Monday, August 26, 2024


End the Lawfare Against US Intelligence Community (USIC) Non-Collaborators


  1. Associated Press: Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the messaging app Telegram, was ... detained in France as part of a judicial inquiry opened last month involving 12 alleged criminal violations, according to the Paris prosecutor’s office. It said the suspected violations include complicity in selling child sexual abuse material and in drug trafficking, fraud, abetting organized crime transactions and refusing to share information or documents with investigators when required by law. link

    Either they have evidence of complicity or they don't and their case will be thrown out. You don't care what the evidence the authorities have proves or doesn't prove -- he should be freed either way? Why is that?

    Elon says he supports Pavel because he is a "free speech absolutist". But that's BS. He censors Democrats on Twit-Turd.

    1. Yeah, and Julian Assange was a rapist. Grow the -'ef up! F*CK THE USIC!

  2. He was accused. Then evaded the authorities and accountability until the statute of limitations ran out. Yet somehow you know he is completely innocent.

    Most rapers get away with their crime and are never held accountable. In your mind "growing up" means acknowledging that people commit crimes and are never held accountable? I've already done that.

    1. He was accused of not wearing a condom the day after the b*tch consented to sex w/o a condom. #MeToo

  3. "People's personal information" is NewSpeak for information needed to bring people trafficking in child porn to justice. I thought republicans were opposed to child porn, not supportive of people's "right" to trade it freely.
