Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Who's Running Ukraine Now?

 The Rise of the Azov Brigade

Yuliya Talmazan, "Coup attempt thwarted in Ukraine, Security Service says, as Hungary's Orbán arrives in Kyiv for talks"
The Security Service of Ukraine said the group plotted to seize the country's parliament.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s security service said Monday that it foiled a coup that would have “played into Russia’s hands” as his Ukrainian forces battled their Russian counterparts in the east of the country.

News of the plot emerged ahead of the visit of one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s only European allies, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, to Kyiv on Tuesday for talks with Zelenskyy.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said in a Telegram post Monday that a group of people were preparing “a series of provocations” in capital Kyiv.

It added that the group was led by a co-founder of a public organization known for its “anti-Ukrainian actions” since 2015, although it did not name either the individual or the group.

After calling for a public gathering in central Kyiv on Sunday, the suspects were planning to announce the removal of the country’s military and political leadership from power, the SBU said. Then they plotted to seize the building of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, the statement added.

The perpetrators “hoped to stir up the social and political situation within our country, which would work in Russia’s favor,” the Security Service said, although it did not explicitly say whether the Kremlin was behind the group or its plans.

The SBU did not identify the suspects or say how many people were detained. But it said they are facing charges of calling for and trying to overthrow the constitutional order and seize power. If convicted, they could face up to 10 years in prison, the SBU said.

In a separate statement, Ukraine’s Office of the Prosecutor General said Monday that the head of the group sought out members of the military and private security guards to help them carry out the plan.

It added that the leader rented a hall in Kyiv that could accommodate 2,000 people, although it did not specify what the hall was to be used for. It also said that four people had been detained.

NBC News could not independently verify the details of the alleged coup, one of several purported attempts to topple the Ukrainian leadership since Putin launched his invasion in February 2022.

Ukrainian investigators said in May that they foiled a Russian plot to assassinate Zelenskyy and other top military and political figures. Two colonels in the State Guard of Ukraine, which protects top officials, were detained on suspicion of enacting the plan.

And ahead of the Russian invasion, Zelenskyy claimed to have intelligence and recordings of a coup plot involving Russians and a Ukrainian billionaire oligarch.

News of the latest plot emerged two days before Orbán, Hungary’s prime minister, arrived in Kyiv for talks with Zelenskyy.

Orbán, a self-described “illiberal” leader, is known to have a close personal relationship with Putin, and while he and his government have condemned the invasion of Ukraine, they have refused to criticize the Russian leader.

He has also routinely blocked, delayed or watered down European Union efforts to extend assistance to Ukraine and to sanction Russia over the war.

He has also accused Ukraine of infringing on the rights of an ethnic Hungarian minority in the country’s western region of Zakarpattia for years, complicating relations between the two neighbors.

Orbán’s visit comes the day after Hungary took over the six-month rotating presidency of the European Union, a position that has little real power but can be used to set the tone of the 27-nation bloc’s agenda.

Referencing the presidency in a news conference after meeting with Zelenskyy, Orbán said he chose Kyiv for his first visit “because peace is an important question” and the war was affecting European security, according to the translation of his comments posted to the Ukrainian president's official Telegram account.

“I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order, and speed up peace talks with making a ceasefire first,” Orban said. “A cease-fire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks. I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation.”

Zelenskyy did not respond to those comments. Instead he mooted the possibility of a broad bilateral cooperation agreement between Ukraine and Hungary.

Separately his chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, said that an "important conversation" about the future of Europe, security, international law and the Peace Formula, Zelenskyy’s 10-point plan for ending the war, had taken place.

Elsewhere, in eastern Ukraine, fierce battles between the country's forces and their Russian rivals continued. However, Moscow’s counteroffensive in the northeastern Kharkiv region appeared to stall as newly committed U.S. military supplies have started to trickle in.

On the quiet lifting of the US weapons ban on arms to Azov. 

Denys Prokopenko (Azov Commander)


  1. Yawn.

    And how it related to Azov???

    That is remnants of liliPut's agent Medvedchuk.

    PS Let me guess... that is YET ONE source that spread liliPut's propaganda on the West.

  2. \\However, Moscow’s counteroffensive in the northeastern Kharkiv...

    Counter-WUT????? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Since when outright cross-border attack of one country into another called "counter-offensive"??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well, but I know why -- that is DIRECT translation from Russian of liliPut's lying narrative. ;-P

  3. \\“I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order, and speed up peace talks with making a ceasefire first,” Orban said. “A cease-fire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks. I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation.”


    Hitler would appreciate ceasefire... on a D-day. ;-P

    And Hiriohito would like a peacetalks... after his troops was thrown out back to home islands.

  4. And how it related to Azov???

    ...ta-DA! done now.

  5. Text of a screed cited.

    That talks about remnants of liliPut's agent Medvedchik organizations -- that tried to undermine sovereignity and independence of Ukraine through use of such Fifth Columns (in terms of Hitler) organizations as that one described in text.

    And that is NOT Azov.

    Azov -- that is regular military brigade of Ukraine.

    Brigade, even your USA deep investigation found NO guilt behind.

    So now it allowed to receive weapon and training from USA.

    PS I see... you just like riding dead horses.


    Not impressive.

  6. Please. This shows that the SBU runs Ukraine, and we run the SBU. Giving toys to Azov now is just a way to make it fall into line and not try anything stupid.

  7. ...and you skipped the vid. It was full of Azov this and Azov THAT.

  8. The test I posted was to deMONSTRATE who WAS in charge.

  9. ...and as you correctly noted, it WASN'T Azov.

  10. Mystere: tRumpturd propaganda gone bad.

    How so, Mystere?

  11. Mystere's fake comment will post, but my comment goes directly to spam??

    1. Mystere's living rent free in your empty head😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  12. Get used to it, cretin. ;-P

  13. \\...and you skipped the vid. It was full of Azov this and Azov THAT.

    Whatever. It full of BS anyway.

    \\The test I posted was to deMONSTRATE who WAS in charge.

    Yeah. liliPut's agent Medvedchuk and liliPut's agent Yanikovich.

    \\Please. This shows that the SBU runs Ukraine, and we run the SBU.

    SAME... as you "runned" Iraq and Aphganistan? ;-P

    Some people unable to learn... even from OWN failures.


  14. Come and stitch em up. ;-P

    PS Do you not know story of Pinocchio? ;-)

  15. Oh... sorry, I meant Buratino, of course. ;-P

    Buratino is the main character of Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy's 1936 fairy tale The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino, which is based on the 1883 Italian novel The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi. Buratino originated as a character in the commedia dell'arte. Wikipedia

  16. Ah, he becomes the shadow puppeteer of Plato's cave... rather than a "real" boy. I get it.

    Unlike Pinocchio in the original story, Buratino never becomes a real human. Quite the contrary, he is rewarded for not following the rules of what is assumed to be right behaviour (although he attempts to kill the Cricket and sells the book Papa Carlo sold his jacket to see the puppet show, Buratino is more heroic) and being nonconformist. In the finale, we see him playing in a new puppet theater of Carlo's.

  17. \\ I get it

    Yeah... it's definitely and most interesting -- how you DO NOT get it. ;-P

    And almost all hemisphere.

    As that figure (Buratino is more heroic... and being nonconformist) is eponymous here.

    Like also -- Chipollino and Pippi Longstock.

    Does USA have anything like that???

    Ah, well, Tom Soier. But, he is more like a hillbilly. Than social-revolutioner.


  18. America has no "discontents"? No "heterodoxy"? Who knew? Our "puppeteers" must be very good, indeed!

  19. Diversity is a Strength? e pluribus unum? Meden agan!

  20. Eponymous is an adjective that refers to the person, place, or thing that something else is named after. However, eponymous can also refer to the thing that is named after something else.

  21. ...not the first star, not the third, the SECOND star from the right! Now, when I cut these strings, which shall you steer for???

    Have you learned to fly??

  22. \\Diversity is a Strength? e pluribus unum? Meden agan!

    And what about "unity in numbers"? Like "one for all and all... da fk with that one". ;-P

    \\Eponymous is an adjective that refers to the person, place, or thing that something else is named after. However, eponymous can also refer to the thing that is named after something else.

    Yeah... RFia is a land of "Evil Buratinos". ;-P ("evil clowns" in your USA equivalent)

    Like this, or this or this one

    Would you anticipate Pentagon creating some barbaric type of weapon... and calling it -- Pinocchio? And what would it be? ;-P (is it counts as "the esoteric "misunderstandings""?)

  23. Naaah. Peter Pen do not counts.

    He is scatterbrains... and not of THIS world.

    Well... yeah... I really do not remember anything like that.

    Maybe only Stalone, as very-very first Rambo. BTW, do you know European Rambo ;-)

  24. Nietzsche, GoM 2nd essay:

    Perhaps in those days (this is to solace the weaklings) pain did not hurt so much as it does nowadays: any physician who has treated negroes (granted that these are taken as representative of the prehistoric man) suffering from severe internal inflammations which would bring a European, even though he had the soundest constitution, almost to despair, would be in a position to come to this conclusion. Pain has not the same effect with negroes. (The curve of human sensibilities to pain seems indeed to sink in an extraordinary and almost sudden fashion, as soon as one has passed the upper ten thousand or ten millions of over-civilised humanity, and I personally have no doubt that, by comparison with one painful night passed by one single hysterical chit of a cultured woman, the suffering of all the animals taken together who have been put to the question of the knife, so as to give scientific answers, are simply[Pg 77] negligible.) We may perhaps be allowed to admit the possibility of the craving for cruelty not necessarily having become really extinct: it only requires, in view of the fact that pain hurts more nowadays, a certain sublimation and subtilisation, it must especially be translated to the imaginative and psychic plane, and be adorned with such smug euphemisms, that even the most fastidious and hypocritical conscience could never grow suspicious of their real nature ("Tragic pity" is one of these euphemisms: another is "les nostalgies de la croix"). What really raises one's indignation against suffering is not suffering intrinsically, but the senselessness of suffering; such a senselessness, however, existed neither in Christianity, which interpreted suffering into a whole mysterious salvation-apparatus, nor in the beliefs of the naive ancient man, who only knew how to find a meaning in suffering from the standpoint of the spectator, or the inflictor of the suffering. In order to get the secret, undiscovered, and unwitnessed suffering out of the world it was almost compulsory to invent gods and a hierarchy of intermediate beings, in short, something which wanders even among secret places, sees even in the dark, and makes a point of never missing an interesting and painful spectacle. It was with the help of such inventions that life got to learn the tour de force, which has become part of its stock-in-trade, the tour de force of self-justification, of the justification of evil; nowadays this would perhaps require other auxiliary devices (for instance, life as a riddle, life as a problem of[Pg 78] knowledge).

  25. "Every evil is justified in the sight of which a god finds edification," so rang the logic of primitive sentiment—and, indeed, was it only of primitive? The gods conceived as friends of spectacles of cruelty—oh how far does this primeval conception extend even nowadays into our European civilisation! One would perhaps like in this context to consult Luther and Calvin. It is at any rate certain that even the Greeks knew no more piquant seasoning for the happiness of their gods than the joys of cruelty. What, do you think, was the mood with which Homer makes his gods look down upon the fates of men? What final meaning have at bottom the Trojan War and similar tragic horrors? It is impossible to entertain any doubt on the point: they were intended as festival games for the gods, and, in so far as the poet is of a more godlike breed than other men, as festival games also for the poets. It was in just this spirit and no other, that at a later date the moral philosophers of Greece conceived the eyes of God as still looking down on the moral struggle, the heroism, and the self-torture of the virtuous; the Heracles of duty was on a stage, and was conscious of the fact; virtue without witnesses was something quite unthinkable for this nation of actors. Must not that philosophic invention, so audacious and so fatal, which was then absolutely new to Europe, the invention of "free will," of the absolute spontaneity of man in good and evil, simply have been made for the specific purpose of justifying the idea, that the interest of[Pg 79] the gods in humanity and human virtue was inexhaustible?

    There would never on the stage of this free-will world be a dearth of really new, really novel and exciting situations, plots, catastrophes. A world thought out on completely deterministic lines would be easily guessed by the gods, and would consequently soon bore them—sufficient reason for these friends of the gods, the philosophers, not to ascribe to their gods such a deterministic world. The whole of ancient humanity is full of delicate consideration for the spectator, being as it is a world of thorough publicity and theatricality, which could not conceive of happiness without spectacles and festivals.—And, as has already been said, even in great punishment there is so much which is festive.

  26. Is it your modern or post-modern father that you obey, Jack?

  27. ...because the latter must NOT be disobeyed, for he will not brook disobedience OR discontent!

  28. Which father will it be? The "punishment" of the authoritative disciplinarian? Or the achievement oriented psychic tortures of father of "the society of control"?

  29. Oh you weak, weak soul. For as Nietzsche said above, "And, as has already been said, even in great punishment there is so much which is festive."

  30. disobedience for punishment.

  31. ...precedes essence.

    A cyclical societal progression? Sincerity -> Authenticity -> Profilicity -> ? (Sincerity again?)

  32. \\Persistence precedes existence.

    Yet one sci-fi reminiscence.

    In one sci-fi text one author deviced that sneaky people of the future -- devised to make "book of All Wisdoms" -- that was just a random collage of words.

    But... chosen that way -- that people reading em will feel that some High Wisdoms was opened to em, ;-P

    \\A cyclical societal progression? Sincerity -> Authenticity -> Profilicity -> ? (Sincerity again?)

    Human born -> grow -> make children -> getting old... ?

  33. Yeah, Shakespeare had a similar wheel... from "As you Like It" (Act II, Sc VII)

    All the world’s a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players;
    They have their exits and their entrances;
    And one man in his time plays many parts,
    His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,
    Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms;
    And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel
    And shining morning face, creeping like snail
    Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
    Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
    Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,
    Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
    Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
    Seeking the bubble reputation
    Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,
    In fair round belly with good capon lin’d,
    With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
    Full of wise saws and modern instances;
    And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
    Into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon,
    With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
    His youthful hose, well sav’d, a world too wide
    For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,
    Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
    And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
    That ends this strange eventful history,
    Is second childishness and mere oblivion;
    Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

  34. It's all about the "magnet properties" of the words. Some attract. Some repel. But mostly, we all just get strung along by the narrative.

    Wikipedia on Plato, "Ion" The nature of poetic inspiration (533d–536d)
    Socrates deduces from this observation that Ion has no real skill, but is like a soothsayer or prophet in being divinely possessed:

    "For not by art do they utter these things, but by divine influence; since, if they had fully learned by art to speak on one kind of theme, they would know how to speak on all. And for this reason God takes away the mind of these men and uses them as his ministers, just as he does soothsayers and godly seers, in order that we who hear them may know that it is not they who utter these words of great price, when they are out of their wits, but that it is God himself who speaks and addresses us through them." (534b–d)

    Socrates offers the metaphor of a magnet to explain how the rhapsode transmits the poet's original inspiration from the muse to the audience. He says that the god speaks first to the poet, then gives the rhapsode his skill, and thus, gods communicate to the people. Socrates posits that Ion must be out of his mind when he acts, because he can weep even though he has lost nothing, and recoil in fear when in front of an admiring audience. Ion says that the explanation for this is very simple: it is the promise of payment that inspires his deliberate disconnection from reality. Ion says that when he looks at the audience and sees them weeping, he knows he will laugh because it has made him richer, and that when they laugh, he will be weeping at losing the money (535e).

  35. Thou shalt NOT criticize the Minorities...
    Thou shalt ALWAYS speak well of them...
    ...unless an (R) appeareth after their names.
    Only Then might thou Smte them!

    ...and woe to the CISGEN white man
    Who might violate this DIVINE commandment!

  36. for he must be cast out
    For he has no Pride in his Gilt (Gold).

  37. Who the f*ck are "the minorities"? "The minorities" are a monolithic block of people who all act and behave exactly that same? I criticize individuals. If an individual chooses to join a group -- they are all in that group voluntarily because they agree with what that group stands for -- like tRump supporters -- then I will definitely criticize them.

    But "The minorities" consist of people with wildly varying beliefs. Like the 8 percent of Black people who support tRump. I will criticize those idiots. You criticize "the minorities" based on racist stereotypes. Because you're a racist.

    1. 🔺Uh oh! Dervish just stained his KKK Burqa again.🔺

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. \\But mostly, we all just get strung along by the narrative.

    Even foreigner who stumbled nearly uppon each one and could not make a clue???

    Because of dire clear understanding -- that that is not his play and there is NO words for him in that play? ;-P

    \\he knows he will laugh because it has made him richer, and that when they laugh, he will be weeping at losing the money (535e).

    Money, money, money... Oh, for that Ams... everything about money.


  40. \\(for instance, life as a riddle, life as a problem of[Pg 78] knowledge).

    Already solved.


    That's why... Wisdoms of the Past, tend to grow imprecise and even outdated... with time.


    \\was the mood with which Homer makes his gods look down upon the fates of men? What final meaning have at bottom the Trojan War and similar tragic horrors? It is impossible to entertain any doubt on the point: they were intended as festival games for the gods, and, in so far as the poet is of a more godlike breed than other men, as festival games also for the poets.

    And now... any computer game. ;-P

    That's why... Wisdoms of the Past, tend to grow imprecise and even outdated... with time.


    \\There would never on the stage of this free-will world be a dearth of really new, really novel and exciting situations, plots, catastrophes. A world thought out on completely deterministic lines would be easily guessed by the gods, and would consequently soon bore them—sufficient reason for these friends of the gods, the philosophers, not to ascribe to their gods such a deterministic world. The whole of ancient humanity is full of delicate consideration for the spectator, being as it is a world of thorough publicity and theatricality, which could not conceive of happiness without spectacles and festivals.—And, as has already been said, even in great punishment there is so much which is festive.

    Totally about Game Playing experience. ;-P

  41. ...because there actually IS a "majority" that should be represented in a democracy, and not excluded from participation.

  42. the democratic party has tried to do.

  43. ...through the gilt/guilt pride of a few cisgen whites.

  44. Totally about Game Playing experience. ;-P

    There are three types of men who come to the Olympic games. Those who come to compete, those who come to buy and sell, and those who come to watch.

    Which do you think are the most "god-like"? The hoi agathoi?

  45. But although there were religious ceremonies and processions throughout the games, including an opening invocation to Zeus Apomyios (Zeus, averter of flies) to keep summer insects away, most visitors, who came from all over the Greek world, from Spain to the Indus, were not pilgrims but one of the three orders into which, according to Pythagoras, all mankind divides: those who come to participate, those who come to buy and sell, and those who come to watch. (Philosophers, said Pythagoras, come to watch.) The temple, though, accumulated not just prayers but thousands of rich offerings during the games, highly lucrative to the local economy.

  46. In peacetime, it's athletics. In wartime, it's combat.

    In Rome, it was combat in the colosseum/ arena. Sacrifices to spectator-gods. A festival of death... I "see 'em" in the colo-see 'em! It's "colos"-sal!

    The whole of ancient humanity is full of delicate consideration for the spectator, being as it is a world of thorough publicity and theatricality, which could not conceive of happiness without spectacles and festivals.—And, as has already been said, even in great punishment there is so much which is festive.

    The society of the spectacle... where hyper-reality is made.

    I wonder if the emporer will give the thumbs down (death) or thumbs up (mercy). I hate a merciiful emperor!

  47. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    Totally about Game Playing experience. ;-P

    There are three types of men who come to the Olympic games. Those who come to compete, those who come to buy and sell, and those who come to watch.

    Which do you think are the most "god-like"? The hoi agathoi?

    Try some computer game... and answer to yourself.

    Like "Black and White" for example. ;-)

  48. Minus: "minorities" = non-cisgen-whites. ...because there actually IS a "majority" that should be represented in a democracy, and not excluded from participation. the democratic party has tried to do. ...through the gilt/guilt pride of a few cisgen whites.

    Yeah, these "few cisgen whites" race traitors really make your blood boil, yes? If not for them, America would have remained a White Supremacist nation. Well, Minus is so happy it will be again, after donald tRump takes power.

    "Excluded from participation" in your White Supremacist delusions. You (following the corrupt scotus ruling) have FULLY revealed yourself to be a fascist.

    The 14 characteristics of tRump's America...

    1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism: Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

    2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights: Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need". The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

    3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause: The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

    4. Supremacy of the Military: Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized :P

    5. Rampant Sexism: The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.

    6. Controlled Mass Media: Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

    7. Obsession with National Security: Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

    8. Religion and Government are Intertwined: Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.

  49. (continued)

    9. Corporate Power is Protected: The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

    10. Labor Power is Suppressed: Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed .

    11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts: Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.

    12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment: Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

    13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption: Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

    14. Fraudulent Elections: Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections :(

  50. \\The 14 characteristics of tRump's America...

    \\1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism:

    Of WHICH ethnicity? ;-P

    \\2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights:

    Have written DEMN cretin that repeated many times "I *DO* deny..." em HAVING their Human Rights.


    \\3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause:


    "J6 insurrectionist". "White-Supremacists".

  51. Well... obviously... this list is of not own cretin making.

    That is just NEW "methodichka" of DEMN/liliPut's-Propaganda issued.


    1. Cretin just yanks things out of his joebidenholes, chews on them, then spits them out.

  52. All of Dervy's 14 points are supported by Democrats. Yep, its' white supremacy all right. Antifa is the KKK wearing blackface.

  53. History repeats. 1st as tragedy, then as farce.

  54. Well-known forms of the big lie include donald tRump's use in MAGA propaganda -- blaming immigrants and Democrats for all of the United States' problems, blaming "globalists" for all workers' problems and the frequent demonizing of the left-wing as communists.

    As a general rule, the most effective big lies are outrageous enough to be unbelievable yet appeal strongly to the prejudices of the White Supremacist listeners -- and are stated in as bland and matter-of-fact terms as possible. It is sometimes even more effective to string several big lies together in a series of talking points.

    The torrent of lies that flows from the mouths of populists feels relentless... donald tRump's routine lying about everything from Iran to the weather, for example.

    As populists get closer to power, rules start to bite and so grand gestural, destructive lying takes over… In the populist playbook, lying itself is glorified; it is an instrument of subversion, its purpose to demonstrate that the liar will stop at nothing to "serve the people". The lies are signals that these politicians are not bound by the usual norms of the liberal democratic elite. Liberals have virtue signaling -- populists have outrage signaling. This is the politics of appealing to the gut over the brain. (European Center for Populism Studies ECPS. Modified).

    Minus: All of Dervy's 14 points are supported by Democrats. Yep, its' white supremacy all right. Antifa is the KKK wearing blackface.

    They are supported by donald tRump. Trumperism is a fascist White Supremacist movement.

    Antifa is anti fascist and anti racist.

    Minus: History repeats. 1st as tragedy, then as farce.

    Yeah, "farce" definitely describes the stupid Orange Turd and his cult members. Mystere being a PRIME example of the type of moron that worships tRump.

    Qtard: \\1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism\\Of WHICH ethnicity?

    Trumperism is a White Supremacist movement. So, all the White ethnicities. That's something that is self evident. Meaning you shouldn't have had to ask. Except for cretinism.

    Qtard: \\2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights\\Have written DEMN cretin that repeated many times "I *DO* deny..." em HAVING their Human Rights.

    Yes, you have denied the human right to democracy. MANY times, though in your NewSpeak -- saying overthrowing democracy is a "human right".

    Qtard: \\3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause\\ Yap. "J6 insurrectionist". "White-Supremacists".

    More NewSpeak. Calling racists and democracy-haters "scapegoats". Scapegoats are victims, not perpetrators.

    Qtard: Well... obviously... this list is of not own cretin making.

    Yeah, it comes from hated "listen to me I'm experts". And, as per Qtard's delusions, they are all liars. In line with point #11 above -- "Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts". Fascist cretin definitely hates intellectuals. Even as it claims to be very smart.

    "I studied Physics in school. With excellent grades. And... I'm smart".

    Qtard: That is just NEW "methodichka" of DEMN/liliPut's-Propaganda issued.

    "methodichka"?? What's that? Google says you might mean "metodichka", which is Bulgarian for "methodology". Well, as we have all seen, cretin can't spell worth shit. Even in IT's native language of Bulgarian.

  55. Well-known forms of the big lie include donald tRump's use in MAGA propaganda -- blaming immigrants and Democrats for all of the United States' problems, blaming "globalists" for all workers' problems and the frequent demonizing of the left-wing as communists.

    As a general rule, the most effective big lies are outrageous enough to be unbelievable yet appeal strongly to the prejudices of the listeners and are stated in as bland and matter-of-fact terms as possible. It is sometimes even more effective to string several big lies together in a series of talking points.

    The torrent of lies that flows from the mouths of populists feels relentless... donald tRump's routine lying about everything from Iran to the weather, for example.

    As populists get closer to power, rules start to bite and so grand gestural, destructive lying takes over… In the populist playbook, lying itself is glorified; it is an instrument of subversion, its purpose to demonstrate that the liar will stop at nothing to "serve the people". The lies are signals that these politicians are not bound by the usual norms of the liberal democratic elite. Liberals have virtue signaling -- populists have outrage signaling. This is the politics of appealing to the gut over the brain. (European Center for Populism Studies ECPS. Modified).

    Minus: All of Dervy's 14 points are supported by Democrats. Yep, its' white supremacy all right. Antifa is the KKK wearing blackface.

    They are supported by donald tRump. Trumperism is a fascist White Supremacist movement.

    Antifa is anti fascist and anti racist.

    Minus: History repeats. 1st as tragedy, then as farce.

    Yeah, "farce" definitely describes the stupid Orange Turd and his cult members. Mystere being a PRIME example of the type of moron that worships tRump.

  56. \\As a general rule, the most effective big lies are outrageous enough to be unbelievable yet appeal strongly to the prejudices of the listeners and are stated in as bland and matter-of-fact terms as possible. It is sometimes even more effective to string several big lies together in a series of talking points.

    Yeah... that's why you speak in NewSpeak -- what can be MORE BLAND... that outright opposing to FACTS...

  57. Qtard: Yeah... that's why you speak in NewSpeak.

    That's why you write in NewSpeak.

  58. Continue-continue, cretin, confirming your cretinity with such disingenuous retorts. ;-P

    Be my guest. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000
