Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Just Shut Up You Chavvy Wankers!


  1. They should come down HARD on these rioting rightturds. Give them LONG prison sentences. Don't like it? Don't you agree with d0n-OLD's "law and order" message? Or is that "law and order" for minorities but NOT for Whites?

  2. You mean law and order for whites, but not minoriotties, right, Derv? Just like the old bail for BLMers.

  3. No. Not like that at all. If you're out on bail you still have to show up to court. The charges don't go away. You don't understand what bail is? Being out on bail means you were arrested and have to show up to face the music. If you don't show up you will be in big trouble.

  4. Like Hunter? Slap my wrist...real soft like.

  5. Replies
    1. J6er... Should all be death penalty for treason.

    2. Mystere: J6er... Should all be death penalty for treason.

      Mystere projection again. That is what he wants for Democrats under a 2nd tяump administration. That comment does not reflect any desire of mine at all. But I'm not an evil Turd like Mystere.

    3. Your obsession over Mystere shows us the condition of your mental illness, Assface Dervish.

  6. The case against Hunter Biden should never have been brought. His conviction was not a "slap on the wrist", it was way more of a punishment than is deserved. He paid the fine for the tax issues and the back tax. People aren't generally prosecuted for the gun thing. And he didn't even have it that long.

    2-tier-democrats? How do you figure? The special prosecutor was tRump-appointed. Most J6 defendants received light sentences. I was initially for it, but I was wrong. There were notable examples who were "so sorry" during the sentencing, then recanted their sorriness after being released. Like Jacob Chansley.

    BBC: A growing number of Capitol rioters have gone back on their guilty pleas and apologies... [Jacob Chansley said] "I am truly, truly repentant for my actions, because repentance is not just saying you're sorry. Repentance is apologising and then moving in the exact opposite direction of the sin that you committed. In retrospect, I would do everything differently on January 6th".

    A judge called his apology "the most remarkable I've heard in 34 years" and sentenced him to 41 months in prison -- considerably less than the maximum allowed. Now more than a year-and-a-half later, Chansley is out of jail early, and his remorse is gone. "Regrets only weigh down the mind", he told the BBC. "They're like sandbags on a hot air balloon".

    His about-face is such that he is even taking his case back to court to ask his guilty plea to be reversed. And he is far from alone in changing his mind about the events at the Capitol.

    Since 6 January 2021, over 1,000 people have been charged over their participation in the riots, and almost half have pleaded guilty. But chatter on online forums and media coverage shows a small but growing number have started to have a change of heart. Emboldened by shifting views of the riots, some have sought to recast their actions, and even benefit from their notoriety. link

    If anything like this happens again (say, after d0n-OLD is defeated in November) everyone who does anything illegal should have the book thrown at them. I am for maximum punishment any turds who break the law. Including the top Turd, d0n-OLD. He should have already received one of those 25 year sentences and be behind bars serving it right now.

    1. Assface Dervish Sanders: "I am for maximum punishment any turds who break the law."

      Turds don't break laws. Turds are bodily excrements of waste from the inside of the body after digestion is completed.

  7. How many rioters served time for the BLM riots 2-tier-Derv?

  8. So, what you're saying is that Catturd isn't a person with a podcast called "in the litter box"? Because how could "bodily excrements of waste" (from a cat body, in this case) host a podcast?? Why don't you explain that to me, Mystere. Or will you run away?
