Friday, August 9, 2024

Pelosi admits the Inner Party Coup against the Democratic Voters!

Meanwhile, somewhere near an Open Border...


  1. Tarl is worried that the idiots paying to watch his moronity might go into "Tarl withdrawal" because he's going to the beach for 3 days. LOL.

    Re what Nancy Pelosi is "admitting"... Tarl played a video clip? Tarl read Nancy Pelosi's words from a transcript of where she "admitted" there was a coup? No. Also no.

    According to Tarl, Tim Walz is a socialist? But you say Tim Walz is "center right". So, who is wrong -- you or Tarl? I say you're both wrong. On what you agree on and also on what you disagree on.

    Nancy Pelosi "admitted" there was a "coup" "in essence". "In essence" means not at all. What's next? Is Barack Obama going to "admit" that he and Kamala Harris conspired to force out Biden by threatening him with the 25th amendment. Like that would have worked. Because if he had called there bluff what would they have done? Followed through, guaranteeing a tRump victory.

    Also, Tarl "predicted" that Democrats would start playing up the fact that d0n-OLD is the oldest person ever to run for president? WOW! Who could have seen that coming? Nobody but Tarl? Or everyone?

    1. \\According to Tarl, Tim Walz is a socialist? But you say Tim Walz is "center right". So, who is wrong -- you or Tarl? I say you're both wrong. On what you agree on and also on what you disagree on.

      By their DEEDS you will know em.(c)

      \\Nancy Pelosi "admitted" there was a "coup" "in essence". "In essence" means not at all.

      In NewSpeakean? %^)))))))))

      \\...Democrats would start playing up the fact that d0n-OLD is the oldest person ever to run for president? WOW! Who could have seen that coming? Nobody but Tarl? Or everyone?

      And with this ADMIT being Utter Hypocrites? ;-P

      Yeah. That would be GOOOOOD... :-)))))))))))))))))))))))00

  2. In essence means the "quintessential truth"

    representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.
    "he was the quintessential tough guy—strong, silent, and self-contained

    A coup in essence is a coup.

  3. essence
    es·​sence ˈe-sᵊn(t)s
    Synonyms of essence
    : the permanent as contrasted with the accidental element of being
    : the individual, real, or ultimate nature of a thing especially as opposed to its existence
    a painting that captures the essence of the land
    : the properties or attributes by means of which something can be placed in its proper class or identified as being what it is

  4. No. "In essence" in his usage is NewSpeak. What specific comments is he even referring to? He never said. How can I assess what he's talking about when I don't know specifically what comments he is referring to? You know what comments he is talking about? Maybe you can quote them? Cite a written or video source?

    1. \\No. "In essence" in his usage is NewSpeak.


      And we should believe you... because? ;-P

      Because you are EXPERT in NewSpeakean and talk in NewSpeak all of the time? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      \\What specific comments is he even referring to? He never said. How can I assess what he's talking about when I don't know specifically what comments he is referring to?


      You suddenly... saying... that you NEED QUOTES????!!! %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

      You... who throwed itself into chasms of utter moronity -- tryes to say that QUOTES -- not needed, or even WRONG thing to do/ask for??? ;-P

      But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      (now it would be GOOD time for you to grasp WHY I call you -- a cretin... but you will not... cause -- you ARE cretin) :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    2. Cretin The Assface Dervish bin Satan-Sanders is still smarting from the face spanking he got while bending over. Cretin The Assface Dervish bin Satan-Sanders soiled his Klan Burqa when the spanking relaxed his stinkhole, making him pass a BIGLY burp. His puppet master kicked his face because he dishonored his Klantransmen publicly. No amount of ordinary bleach will remove the brown streaks from his Klan burqa.

  5. Qtard: \\According to Tarl, Tim Walz is a socialist? But you say Tim Walz is "center right". So, who is wrong -- you or Tarl? I say you're both wrong. On what you agree on and also on what you disagree on\\ By their DEEDS you will know em.(c)

    What deeds of Tim Walz are you referring to? None? Because you know nothing about him? Just assume that he is the imaginary thing called "DEMN-commie" that exists in your delusions?

    Qtard: \\Nancy Pelosi "admitted" there was a "coup" "in essence". "In essence" means not at all\\ In NewSpeakean? %^)))))))))


    Qtard: \\...Democrats would start playing up the fact that d0n-OLD is the oldest person ever to run for president? WOW! Who could have seen that coming? Nobody but Tarl? Or everyone?\\ And with this ADMIT being Utter Hypocrites? ;-P

    No. I admit that people age differently. And that age being a liability for one person could be an asset for another person. Like it being a liability for Dementia d0n-OLD but an asset for Joe Biden ("With age comes wisdom").

    Qtard: You... who throwed itself into chasms of utter moronity -- tryes to say that QUOTES -- not needed, or even WRONG thing to do/ask for??? ;-P

    I never said quotes aren't needed. I said quotes aren't needed when we both can remember what YOU wrote. Here I don't know what Tarl is talking about. He could have summarized what Nancy Pelosi supposedly said. Or he could have given a quote. He did neither.

    While I (when referring to your past comments) have provided summarizes. Which should be enough to jog your memory. Then you can say I summarized incorrectly (and we could debate that) or you could lie and say you never said it. You lie by just IMPLYING you never said something. By asking for a quote when we both KNOW you said it. It's a BS tactic to get me to spend large amounts of time going back searching for a quote when a quote is not needed. Because we both know you said it.

    In this case (what Tarl refers to) I don't know Nancy Peolsi "admitted" what he says she admitted. What words is he even talking about? That isn't like with you, where I read your words because they are on his blog. Nancy Pelosi's words aren't on this blog.

    Minus FJ could have included the words (or examples if she has been "admitting" this "coup" on multiple newscasts) but he didn't. And now he isn't responding. Leading me to think there aren't any words that could be interpreted as any kind of "admission" that there was a coup. Because there wasn't any "coup".

    Perhaps what happened is that Nancy Pelosi and others expressed their concerns to Joe Biden, and Joe Biden listened to their concerns and decided to bow out of the election. i.e. there was no "coup". I believe I have seen Nancy Pelosi on some newscast referring to such a conversation. Though I don't recall exactly what she said. Why a quote would be helpful.

    Tarl bringing up alleged words by Nancy Pelosi to his viewer is totally different than me bringing up YOUR OWN WORDS to YOU. But you obviously aren't smart enough to be able to understand that. Think that you did a "gotcha -- see, quotes are needed! Even you agree". But I don't agree. Sometimes they are needed, other times they aren't.

    1. \\No. I admit that people age differently. And that age being a liability for one person could be an asset for another person. Like it being a liability for Dementia d0n-OLD but an asset for Joe Biden ("With age comes wisdom").


      \\By their DEEDS you will know em.(c)

      \\What deeds of Tim Walz are you referring to?

      Cretin DUNNO what Future Indefinite mean? ;-P

      Seems like that's what it is. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      But... continue-continue, CRETIN. ;-P

      \\Qtard: You... who throwed itself into chasms of utter moronity -- tryes to say that QUOTES -- not needed, or even WRONG thing to do/ask for??? ;-P

      \\I never said quotes aren't needed.


      When that is PERFECT FACTUAL QUOTES of your lies.

      Or when it just FACTUAL QUOTES you can say nothing against.


      Well, yawn.

      \\I said quotes aren't needed when we both can remember what YOU wrote.

      You both??? With which of your alter-egos? ;-P

      Well... you MANY-MANY times CONFIRMED -- how you FORGETTING your own words...

      Well, yawn.

      \\ Here I don't know what Tarl is talking about.

      Because you are cretin? ;-P

      \\While I (when referring to your past comments) have provided summarizes.

      Yeah. You really gave to me (and others here) LOTS of your cretinic babbling examples here.

      But, never the less... I encourage you to do it more, MORE, MOAAAAAR!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      \\Then you can say I summarized incorrectly (and we could debate that) or you could lie and say you never said it. You lie by just IMPLYING you never said something.

      And where's that QUOTES of that my "lies"????

      Well, yawn. Never provided.

      \\By asking for a quote when we both KNOW you said it.

      What's the problem with giving QUOTE... if as you claim -- *I* have said it????

      ONLY ONE REASON possible -- if that is open and obvious, OUTRIGHT lie of yours.

      But... that is not interesting, and not a news anymore -- you lies SO MANY TIMES... that NOW every you word deserving being threated as a lie.

      But... continue-continue, cretin.

      Digging EVEN DEEPER chasm of lies for ITself. ;-P

      \\It's a BS tactic to get me to spend large amounts of time going back searching for a quote when a quote is not needed. Because we both know you said it.

      Again that both? You now working in pairs? ;-P


      \\Think that you did a "gotcha -- see, quotes are needed! Even you agree". But I don't agree. Sometimes they are needed, other times they aren't.

      Yeah. That times (quite often) when that PERFECTLY FACTUAL QUOTES reveal your absolutely cretinic lies -- lies against OPEN and OBVIOUS FACTS. ;-P

      Quotes SUDDENLY... became "unneeded".

      Oh, yeah, baby! Liars NEVER lie to be caught by their dirty tongues on their lies. ;-P

  6. Rumors are out that Joey Biden is furious and bent on seeking revenge against the Democrat Party Leaders, now that he had a lucid moment to realize he got manipulated into pulling out of the Presidential race. IF IT'S TRUE, it's going to get uglier for the Democrats at the Convention when they face an angry kicking donkey braying loudly to get back into the race. Biden will be braying and kicking back angrily, cornering his handlers.

  7. Mystere: Democrats at the Convention when they face an angry kicking donkey braying loudly to get back into the race.

    Yeah, that is what I heard dementia d0n-OLD is saying. But the vote was already held. Kamala Harris is officially the Democratic potus nominee. That delusion is impossible.

  8. Qtard: **cretinic laughter**

    Idiots need very little to start laughing.

    Qtard: \\By their DEEDS you will know em.(c) Cretin DUNNO what Future Indefinite mean? ;-P

    It's obviously NewSpeak. "Future Indefinite" allows Qtard to pronounce judgment on people for things they will do in the future (in Qtard's delusions). Even though there are things Walz has done in the past you COULD have pointed to -- in support of your moronic pronouncement. But you didn't. You (having no idea of his record, only that he is a Democrat) said he WILL do things that prove he is a "commie". Because you are a rightturd cretin that thinks Communism is the ONLY ideology that exists on the Left.

    Qtard: Seems like that's what it is. **cretinic laughing** But... continue-continue, CRETIN. ;-P

    Self encouragment.

    Qtard: When that is PERFECT FACTUAL QUOTES of your lies.

    Impossible. I've never lied on this blog. So there couldn't be any "perfect factual quotes of your lies" given. Unless the quote is "......".

    Qtard: Or when it just FACTUAL QUOTES you can say nothing against.

    Yawn. You're talking about your delusions again.

    Qtard: Or... Well, yawn.

    Yes. Exactly. Yawn.

    Qtard: \\I said quotes aren't needed when we both can remember what YOU wrote\\ You both??? With which of your alter-egos? ;-P

    I was JUST referring to comments YOU made. Still, you got confused and started babbling about "alter egos". Well, you are almost constantly babbling about this delusion of yours.

    Qtard: Well... you MANY-MANY times CONFIRMED -- how you FORGETTING your own words...

    Talking to yourself. Obviously. Because I know I never "confirmed" that I'm forgetting my own words. Though, you? Yes you have confirmed forgetting your own words many-many times. Like all the times you say I'm "signing" "my own words" but they are actually YOUR words. And I'm "signing" them by placing YOUR nickname (Qtard) in front of those words. But you forget it was you who wrote them.

    Qtard: Well, yawn.

    Indeed. You keep accusing me of what you do. Like you're always holding Democrats responsible for what republicans do.

    Qtard: \\ Here I don't know what Tarl is talking about\\ Because you are cretin? ;-P

    No. Because he never said what Nancy Pelosi said that was an "admission". We've been over this. But you obviously forgot. Because YOU are a cretin.

    Qtard: Yeah. You really gave to me (and others here) LOTS of your cretinic babbling examples here.

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: But, never the less... I encourage you to do it more, MORE, MOAAAAAR!!!! **cretinic laughter**

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: And where's that QUOTES of that my "lies"???? Well, yawn. Never provided.

    Here is one... "When that is PERFECT FACTUAL QUOTES of your lies".

    Obviously that is a lie. You have never given any such quotes. Because none exist. Because I don't lie on this blog.

    Qtard: What's the problem with giving QUOTE... if as you claim -- *I* have said it???? ONLY ONE REASON possible -- if that is open and obvious, OUTRIGHT lie of yours.

    The problem is that there is so much written here that digging up old quotes is very difficult. I have to find them. But why? You'll lie about the quote anyway. Even though we can both remember what you said. BOTH being me and you. NOT me and a non-existing "alter ego" of mine.

    Qtard: But... that is not interesting, and not a news anymore -- you lies SO MANY TIMES... that NOW every you word deserving being threated as a lie.

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin. Digging EVEN DEEPER chasm of lies for ITself. ;-P

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\It's a BS tactic to get me to spend large amounts of time going back searching for a quote when a quote is not needed. Because we both know you said it\\ Again that both? You now working in pairs? ;-P

    "Both" is me and the person who said it. The person you want the quote from. That's you. But we aren't working together, asshole. You think we are?

  9. Qtard: **cretinic laughter** Yeah. That times (quite often) when that PERFECTLY FACTUAL QUOTES reveal your absolutely cretinic lies -- lies against OPEN and OBVIOUS FACTS. ;-P

    NewSpeak. "quite often" being never. Or maybe you'll give an example? But you won't.

    Qtard: Quotes SUDDENLY... became "unneeded".

    No. Not "suddenly". When we can remember what was said. But you can't remember. Or you pretend not to. I said wasn't playing your cretinic games any more. Remember? Probably not. Due to you obvious brain damage that prevents you from being able to remember.

    Qtard: Oh, yeah, baby! Liars NEVER lie to be caught by their dirty tongues on their lies. ;-P

    Self referring talks.

  10. \\Qtard: **cretinic laughter**

    \\Idiots need very little to start laughing.

    Yeah??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    "Very little"? ;-P

    Like AFTER TWO consecutive years of observing clownish crazy cretin continuously continuing and faithfully reacting to encouraging to continue-continue... pulling Charlie Gordon non-stop??? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    THAT "very little"? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, demonstrating your silly craziness, cretin. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Be MY guest. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\By their DEEDS you will know em.(c) Cretin DUNNO what Future Indefinite mean? ;-P

    \\It's obviously NewSpeak.

    QUOTES from Bible? ;-P

    And from grammar book? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Thank you CRETIN.

    Not everyday one can behold something THAT cretinic being ex-spouted.

    But... I have my faith in your cretinity -- that you will spout even more, MORE, MOAAAARRRRRRR cretinity and it will be even more, MORE, MOAAARRRRRR!!! cretinic.

    So I say... continue-continue, cretin. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Because you are a rightturd cretin that thinks Communism is the ONLY ideology that exists on the Left.

    ??? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Seems like that's what it is. **cretinic laughing** But... continue-continue, CRETIN. ;-P

    \\Self encouragment.


    \\Qtard: When that is PERFECT FACTUAL QUOTES of your lies.

    \\Impossible. I've never lied on this blog.

    Like... you NEVER was saying... in this blog? That "Sun rising in the morning" that is delusion? ;-P

    And well... SAME as when you admitted that you was lying. ;-P

    Or... SAME as when you tried to claim "I NEVER said it"... about YOUR OWN WORDS thrown back into your cretinic liar face with PERFECTLY FACTUAL QUOTES of YOUR OWN WORDS.

    But well... we all here know the reason you, that SAMEBODY under account The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders that writing utter unintelligible and outright wrong false deceitful BS here... just to start screaming "I NEVER said it"... STILL think and can find courage to spout "I never lied" -- and that's... because "SAMEBODY ELSE did it". ;-P

    Am I right? Whatever alter-ego will govern over that cretinicty-infested SAMEBODY which will be trying to answer... ;-P

  11. \\So there couldn't be any "perfect factual quotes of your lies" given. Unless the quote is "......".

    But there is. ;-P

    This words from cretin's The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders account is SAME time are PERFECTLY FACTUAL QUOTE:
    Impossible. I've never lied on this blog.
    made at August 11, 2024 at 2:33 PM in this very thread.

    And ARE ostentatious cretinic LIE. ;-P

    But... never mind it, cretin. Continue-continue, cretin. Your cretinic ANTI-factual lies. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\I said quotes aren't needed when we both can remember what YOU wrote\\ You both??? With which of your alter-egos? ;-P

    \\I was JUST referring to comments YOU made.

    While signing it with your alter-ego "Qtard" moniker? ;-p

    Like... just here... I copy-pasted it as it starts from: "Qtard: \\I said quotes..." and that "I said quotes..." is DEFINITELY YOUR OWN WoRDS. ;-P

    Ctrl-Fing, Double-Checking and...


    Origin of that words is from SAME account The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders written just couple days ago.


    \\Still, you got confused and started babbling about "alter egos".

    Why confused? ;-P

    By now I know perfectly well -- that that is consistently your behavior -- to say some BS... just to claim "I NEVER said it".

    Behavior of a Pathological LIAR or... someone crazy. With memory gaps. And probably with split-perswonality disorder. ;-P

    What is a pathological liar?

    Pathological Liar: Definition and How to Spot One
    A pathological liar lies continuously and often without a clear gain, but they may also lie to manipulate others. Compulsive lying can also be more of a reflex, where a person lies without even realizing it. Have you ever had the feeling that someone you're talking to is not telling the truth?Dec 25, 2023

    Pathological Liar: Definition and How to Spot One
    Verywell Mind › pathological-liar-defi...

    \\Well, you are almost constantly babbling about this delusion of yours.

    And HOW you can know that that is MY delusions? ;-p

    \\Qtard: Well... you MANY-MANY times CONFIRMED -- how you FORGETTING your own words...

    \\Talking to yourself. Obviously. Because I know I never "confirmed" that I'm forgetting my own words.

    You same words just above into this same comment.

    That you: "Impossible. I've never lied on this blog."

    Yawn. Already forgot??? ;-P

    And in next comment you'll be screaming "I NEVER HAVE written in this blog that: "Impossible. I've never lied on this blog.""??? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yes you have confirmed forgetting your own words many-many times. Like all the times you say I'm "signing" "my own words" but they are actually YOUR words. And I'm "signing" them by placing YOUR nickname (Qtard) in front of those words. But you forget it was you who wrote them.

    Just like I DEMONSTRATED in THIS comment ABOVE... with excerpt: "Qtard: \\I said quotes..." and that "I said quotes..." is DEFINITELY YOUR OWN WoRDS." ??????


  12. \\Qtard: \\ Here I don't know what Tarl is talking about\\ Because you are cretin? ;-P

    \\No. Because he never said what Nancy Pelosi said that was an "admission".

    Which means -- yep, because you are cretin -- you unable to understand words of anyone who are not cretins. ;-P

    Cannot read cues, understand references, recognize quotes... even of YOU OWN WORDS, even if PERFECTLY FACTUAL and correctly attributed... think that "SAMEBODY ELSE's" words. ;-P


    \\Qtard: Yeah. You really gave to me (and others here) LOTS of your cretinic babbling examples here.

    \\Self referring talks.

    Consistently too.

    As you signed it with your alter-ego "Qtard" moniker. That is not surprising that you see it as "Self referring talks".


    \\Qtard: And where's that QUOTES of that my "lies"???? Well, yawn. Never provided.

    \\Here is one... "When that is PERFECT FACTUAL QUOTES of your lies".

    \\Obviously that is a lie.

    Have something to PROVE it being lie? ;-P


    But, naaaah... you NEVER do. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    \\You have never given any such quotes. Because none exist. Because I don't lie on this blog.

    Like with this very words? ;-P

    That is QUOTE. Given by ME. And it PERFECTLY exist -- because, how'd you be able to read and respond to it, if it not exist? ;-P

    And that is... OBVIOUS lie.

    Consistently repeated by you.

    Without any proof, evidence or even some marginally plausible explanation from your side -- why and how it can be NOT a lie????

    And many-many FACTUALLY CORRECT QUOTES... provided by me: like "I *DO* deny..." -- you LIED that you "NEVER said it", like "Sun rising in the morning" is a delusion -- how come? And &c, &c, &c.

    You CONSISTENTLY lying about... like just here. Being "non-existing". ;-P

    But... continue-continue, your streak of never-ending lies, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Lying about own lies(apparent and anti-factual to boot) -- that is VERY SUCCESSFULL method to prove one's truthfulness... not. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

  13. \\The problem is that there is so much written here that digging up old quotes is very difficult.

    For you?

    Because you are cretin? ;-P

    Can I refer to this you words being self-admission of being cretin, then? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ I have to find them. But why? You'll lie about the quote anyway.

    Projecting what you habitually do on me?


    But well... then you, as that is what *I* constantly do here -- could use that my silly and non-factual(hypotheticly) denials to base on em YOUR claims that I was lying and I am lying.

    And CONSITENTLY show here what is Truth and where is lies.

    But... that will NEVER happen -- because you are cretin. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. Your never-ending streak of lies. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Even though we can both remember what you said. BOTH being me and you. NOT me and a non-existing "alter ego" of mine.

    You? Remember?

    But that -- do not coroborate with you claim just in the beginning of this murly and cretinicly crazy babbling: "The problem is that there is so much written here that digging up old quotes is very difficult."

    If you REMEMBER... then there should be NO such problem to you.

    But... you not. And that you demonstrate here, CONSISTENTLY, with your own babbling like "I NEVER lied".


    So... you CONSTANTLY claim that you DO NOT remember OWN lies, and MY QUOTES of that your lies... and have problem with "digging up old quotes".

    But... somehow. Just in next sentence CLAIM "we both remember"???? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    That CLAIMS CANNOT be both true.

    Either you remember... or you NOT remember.

    Either you remember "what you said"... OR, "there couldn't be any "perfect factual quotes of your lies" given" by me.

    Remembering and NOT remembering in a SAME time -- that can be only symptom of grave mental dis-functioning. Like dementia. Or more specifically -- Alzheimer disease.

    Go see a doctor. While that is not too late.

  14. \\NOT me and a non-existing "alter ego" of mine.


    People with split-personality disorder do claim that there is none...

    You just keep insisting that you are just like that split-person crazy??? Here, with such claims? ;-P

    Am I right? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\"Both" is me and the person who said it.

    Other SAMEBODY alter-ego? ;-P

    \\The person you want the quote from. That's you. But we aren't working together, asshole. You think we are?

    Well... isn't that is YOUR OWN crazy and cretinic claim... when you tried to babble here that "we both" doing this or that here? ;-P

    Obviously -- we, not. I'm not your partner.

    But... surely you want and see your other SAMEBODY alter-egos as your partners. Am I right?

    For at least some of em. And some other -- as foes.

    That's why such a confusing talks -- when you cannot recognize who that "both" are. Or your own words written from same account are "yours". Claiming they was NEVER written. Or... that is what "you" said.


    \\Qtard: **cretinic laughter** Yeah. That times (quite often) when that PERFECTLY FACTUAL QUOTES reveal your absolutely cretinic lies -- lies against OPEN and OBVIOUS FACTS. ;-P

    \\NewSpeak. "quite often" being never.

    Thank you for revealing some more excerpts from NewSpeak vocabulary you using. ;-p

    \\Or maybe you'll give an example? But you won't.

    Gave whole 4(four) and lengthy comments with such examples. And this one will be fifth.


    But... tomorrow will be another day. And some other crazy cretin of merry bunch of cretinic alter-egos will take over SAMEBODY... of cretin IT, and IT -- will not remember it. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    But... continue-continue, crazy cretins! %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Qtard: Quotes SUDDENLY... became "unneeded".

    \\No. Not "suddenly". When we can remember what was said. But you can't remember.

    Your partner Both? ;-P


    \\Or you pretend not to.

    Well... even if I'd do, while I surely do not.

    But... well, if your opponent(hypothetically... or not hypothetically, as that is EXACTLY what you constantly-continuously doing) would PRETEND not remembering things -- that's EXACTLY where GIVING QUOTES would be MUCH HELPFUL. ;-)

    To confirm truthfulness of own claims. Because they are based on facts.


    \\I said wasn't playing your cretinic games any more. Remember?

    Surely I do.

    Your NewSpeakean lie. Of calling Logical Rational and Witty, Smart Dialogue Tactics -- "cretinic games".


    \\Probably not. Due to you obvious brain damage that prevents you from being able to remember.

    Taking it from ITself as example? ;-P


  15. And... no more responses from cretin? ;-P

    Did I overdid it? AGAIN!

    Overwhelmed miserly mental capacity of DEMN-cretin. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
