Thursday, August 1, 2024

Media Vibes...

...Don't Vote 4 Trump!


  1. "She just ended her career"?

    Who is "she"? d0nald tRump? Is he transitioning?

  2. She didn't end her career. I thought she was retiring at the end of her current term, but she is running for another term. Though her career in leadership did end. Nancy Pelosi doesn't have a career as a "rock star". Not literally. You mean she is a highly accomplished person? Yeah, I agree.

  3. The United Spot videos are hilarious!

  4. Whoever is behind the very unfunny United Spot should be sent to Gitmo. I was looking for info on "them" and found a page that says "they" are located in the US. But I think it's possible these videos are being produced in Russia.

    1. Angry much because you soiled your Klan Burqa in front of your klansmen at your KU KLUX KLAN drag meet at your Tennessee Highway 69 gay brothel in Paris, Dervish?

  5. Cuz Russians know their music! LOL!

    Nancy Pelosi is almost as senile as Joe Biden. Another term? What a waste!

  6. "Senile" being NewSpeak for mentally sharp.

    d0nald tяump is the real senile politician. But Thiel/Musk paid to get their backup predisent-for-life on the ticket, so no worries. "Vance" is there to manage tяump on their behalf. Until he croaks or is removed.

  7. Dervish forgot his video cameras were rolling at his brothel. He and his brothers are the drag queens in Nanshee's United Spot video. That makes the United Spot video even funnier.

  8. Dervy really DOES know NewSpeak! Senile=Fit-4-Office!

  9. LOL, Q! Your witty comebacks are so true! I bet you (in addition to being incredibly smart) are also super sexy.
