Sunday, August 25, 2024

Scoop Jackson Democrats Return to the Fold


  1. Anti-Putin Republicans. I'm not a neocon fan, but in the case of Ukraine Democrats and neocons agree. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

  2. The Democrats are certainly their "allies" in forever wars.

  3. A Democrat supporting Ukraine doesn't mean that Democrat supports the forever "war on terror". I am a Democrat who is strongly opposed to the forever "war on terror" started by gwb. The Russian war on Ukraine is separate from the "war on terror".

    You think the war in Ukraine is going to go on forever? What's the deal with all your prior posts saying "it's almost over" (etc) then?

    1. It depends upon the election in November, Derv. Should the Democrats win, it's almost certain that they'll join Ukraine in their plans for expansion of Empire. Just ask RFK, jr. Just ask Tulsi Gabbard. Both have endorsed Trump precisely for that reason. To prevent WWIII.

  4. Blah, blah, bah prevent WWIII. Blah blah blah tRump isn't Putin's Puppet, that's Hillary Clinton painting.

    What empire is being expanded? Ukraine only wants Russia to leave it's country. Putin is who is trying to expand into the sovereign nation of Ukraine. Well, reclaim Ukraine. But Ukraine declared itself a sovereign state over 30 years ago.

    But, as per tRump (recounting a conversation he had with Putin) Putin said "no way" would tRump do anything to stop him -- and d0n-OLD said "way".

    As per Qtard, tRump is going to start lobbing missiles into Moscow after he gets back in office. That might start WWIII.

    Though Qtard appears to be gone. I guess I must be cured of my multiple personality disorder. I (for one) do not miss "my alter ego".

  5. Continue, continue, Cretin. %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  6. btw, WHO are the "Scoop Jackson Democrats" you're referring to? NeverTrumpers? Scoop Jackson "supported higher military spending and a hard line against the Soviet Union, while also supporting social welfare programs, civil rights, and labor unions".

    NeverTrumpers are still republicans. I think they oppose social welfare and labor unions. And probably see no need for doing anything on the Civil Rights front. Because they (both NeverTrumpers as well as trumpers) both (wrongly) believe that problem is "solved". So wtf makes NeverTrumpers "Scoop Jackson Democrats"? The one issue of Russia?

    I seriously doubt that the republican party of the past could ever have imagined that the republican party of the future would actually ally themselves with Russia. Do the bidding of a Russian dictator. Nominate as their candidate a puppet of that dictator.

    Mystere: Continue, continue, Cretin. %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Qtard is gone, Mystere. Maybe he will return in the future -- but YOU made that comment, not Qtard. I doubt anyone was fooled. Though it is possible that you, like Qtard, were giving yourself some encouragement? Did you intend to make that comment using your "Rattrapper" account?

    1. Scoop Jackson's staff were all Democrats and then all became Neocon Republicans. Now you've got them back... former Republicans for Kamala
