Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Woke - The Secular Religion of the Majority

Government: "An institution which prevents injustice other than such as it commits itself"
- Ibn Khaldun, "Muqaddimah"
Karl Palanyi: "...these three conditions need to be met for Capitalism to occur: the commodification of land, and we can see that as meaning natural wealth in general; of Labor; and of money. And all those three things need to happen simultaneously for us to be able to say this is a Capitalist System."

So, they could fully commoditize the land, just turn it into an object for making money! And then they thought, "well, where are we going to find the labor? Oh, we can just bring people in to work." And who are the cheapest people to bring in? Slaves. So they started importing slaves, first from the Canary Islands, then from Africa. And of course, slaves are fully commoditized labor. You've stripped away everything that gives them their Humanity, stripped away their social context, their cultural context, their religious context (a whole lot of it). And it's pure 100% commoditized. Labor is what slavery is.
“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”
John Adams


  1. Re-ligio.. a Faith that you are "bound/ tied" to?

    Semantics, Derv, semantics.

  2. "Woke" is an idealogy...

    AI Overview...

    Religion and ideology have different focuses and goals:

    Religion: Focuses on faith and worship, and aims to purify or redeem the human spirit. It may present a vision of a just society, but it's not easily able to have a practical political program.

    Ideology: A system of ideas that's concerned with human progress, especially through political means. It's a form of social or political philosophy that aims to explain and change the world, and practical elements are just as important as theoretical ones. Ideology can guide individuals, social movements, institutions, classes, or large groups. Examples of ideologies include capitalism, communism, socialism, and Marxism.

    "Semantics" is your NewSpeak for "words mean what I say they mean".

  3. but it's not easily able to have a practical political program.

    Tell that to the Muslims, and your buried fear of Xtian theology.

  4. What's that Karl Popper science definition again? You have to be able to disprove a theory in order for it to be considered a "science"?

  5. \\"Semantics" is your NewSpeak for "words mean what I say they mean".

    Yes. That's how scientists DO -- they take words... and give em NEW suiting their needs definitions. ;-P

    \\What's that Karl Popper science definition again? You have to be able to disprove a theory in order for it to be considered a "science"?

    That's BS.


    What means "disprove"? ;-P

  6. Science -- it's what can be PROVED with experiment(s).

    All other and any other (re)definitions -- is just a crooked and cretinic mumbo-jumbo. Called to approve "science" used as smacking stick for "those, who know better".

  7. \\AI Overview...


    Trained on DEMN BS propaganda AI.

    Do regurgitate that same DEMN BS... again and again.

    Yawn. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  8. Qtard:
    Trained on DEMN BS propaganda AI. Do regurgitate that same DEMN BS... again and again.

    In your delusions.

    1. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  9. ^^ Idiots need very little to start laughing ^^

    1. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000
