Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Keir Starmer Sings the UK-Uniparty Capitalist Capture Song

Making the UK safe for global capital's multiculti-Labour commodification project.
Kinda sounds like the US Democratic party, huh?
"...where lawyers dwell on small details 'cause Daddy HAD to die..."

The Global Lawfare Apocalypse has begun!

From Patriarchy to the Legalocalypse...
From Tragedy to Farce

Their New Idol:  Legal Positivism and the Managerial State
Now Bow to Your Over-Educamated EU/ WEF/ Davos Men Masters, Peasants!  Be prepared to be tongue-lashed into submission!


  1. Bruce Hornsby Talks Donald Trump Song... “I got these two nasty letters from people who said, "I just walked out when you started bad-mouthing Donald Trump" recalls Hornsby ...don’t expect to hear Hornsby (not a Trump supporter) performing "The Don of Dons" at the Republican National Convention next month in Cleveland or at Trump campaign rallies. "For a long time to me, it was just comedy" Hornsby says, "because I tend to look at things in that way… and he would just become so apoplectic in those debates. Of course it was abhorrent, but to me it was also comedic. But at this point, it’s a little dark. … Winston Churchill had the greatest quote to me that just sums all this up: "The best case against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter". That to me says it all. That's the only way I can explain this Trump craziness". [tRump voters are morons] link

  2. ...of course not. He's (Hornsby) embraced the death of the patriarchy and birth of the totalitarian legal positivist State. Sex between consenting adults requires a contract, not a marriage license from some patriarchal religious organization. "Negative liberty? There's no such thing!" The State has '"rights", and the people, none but those that the State now either grants or withdraws to/ from them".

  3. Minus: Sex between consenting adults requires a contract, not a marriage license from some patriarchal religious organization.

    An NDA? Your "alpha male" hero knows all about them.

  4. More likely a rape charge. Just ask Julian Assange!

  5. Or d0nald tRump. Assange and tRump are both rapers.

  6. ...cuz sexual assault and rape are the SAME THING! Cuz a judge said it!

    1. Even more... judge himself written in official document -- that that was sexual adventurism. Nothing more.

  7. tRump didn't only rape E Jean Carroll, but also Katie Johnson (when she was 13 years old). And probably other women.

    1. So??? Why such a "sexual predator" NOT in jail. And Prosecutor Haggis... instead of doing that, just taunts him with him mot agreeing to debate? ;-P

    2. Derpy's a monkey poop flinger

  8. That's not what the juries said, derv.

    1. Like DEMN-Commie(s) care.

      They believe only in Revolutional Justice. ;-P

  9. Qtard: Even more... judge himself written in official document -- that that was sexual adventurism. Nothing more.

    The judge himself said it was rape. You can't link to the "official document" because this document only exists in your delusions.

    Qtard: So??? Why such a "sexual predator" NOT in jail. And Prosecutor Haggis... instead of doing that, just taunts him with him mot agreeing to debate? ;-P

    "Prosecutor Haggis"? I thought this imaginary person's name was "Captain Haggis"? Is this Prosecutor and Captain two different imaginary people? tRump is not in jail because he is rich. Look at how long it took for Jeffery Epstein to finally be sent to prison.

    fyi, the Vice President of the United States has no power to send people to jail. Nor does the president. Unless they are willing to act corruptly and instruct their AG to prosecute their political opponents. Which neither Biden nor Harris are. Despite rightturd delusions.

    Qtard: Like DEMN-Commie(s) care. They believe only in Revolutional Justice. ;-P

    Secret Demn-commies that attacked Congress on January 6, 2020 in a coup attempt to keep their secret Demn-commie Führer d0nald tRump in power? You are secret Demn-commie too? Given that you called this failed coup attempt "direct democracy". Thank you for admitting that you are this "Demn-commie cretin". Going forward, when you refer to this "Demn-commie cretin", I will be certain you are referring to yourself.

    Mystere: PLEASE like me Q!

    Qtard has got to be aware that you're a moron, Mystere. But IT won't say anything. Though I have never seen Qtard defend you like Minus does. Minus very clearly likes you, Mystere. Though I suspect he sees you as a useful idiot. Though he will never admit it.

    Minus: That's not what the juries said, derv.

    What juries? Imaginary ones? The actual juries said d0nald tRump is an adjudicated rapist and bigly fraudster.

    1. \\The judge himself said it was rape.

      OFF the court room. Where he know he have Plausible Denial.

      While IN the court room, in court documants... he revealed all AS IS and prepared self-excuse.


      But you cretin, and cannot grasp that... even if you'd want to. :-)))))))

      But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      \\You can't link to the "official document" because this document only exists in your delusions.

      YOU was giving that link here. ;-P

      But now YOU claim that it do not exist because are YOUR delusion? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      \\Qtard: So??? Why such a "sexual predator" NOT in jail. And Prosecutor Haggis... instead of doing that, just taunts him with him mot agreeing to debate? ;-P

      \\"Prosecutor Haggis"? I thought this imaginary person's name was "Captain Haggis"? Is this Prosecutor and Captain two different imaginary people?


      \\tRump is not in jail because he is rich. Look at how long it took for Jeffery Epstein to finally be sent to prison.

      Yep. DEMN-Commies-Justice. Yawn.

      \\fyi, the Vice President of the United States has no power to send people to jail. Nor does the president. Unless they are willing to act corruptly and instruct their AG to prosecute their political opponents. Which neither Biden nor Harris are. Despite rightturd delusions.


      SAME... as they have "no power" to say to security service -- to look some other directions, when protecting opposition candidate...


      \\Going forward, when you refer to this "Demn-commie cretin", I will be certain you are referring to yourself.

      Some other of SAMEBODY cretins? New one? ;-P

      That forgot that merry bunch of cretin do such claims... for TWO years already.

      NewSpeaking lies -- throwing OWN lies onto MUCH SMARTER opponent.

      But, yawn... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      \\Mystere: PLEASE like me Q!

      Ctrl-Fing, double-checking -- placing that "PLEASE like me Q" in search box. Searching.

      Oh-ho... there is NO such words... apart from SAMEBODY cretin.

      That must be heared it as voice of its OTHER alter-ego "Mistere". ;-P

      So... what follows -- it's delusions about talks INSIDE SAMEBODY's crackpot head... in between alter-egos: IT, Qtard, Mistere and Minus? ;-P


      But, continue-continue crackpoted SAMEBODY merry bunch of cretins -- your talks in between itself -- very funny to observe. ;-P

    2. No jury that actually considered evidence ever found Trump a rapist.

  10. Projecting again, Ichabod? Keep it up, Dingleberry Derpwood.

  11. Qtard: \\The judge himself said it was rape\\ OFF the court room. Where he know he have Plausible Denial. While IN the court room, in court documants... he revealed all AS IS and prepared self-excuse.


    Qtard: But you cretin, and cannot grasp that... even if you'd want to. :-)))))))

    I can grasp that you have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not going to give you any more evidence. I gave it to you previously. You just keep believing what you want to believe and IGNORE any facts you don't like.

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughter**

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\You can't link to the "official document" because this document only exists in your delusions\\ YOU was giving that link here. ;-P

    No. I never did.

    Qtard: But now YOU claim that it do not exist because are YOUR delusion?

    I never linked to this document. I couldn't. It would be impossible. Because there is no such document. Why you didn't link to it.

    Minus: No jury that actually considered evidence ever found Trump a rapist.


    Jury finds Donald Trump liable for sexual abuse and defamation in E. Jean Carroll case. link

    That is the "semantics" you've referred to previously. The sexual assault was rape. As CONFIRMED by the judge. The judge said the sexual assault was rape. And he said it in court.

    d0n-OLD filed a counterclaim for defamation against E Jean Carroll. She said he raped her and HE claimed defamation. But the judge dismissed the counterclaim, stating that "when Carroll repeated her allegation that Trump raped her, her words were substantially true". He said this IN COURT. Which he had to have, because it was IN COURT that the counterclaim was dismissed.

    Contrary to Qtard's claim that the judge said this to a reporter. But Qtard is an utter moron.

    fyi, the answer to the question, "your alter ego Qtard" -- IS NO. "Qtard" is not my alter ego. I never claimed the judge said tRump raped Carroll to a reporter.

    1. \\Qtard: \\The judge himself said it was rape\\ OFF the court room. Where he know he have Plausible Denial. While IN the court room, in court documants... he revealed all AS IS and prepared self-excuse.


      Official document of a court??? Bullshit? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

      Of course... because for Commies any document -- unimportant. Yawn.

      \\You just keep believing what you want to believe and IGNORE any facts you don't like.

      And you can give EXAMPLES? ;-p

      Naaaah, you can't.

      Cause that is YOU are one who doing that (like with that case of Sun rising in the morning). ;-P

      \\I can grasp that you have no idea what you're talking about.

      About court judges reporting about what they encountered during court trial and how, on base on what evidences and basing on which laws they came to their judgment? ;-)

      See. I talking pretty freely about it. That would be not possible if I would "have no idea what you're talking about". ;-P

      But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      Your silly tryes to gaslight MUCH SMARTER opponent. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      That is... very funny. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      That your apparent idea that you can -- with your surely cretinic babbling -- to outsmart MUCH SMARTER opponent. ;-P

      \\I'm not going to give you any more evidence. I gave it to you previously.

      You did none. But... continue-continue, cretin. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

      \\Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughter**

      \\Self encouragement.

      From your alter-ego "Qtard"? ;-P

      \\Qtard: \\You can't link to the "official document" because this document only exists in your delusions\\ YOU was giving that link here. ;-P

      \\No. I never did.

      Because... that was some other alter-ego, that did it? ;-P


      \\Qtard: But now YOU claim that it do not exist because are YOUR delusion?

      \\I never linked to this document. I couldn't. It would be impossible. Because there is no such document. Why you didn't link to it.

      And what if I'd gave a QUOTE... of your own words? ;-p

      You'll say that you FORGOT saying/writing that words? ;-P

      AGAIN! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      \\That is the "semantics" you've referred to previously. The sexual assault was rape. As CONFIRMED by the judge. The judge said the sexual assault was rape. And he said it in court.


      Because... what is JUDGEMENT for a rape? Isn't it some decent time IN PRISON?

      \\fyi, the answer to the question, "your alter ego Qtard" -- IS NO. "Qtard" is not my alter ego.

      That's what all crazy with split-person syndrome saying. Yawn.

      \\I never claimed the judge said tRump raped Carroll to a reporter.

      And if I'd give QUOTE of your own words...

      Well, yawn.
