Tuesday, August 20, 2024

On Strategic Essentialism - The Glue that Binds the New Left Together...

...and which now completely misses the mark as the older post-'45 German-Jewish Schuldgefule (Guiltpride) and has now been entirely replaced by superficial group prioritized post-'68 Intersectional Performative Identities as determined through the pseudo-academic lens of Critical Post-Colonialism

Brenden, "Hollow Rebellion: How Performative Politics and Identity Fetishes Empower the New Right" (excerpt):
"The new Right’s program varies around four main motifs: against “excessive” environmental worries, against immigrants, against LGBT, and for strong patriotism. But the Muslim fundamentalists are also against “excessive” ecology, against LGBT, and against multiculturalists who perturb their ethnic or cultural identity. The conclusion that imposes itself is that the new Right populists are our Muslim fundamentalists. However, liberal multiculturalism, the common target of our new Right and Muslim fundamentalists, is also hypocritical, not just in the sense that Western multiculturalism is not really open to Others. Superego here: the more open to others, the more guilty. What makes Western liberal leftists hypocritical is precisely their fake self-critical stance which makes them constantly assert their own guilt."

To reiterate with sharper clarity: liberals often wallow in shame rather than genuine guilt. Their performative acts aim to morph this shame into guilt, desperately trying to present themselves as true allies. But what we need is a collective mission deeply rooted in class consciousness. Only through understanding our shared struggles can we transform this shallow shame into authentic guilt.

Guilt must be anchored in a genuine sense of collective responsibility, akin to the emotion and awareness of class consciousness. This true guilt can fuel sincere, effective political engagement, moving us beyond the reactionary rebellion against the omnipotent 'Daddy' figure of power. Collective guilt weaves a stronger bond to our shared mission, intensifying our commitment to allied causes and driving the relentless pursuit of liberation. This is the bedrock of political revolution.

Enough with the performative shaming and moral masturbation. The left’s hallow core has only emboldened the populist right, who craft scapegoats to justify their oppressive agenda against a more genuine liberation. If the left doesn’t pivot, the consequences will only become worse, and the rise of the new right will steamroll over the very ideals they used to champion.

Yep.  The above is a scathing Marxist/Communist critique of the New Left (themselves).  The classically liberal approach which they "hypocritically" apply to themselves for the critique  is actually much simpler.  Instead of looking to "class" and "social group" for victims, apply the very mistake that the Left is making above more universally, and apply it to individuals instead of classes or "oppressed groups"Focus on "Justice" for the Individual... not "Social Justice". for the Group.  Focus on Individual "Courage" not  collective "Social Activism". Place responsibility for guilt and shame where it belongs, on the Individual, and THEN (and only THEN) look to Assemblages to which the responsible individuals belong (so as NOT to confuse it with a superficiality like 'skin colour'), and THEN determine how best to correct the assemblage.  Don't confuse the individual with his superficial intersectional assemblage as the Left currently and invariably does.  Only THEN can you claim that you are an ACTUAL Leftist, and not a sham Neoliberal tool (aka "a Useful Idiot").  There are no shortcuts (ie- class-action lawsuits) to REAL courage and ACTUAL justice.  And finally, ACTUAL Justice is far too important to Society to be made into a 'moral marketing gimmick' for delineating self-selecting group identity politics categories.

How Neoliberalism captured the New Left in the early 1960s


  1. "Jewish Schuldgefule (Guiltpride)" is imaginary.

    Confirmed by G00gle...

    G00gle: Showing results for Schuldgevoel. Search instead for Schuldgefule.

    Translation: There is no such thing as "Schuldgefule".

    "...How Performative Politics and Identity Fetishes Empower the New Right"...

    Yes -- I agree that the trumper right has a White identity fetish.

  2. ...and Democrats have a racial guilt-pride issue. They especially love the CRACKER culture that the focus of their guilt-pride adopted under slavery. The Crackers will RISE again!

  3. btw - The concept also applies to Eco-warriors:

    Assessing the environmental (un)sustainability of products appears to be a complex task for consumers, and despite the growing number of eco-information schemes, their effectiveness leaves room for improvement. Eco-ratings (e.g.,
    ) quantify the environmental (un)sustainability of products in a given choice set or assortment in a standardized way, using a predefined score range (e.g., from 1 to 5) with ordinal or interval measurement level. Since eco-ratings do not have a one-to-one relation to a quantifiable physical reality (e.g., CO2 emissions), their framing direction is essentially arbitrary: in a five-point eco-rating one could frame the scores positively (e.g., 1 = not environmentally friendly, 5 = very environmentally friendly) or negatively (e.g., 1 = very damaging for the environment, 5 = not damaging for the environment). Based on three experiments, we find that negative (vs. positive) framing of eco-ratings increases the choice likelihood of the most ecological option from a choice set (Study 1). Moreover, eco-ratings positively affect anticipated pride, which in turn has a positive effect on purchase intention, and the effect of eco-ratings on pride is stronger when eco-ratings are negatively framed (studies 2a and 2b). In other words, emphasizing that a product is less damaging to the environment, rather than more environmentally friendly, relative to other products, increases the anticipation of pride and leads to stronger intentions to buy more environmentally sustainable products. Apart from the theoretical contributions, this paper has important practical implications for the communication of the environmental (un)sustainability of products.

  4. Replies
    1. As secular religionists... they first confess their guilt for slavery, and then seek "redemption" through recanting virtue-signaling prayers, "Hail negroes full of grace, blessed are you amongst my victims. I now will forever work ceaselessly towards your affirmation, and thereby earn my redemption. I will never use your name in vain again. Vote Kamala!"

      For it is through such acts of contrition that Democrats shall prove their moral superiority and earn their eternal rewards in DC and this world (not the next one).

    2. "I shall forever keep the 'N-word' Holy". Yehova! Do not use the N-word in Vain!

    3. We revere the month of February as the shortest and most special (Black History) month... and shall forever keep it Holy!

    4. Secular religion (Constitution/ Decl of indy) + Democrats Slavery Guilt-pride = Wokeism.

  5. ...and yes, the guilt-pride part IS a religion of scape-goatism.

  6. Poor White Supremacists are being "scapegoated". How sad. Honestly, we don't care about your White Supremacist whines. Just wish you'd shut the Hell up.

    1. White supremacists are the scapegoaters. The whites that weren't white supremacists have no reason to experience the guilt-pride that makes them scapegoat others.

    2. btw - My Ohio ancestors fought for the Union and freed the slaves. What did yours do?
