Saturday, August 17, 2024

Media Shadow Ban Politics

...and why Trump stays nasty to stay relevant in the News Cycle
Partial transcipt of Ralph Nader and interviewer in video above:
"In recent decades the two parties have found ways to keep third-party candidates off the ballot. We have the most obstructive ballot access laws in the Western World. They also harass them they file lawsuits, when in 2004 we had 24 lawsuits in 12 weeks against us in state after state by the Democratic party or its proxies. So we're dealing here with a fundamental issue of giving voters more voices and choices, or just saying to them you got two choices." 
You mentioned the lawsuits when you ran for president. Remind us of what it was like to get your name on the ballot as a third party candidate.

"Well, let's take Pennsylvania. We had enough signatures on our petition to get on the ballot in Pennsylvania, and the one day we were notified that the lawyers for the Democratic party had filed suit in courts in Pennsylvania to to get us off the ballot. We could imagine, how do we find lawyers to defend ourselves in 25 lawsuits all at once? And they found some Democrat appointed judges who were very congenial with getting us off the ballot. And we ended up in a terrible predicament. They did the same thing in Oregon. They actually called our petitioners at home and said, "if you continue getting signatures, you could be violating criminal laws," which is totally false. But it scared some of our petitioners. So all over they were harassing us."


  1. F*ck rfkjr. He's a fake candidate. I'm hearing that he contacted the Harris campaign and offered to endorse her in exchange for a cabinet position. She told him to get lost. rfkjr's fake candidacy should definitely not be boosted by the media. This Turd seriously needs to piss off. His "public service" is NOT wanted.

    1. Dervish's Joe Biden vibrator went full speed ahead when the RFK video played, causing Dervish to have a bathroom accident in front of his butt buddies.

  2. If ever there was a fake candidate, it's Kamala! Not a single person voted for her.

  3. 14,465,519 people voted for Kamala Harris. But to you 14 million is "not a single person". And Kamala Harris, unlike rfkjr, has a very good chance of being elected the next president. rfkjr, who has no chance at all. Though it seems he is desperate to be part of the next administration, no matter who wins.

    MSNBC: ...Kennedy, through an intermediary, sought a meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign to see if she’d be willing to offer him a role in her potential administration in exchange for his endorsement. ... the cold shoulder Kennedy reportedly received from the Harris campaign was markedly different from the response he received from Trump’s campaign regarding a similar offer. Weeks earlier, Kennedy and Trump spoke directly about the idea of Kennedy endorsing Trump in exchange for a Cabinet position or advisory role in a potential Trump White House. link

    Harris doesn't want an endorsement from rfkjr and tRump is desperate for an rfkjr endorsement. Why would that be? Maybe because both Harris and tRump know that rfkjr is taking more votes from tRump than from Harris.

    By the way...

    AP: Robert F. Kennedy Jr's independent presidential campaign suffered a blow this week when a judge in New York invalidated his petition to put his name on the state ballot, a ruling that could potentially create problems for the candidate as he faces challenges elsewhere. Kennedy’s attorneys filed an appeal Wednesday to a ruling this week from Justice Christina Ryba, who said the residence listed on his nominating petitions was a “sham” address he used to maintain his voter registration and to further his political aspirations. The judge ruled in favor of the challengers, who argued Kennedy’s actual residence was the home in Los Angeles he shares with his wife, the “Curb Your Enthusiasm” actor Cheryl Hines.

    New York is just one of more than a half-dozen states where challenges have been made to Kennedy’s petitions... Some of the challenges allege he falsely listed the same New York address that was the subject of litigation in that state, or that there were problems with petition signatures. link

    Harris will (my official prophecy) receive tens of millions of votes this November.

    Michelle Obama won't receive any votes because she won't be on the ballot. Or do you STILL think she will be the candidate?

    1. 14,465,519 people voted for Kamala Harris for Vice President. 0 voted for her for President.

    2. I don't want my County Dogcatcher to be Mayor, either.

  4. 14,465,519 people voted for Kamala Harris for Vice President. Zero voted for Kamala Harris for President.

    Sounds like a classic bait & switch.

    1. Naaah. Classic it will became -- when she'll stand down and give place to Walz. ;-P

  5. btw - You should probably add the 3 people her voted for her for sixth grade class president, if accuracy is your game.

  6. 14,465,519 people voted for Kamala Harris for President. The VP replaces the President (if necessary) as per the Constitution. People voted for the Biden/Harris ticket knowing this.

    1. Did Biden advertise his mental disability? Then it was a bait & switch operation from the beginning. Courts still frown upon consumer fraud.

    2. oh, but when retailers do it, it's not a Constitutional process... it's a Market one.

    3. the courts tend to emphasize the intentional "fraud" aspects.

  7. Minus: 14,465,519 people voted for Kamala Harris for Vice President. 0 voted for her for President.

    All 14,465,519 of those people voted for Kamala Harris for to be President if necessary. As per the Constitution the VP replaces the President. As I have pointed out multiple times.

    Minus: I don't want my County Dogcatcher to be Mayor, either.

    I don't think any such office exists any longer. They are "Animal Control officers" now. Why couldn't an animal control officer be elected mayor?

    A completely unqualified idiot who inherited a lot of money from his father (and lost a lot of that money), then hosted a fake reality teevee program went on to become predisent.
