Monday, September 16, 2024

Все буде Україна!

Slava Ukraini!
Cui bono?
Ukraine, the Deep State's favorite proxy, goes 0-2 against Trump!

Gee, I wonder where Q is...

... It's always done in the name of "A Higher Good" "Saving Democracy"
I have for many years thought the problem of the incommensurability, and still more the incompatibility, of some values to be central to all ethical, social, political and aesthetic issues.’

-Sir Isaiah Berlin 

Good v. Evil or Good v. Incommensurable Good?

Nietzsche - "Beyond Good & Evil"?


  1. Another Republican. He voted for tяump in 2016. Not surprising. Given that rightturds believe in violence and killing enemies.

  2. Yeah, that why we support Kamala and starting WWIII with Russia... e-r-r-r-r-p!

  3. Long range missiles to Ukraine! Cross Putin's RED-LINES!

  4. You know how you can tell you're NOT a Leftist, Derv? You have absolutely zero capacity for self-reflection or self-criticism. Real Lefties do. They develop a critical consciousness. You have zero. You're just a tool of the Professional Managerial Class.

  5. Tarl is a lying Turd.

    "I'm surprised people aren't shooting at him all the time" -- I said that after the first "assassination" attempt. How many more republicans are going to try to kill tRump before he's sent to prison? At least he'll be safe there.

  6. Thomas Crooks who tried to take out TRUMP was in this “BlackRock” commercial while in high school.

    CBS News: The ad, which was produced in 2022, was filmed at Bethel Park High School, where Crooks was a student at the time. BlackRock filmed the spot, part of a series aimed at teachers managing their retirement assets, in a classroom led by a real teacher and which featured real students. Crooks was one of those students, BlackRock told CBS MoneyWatch. He was not paid, nor was he hired by the company as an actor. link

    He also did not speak. The narrator in that video gave his name. It was "Brian" something. Thomas Crooks did not say "I endorse Blackrock". Or "I am a paid Blackrock assassin hired to kill predisent tRump".

  7. To you (and that dipsh!t liar, Tarl) Nikki Haley is now a Lefty Democrat, yes? Even though she (same as jd "Vance") harshly criticized d0n-0ld before endorsing him.

    And Ryan Routh was a supporter. And apparently he likes Vivek Ramaswam -- another Lefty. Tarl's conclusion is that makes him a Leftist.

    Tarl = Total Turd.

    I'm not going to criticize myself for being aware of facts.

  8. 17 recent contribution to ACTBlue went to Trump? Who knew.

    In order to be 'recruited' one must be identified and then groomed...

    And Nikki's a Never-trump Neocon. And yes, the Neocon movement grew out of Scoop Jackson's (D) staff.
