher virtues.

  4. Minus: "sexist white supremacist" is becoming less and less a pejorative and more and more an exhortation extolling or eliciting higher virtues.

    I'm not surprised you see it that way. Not at all.

    1. For when you say "sexist white supremacist"... it always ends up meaning the exact opposite. New DemSpeak.

  5. That China Joe didn't sell his office for cash.

    Of course he didn't. China d0nald did that. Hunter Biden used his last name to make money. Maybe Joe Biden's brother. But neither of those people are Joe Biden. And China didn't get anything. China was scammed. Burisma was scammed too. If they thought hiring Hunter Biden would get them something from the US government. Or -- you can tell me exactly what favors Joe Biden (as either VP or President) gave to China or Burisma?

    Minus: for right wing propaganda, "marriage is good and children are a blessing."

    Not, marriages are good? d0n-OLD has had three. btw, are you trying to say you hate your kids?

    1. BREAKING: Sources say Hunter threw in towel to avoid trial exposing Biden-China influence peddling, after prosecutors filed "road map" glossary to trial exhibits:"CEFC China Energy""Patrick Ho""Kevin Dong""Mervyn Yan""Ye Jianming""State Energy HK""RosemontSenecaBohai""SinoHawk"

  6. He didn't? Then why did Hunter plead guilty before trial?

    Marriage is good. Singular. Anything else is a sanctioned hook-up.

  7. You never read Euripides' "Andromache", did you?

  8. "Sources say Hunter threw in towel to avoid trial exposing Biden-China influence peddling".

    What "sources" would those be? Your delusions? If there is an official document that proves that is what was agreed by the persecutor and the persecuted -- you can link to it to prove the accuracy of your claim.

    His associate (during his congressional testimony) confirmed that there was no "influence peddling". Hunter Biden only sold the illusion of influence peddling. That might make him a sh!t, but it also means there is nothing to the "influence peddling" allegations in regards to Joe Biden. Maybe the people who gave him money and got no "influence" can sue for fraud.

    House republiturds looked into it. They thought they found the "smoking gun" -- a check from Joe Biden's brother for repayment of money he loaned him. Did House republicans impeach Joe Biden? No. Because they looked into it and found nothing for which they could impeach him.

    That isn't "propaganda"... that's a logical conclusion based on the facts and what happened. But I'm sure you can come up with some tinfoil hat nuttery to explain why Joe Biden wasn't impeached.

    You think that d0n-OLD cheated, but it was all "sanctioned"? So why did two wives divorce him? I think Melania is being paid to stick around. Though I've heard that she has lovers. Even before he ran for predisent. She was having an affair with a tRump tower employee.

    1. It's in the thread posted... the prosecution's road-map ran through Bejing... and all that "discovery" was in Hunter's lawyers hands.

      Illusion of influence peddling? Biden didn't withhold $1b until the Ukrainian prosecutor was fired?

  9. Minus: Biden didn't withhold $1b until the Ukrainian prosecutor was fired?

    Non sequitur. You claimed "influence peddling" then gave an "example" that isn't influence peddling. Joe Biden was acting on behalf of the Obama administration. The World Bank was in agreement. They all wanted the corrupt prosecutor fired. They all wanted Burisma investigated, not protected. We've been over this previously. Your version of what transpired has been widely debunked.

    1. Joe Biden was acting on behalf of his son, Hunter, who was being paid by a Ukrainian oil oligarch's company to get the prosecutor off his tail.

    2. How do we know your version is a lie? Ask the fired prosecutor. Or better, just watch his answer.

    3. Your fake news sources haven't debunked squat.

  10. Wikipedia: Joe Biden followed State Department intentions when he withheld the loan guarantee to pressure Ukraine into removing the prosecutor who was seen as corrupt and failing to clean up Ukrainian corruption, in accordance with the official and bipartisan policy of the United States, the European Union, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. A confidential informant told the FBI that Burisma's owner said he was coerced to pay bribes to both Bidens to ensure Shokin was fired, though the informant was indicted in 2024 on charges he had fabricated the account. Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory

    Your version has been completely debunked. Common sense debunks it. Why would people in the Obama administration (including Obama) and people at the World Bank and the IMF want to help out Hunter Biden and Burisma? That's how we can be certain your version is a lie.

    OF COURSE the prosecutor would deny being corrupt. "Yeah, I was going after Burisma, and Joe Biden acted to stop me". As opposed to "Yes, I was corrupt. Maybe I should be prosecuted".

  11. I also cited common sense. No doubt you laugh at that as well.

  12. Why would people in the Obama administration (including Obama) and people at the World Bank and the IMF want to help out Hunter Biden and Burisma?

    Common sense. They're crooked, too. Barrack had his own scams going. How else would he emerge from the presidency a multi-millionaire?

  13. Nobody at the world bank or the IMF would have given a shit about helping Hunter Biden.

    Barack Obama is an author who has several best selling books.

  14. Minus: Public service doesn't pay that good.

    As per g00gle, the average annual salary for a member of the United States Congress is $174,000 ... [while] the average annual salary in the United States was (2023 Q4) was $59,384.

    "doesn't pay that good" is 193 percent more than the average salary for an American worker? Who knew? Is that why only half of them are millionaires?

  15. How is it a "scam" to leverage experience, connections and prestige gained in a former position to earn more money going forward? I think that's just how the world works.

    Or don't you know anything about that? I thought you said you served in one of the branches of the military. You put that on your resume but you don't think that experience helped at all in securing a job after you left the military?

  16. You must have left that off your resume, not wanting to "scam" potential future employers.
