Friday, August 23, 2024

The Democratic Candidate Bait & Switch Convention Ironically Ends on a Celebrity Performance Bait & Switch!

20 Million Disappointed Viewers at the DNC Finale.

Time to turn Kamala off permanently, once and for all! 


  1. "Time to turn Kamala off permanently, once and for all!"

    Because Michelle Obama is the Democrat's potus nominee?

    Time to give d0n-OLD tRump the boot permanently. Many people hate his guts. I'd say more than like him. The guy is a total moron. Even before the dementia started developing.

  2. Beyonce did not show up? I'd have been more surprised if she had showed up. What isn't at all surprising is that rightturds have something negative to say about it. They'd have had something negative to say either way -- I'm positive.

  3. All those who tuned in for Beyoncé and didn't get her have now become Trump voters. Thanks Kamala!

  4. That would be a pretty moronic reason to switch your vote.

  5. I'm with PT Barnum. No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public!

  6. You're counting on it.

    You counted on it in 2020 and the American people turned out bigly to vote for Joe Biden.

    There are enough non morons in the US to elect Kamala Harris. They just need to not act moronically and stay home.

  7. So, are you going to get the brainiacs to show up at the polls by promising Beyonce appearances?
