Friday, August 2, 2024

American Oligarchs Appoint a New Surplus Salaried Managerial Elite President "manage" the American people for them, and milk them for their labour. 
Bring in the Brahmins!

"Ssssshhhhh, quiet girls.  Don't stir, don't raise a fuss!  Let my soothing words calm all fears!  Don't be alarmed by the goats, sheep, and jackals surrounding and being herded with you, and by no means, point them out to any of the other motley cows around you".  We're a labour managerie now.  Diversity is a strength!  Ssssshhhh!"

"Now get back to squabbling amongst yourselves so no one will notice!"


  1. "Diversity is strength" = White people, vote for the White Man and not the whore negress.

    That is in White Supremacist NewSpeak. The oligarchs are using hate to get dumb Whites to vote against their own self interest again. It worked in 2016 (with Putin's help). It can definitely work a second time.

    This time the Democratic for-the-people candidate is a woman AND a minority! So the White Supremacist Male candidate representing the oligarchs can use misogyny and racism to fool workers into voting against their own interests.

    As always. Though it failed in 2020 when the Democratic for-the-people candidate was a White man. But now that the Democratic for-the-people candidate is a woman and a n*gger, Minus is confident that the White Supremacist strategy will work gangbusters. With the White male misogynist and/or racist who vote Democrat (not many, but some) going for rfkjr, tЯump/"Vance" will win for SURE.

    They have Thiel and Musk money to assist in securing the victory the oligarchs desire. The oligarchs (including the oligarch Putin) are very happy with the tяump/"Vance" ticket. Thiel and Musk are paying bigly for a young replacement predisent-for-life to step in when tяump croaks or has to be removed via the 25th amendment.

    With tяump in place (and his replacement predisent-for-life "Vance") America will finally be fully transformed into the oligarchic utopia they have long desired.

    "Now get back to squabbling among yourselves so no one will notice!"... that the tЯump/"Vance" ticket represents the oligarchs and the Democratic ticket that represents The People.

    "Fweedom" = Minus mocking Democrats call for freedom "knowing" they aren't going to get it. America's workers will be milked and EVERYONE WILL lose their freedoms-- and they will LIKE it. Or, the White rightturds will like it. They want the US transformed into a Christianist theocracy. Idiots (like Mystere) will be so happy about that they won't care when predisent tЯump plunges the US into it's greatest recession ever.

    Well, if necessary tЯump can be blamed and replaced with the predisent-for-life backup, "Vance". The oligarchs love depressions and are hungry for another one. The bigliest one EVER! It will be better than the 1870s to the late 1890s.

    The gilded age = when America was great... for the oligarchs.

    1. The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders August 2, 2024 at 8:03 AM "'Diversity is strength' = White people, vote for the White Man and not the whore negress."
      That's YOUR narrative, eh player? Don't worry, player. Your klansmen heard your oinking and squealing.

  2. That is in White Supremacist NewSpeak.

    No, that is technofeudal divide and conquer speak.

    Just ask your new brahmin, cloudserf!

  3. In post-Marxist Theory, "Caste" is the new "Class". To see which "caste" you belong to, please refer to the Intersectional victimization table.

    SoJus=NoJus, baby!

  4. All it does is collect data so that you don't see the same products on the page as I see. Marketting 101.

  5. Too much "Capitalist Discourse" for you for one day, Derv? THAT is the "environmental niche" in which the other Lacanian 4 Discourse Master:University::Hysteric:Analyst that make up our Society SWIM.

  6. ...and btw - Musk, Bezos, and Zuckerbucks are "Cloudalists". your Technofeudal Lords. Bow to them Dervy, as all good San Francisco like Pelosi and Silicon Valley Democrats (and Thiel) do. Even vassal companies must. It's why Musk bought "Twitter"... to control his "productive enterprises' (SpaceX and Tesla).

  7. The cloud is where the techno-thieves live... even in China (Ali Baba is run by one of the 40 Chinese technofeudal-lords)

  8. Minus: In post-Marxist Theory, "Caste" is the new "Class". To see which "caste" you belong to, please refer to the Intersectional victimization table.

    BS. All you need to do is check your skin color and bank account balance. If your skin color is White and your bank balance is high, then you're in the upper caste. Though rich minorities have less to worry about than poors and middle class of any ethnicity.

    "In post-Marxist Theory" is republiturd NewSpeak. Translated it means, "Democrats -- they're Marxist/Socialist/Commies!!!!"

    White Supremacist republiturds see themselves at the top of the "victimization table". They are being culturally genocided, aren't they?

    Attacking social justice is yet another White Supremacist rallying cry.

    And why are you talking about "caste"? Because Kamala's mother was born in India? You are aware she is an American citizen and Constitutionally qualified to be president? Or are you not?

    Minus = eager to bow down to the oligarch owners. He idolizes them. He sees them as "alpha males" :P

    Give me a break.

  9. It has been years, yet "Trickle Down" remains an economic pillar.
    Those who think, laugh. Trickle down is a urological problem.

  10. \\Blogger BB-Idaho said...

    \\ It has been years, yet "Trickle Down" remains an economic pillar.
    \\ Those who think, laugh. Trickle down is a urological problem.

    Ah... you might be Investor?

    Know how to invest?

    Know how to make Profit?

    How many people work in your company(s)???

    Because... ONLY when YOUR company makes profits -- that profits can "trickle down" to workers... in form of salary... bonuses, or even options.

    But... in your Commie Paradise... NO profits needed? because people need to work for food, or even totally for free (like in Stalin's GULAG or on Pol Pot's death fields)

    Yes, Commie? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  11. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ The cloud is where the techno-thieves live... even in China (Ali Baba is run by one of the 40 Chinese technofeudal-lords)

    Sorry Joe.

    But this one totally stooopid.

    There's NO "techno-lords" in China.

    That's ALL are Party Business. Did you not heard what they did with one of such "techno-lords" which caught Western virus and started thinking too much about itself -- they ki11ed him.

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ Too much "Capitalist Discourse" for you for one day, Derv? THAT is the "environmental niche" in which the other Lacanian 4 Discourse Master:University::Hysteric:Analyst that make up our Society SWIM.

    Yeah, Joe... BS your DEMN-Commies fill your brains with... to control your thoughts.

    Knock, knock Neo... Matrix HAS you. ;-P

  12. Jack Ma Yun is the co-founder of Alibaba Group, a multinational technology conglomerate. Ma is also the founder of Ant Group. As of February 2024, Ma was the sixth-wealthiest person in China and the 50th wealthiest in the world, with a net worth of $30.1 billion.

    The 3 Represents works.

  13. Is Jack Ma still a billionaire?
    The Life of Jack Ma: the Billionaire Who Created and Founded ...
    His net worth is now estimated at around $30 billion, making him China's seventh-richest person in 2023. Once China's richest man, Ma's net worth has fallen by more than $20 billion since he disappeared from public view, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.Mar 9, 2024

    The Life of Jack Ma: the Billionaire Who Created and Founded Alibaba

    So... is he in a re-eductaion camp? Or in grave? ;-P

  14. Qtard: Because... ONLY when YOUR company makes profits -- that profits can "trickle down" to workers... in form of salary... bonuses, or even options.

    More Qtard BS. Workers require an income STREAM to sustain a decent life. Trickles are paid to workers who are barely scraping by. Often such underpaid workers have to get assistance from the government to cover the necessities to live. These are subsidies to companies that underpay workers.

    "Trickle down" workers are usually hourly employees and "gig" workers, not salaried. Only the upper caste of employees receive "bonuses and even options".

    Many large companies are making obscene profits yet seeking ways to pay workers even less. Like their inventing of the "gig worker" to pay as low a wage as possible and avoid any benefits at all. Because gig workers are "self employed" :(

    Rightturds like Qtard love "trickle down" low wages for workers.

    Mystere: The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders August 2, 2024 at 8:03 AM "'Diversity is strength' = White people, vote for the White Man and not the whore negress." That's YOUR narrative, eh player? Don't worry, player. Your klansmen heard your oinking and squealing.

    No, that is the rightturd narrative. Repeated by Minus on this blog. See this post -- the "official sponsor" of the Kamala Harris campaign are the manufacturers of some imaginary knee pads with a Nike "swoosh" on them. Because Kamala is a whore who spends a lot of time on her knees performing oral sex.

    Don't tell me you don't love and agree with that racist and misogynist meme, Mystere. And you can SHOVE your "klansmen" BS. YOU are the one proudly supporting a White Supremacist misogynist raper for predisent.

    We'll be hearing a LOT in the next three months about how Kamala is a "DEI hire", is Black, is only recently saying she is Black, persecuted Black people when she was the CA AG, didn't earn anything in her life, slept her way to the top, is a "Jew hater" who is married to a Jewish man, is the "border czar", etc.

    These are ALL rightturd narratives, not Democratic narratives, idiot.

    I saw you oinking and squealing lies on Lisa's blog, Mystere.

    Mystere. July 31, 2024 at 9:38 AM: Salvatore, you misspelled her name - it's M-A-M-A-L-A. Mamala Hoebama Hairballz hates Jews.

    HOE-bama = YOUR narrative.


  15. Qtard: So... is he in a re-eductaion camp? Or in grave?

    Jack Ma is a CCP member. As such, he is a part of the "vanguard fighters of the Chinese working class imbued with communist consciousness"...

    "For businesspeople in particular, membership is more often a matter of expediency. Party membership provides a layer of protection in a country where private ownership protections are often haphazardly enforced or ignored entirely".

    "Communism" is just for the peons.

    fyi, the USA political Party, The Democratic Party, is a centrist (to slightly left of center) political Party and definitely not-at-all "Communist". But Qtard keeps insisting it is -- proving ITself to be completely clueless about what Communism is. Well, the moron also said Maduro is a Democrat.

  16. Yeah??? Like your whines about your comments being DEMN-spambotted here? ;-P

  17. \\"Communism" is just for the peons.


    And that's what you Commies DESIRE.

    When you claim something like "I *DO* deny..." em HAVING Human Rigths... EVEN!

    \\fyi, the USA political Party, The Democratic Party, is a centrist (to slightly left of center) political Party


    Bolsheviks Party of USSR was praising THEIR Democratic Centralism TOO. ;-P

    \\definitely not-at-all "Communist".


    Commies coming in MANY flavour.


    "By their DEEDS you will know em". And your DEMNs DEEDS -- are definitely Commie.

    \\But Qtard keeps insisting it is -- proving ITself to be completely clueless about what Communism is.

    And what is Communism? ;-P

    Do YOU know a definition? ;-P

    \\Well, the moron also said Maduro is a Democrat.

    Naaah. Socialist.

    And you JUST ABOVE said "The Democratic Party, is a centrist (to slightly left of center) political Party" -- which mean... it IS socialistic TOO.

    And your OWN previous revelation -- that you want to bend it to be EVEN MORE Socialistic. ;-P

    So??? Why you DEMNs DO NOT praise Maduro as one of yours? ;-P

    Well... answers is DEMN OBVIOUS -- because for EVERY Commie -- ONLY his OWN Commie-Disneyland are True and Genuine. And ALL other are FAKE Commies. ;-P

    And that is -- definitive trait of BEiNG Commie -- to be caustically unhappy... with existing of ANY OTHER party, movement, political and religious views.

  18. \\More Qtard BS. Workers require an income STREAM to sustain a decent life. Trickles are paid to workers who are barely scraping by. Often such underpaid workers have to get assistance from the government to cover the necessities to live. These are subsidies to companies that underpay workers.

    Definitely. That "More Qtard BS" is your proclamation that following will be from "Qtard". And it will be verbal BS.

    And really -- it is.

    \\Workers require an income STREAM to sustain a decent life.

    Ahem??? ONLY workers???

    Or just ANY people?

    \\Trickles are paid to workers who are barely scraping by.

    Yep. That's what Commies(-wannabes?) do.


    Mangle economic system a way, that workers became beggars... to claim that MORE Socialism needed.

    \\"Trickle down" workers are usually hourly employees and "gig" workers, not salaried. Only the upper caste of employees receive "bonuses and even options".


    In a caste system created by Commies.


    \\Many large companies are making obscene profits yet seeking ways to pay workers even less.


    Because Commies created monopolistic position for em.


    \\Like their inventing of the "gig worker" to pay as low a wage as possible and avoid any benefits at all. Because gig workers are "self employed" :(


    Because from Commie standpoint -- EVERYONE need to be salary-slaves already. Bounded to their corporate masters.


    \\Rightturds like Qtard love "trickle down" low wages for workers.


    Your Commie-Qtard wants exactly that... it seems.


  19. White Supremacist whine...misheard echo of your own guilt-pride.
