Friday, July 5, 2024

We're All Living in Amerika... and its' Vundevahr!

Globalist Visions:

J.A. Frascino, "Democracy, Democrat style"
Democrats love to incite fear in voters that a Trump/ MAGA/ Republican takeover of government imposes an existential “threat to democracy!” They base their fear campaign primarily on the report of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol, citing Trump as the leader of an insurrection.

But was the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol an attempt to overthrow a duly elected administration? Not really. It was a protest against what was believed to be a corrupt election process. In that sense, it was an action taken to preserve a democratic process, not to subvert it. The committee should have been charged with determining if the event were indeed an insurrection, not with prejudicially defining it as such and proceeding with prosecution. (The committee consisted of seven Democrats and two Republicans —- Adam Kinsinger who endorses Biden for 2024, and avowed Trump hater Liz Cheney.)

If elected, Trump will be a fascist dictator who will never rescind his position as president. He will wreak revenge — even death — on his political opponents (….and you may be next!). He is an agent of Putin. If we want to preserve our democracy, he must be defeated. Biden, at a NYC fundraiser in Sept. ‘23: “And let there be no question. Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy.” Exactly how Trump might execute such an historic upheaval in permanent Washington has yet to be divulged.

And how, by contrast, is the Democrat Party defending and upholding democracy? Let us count the ways:
1. Embracing judicial activism by establishing a DOJ guided by personal and political bias. Utilizing contrived legal arguments to incarcerate a political opponent. Railing against the Supreme Court for adhering to Constitutional restraint rather than yielding to leftist ideology. Openly espousing the goal of stacking the Court with liberal justices.

2. Supplementing closed ballot voting on Election Day with corruption-prone mail-in and absentee ballot harvesting to combat “voter suppression”.

3. Contriving to replace a presidential candidate already chosen by popular vote in primary elections with one nominated by the party elites at the DNC.

4. Stacking Congress with Democrat politicians by promoting the granting of statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico, establishing a permanent Democrat majority.

5. Perpetuating D-I-E, providing academic and career advancement for favored groups based on race and gender rather than ability and achievement.

6. Indoctrinating the young with anti-American, anti-religious, anti-family rhetoric, disconnecting them from all traditional values to become dependent upon the state for security and purpose.

7. Opening the border to unskilled immigrants so as to expand their voter base.

8. Employing identity politics, dividing the nation into oppressor and oppressed groups and attacking the oppressors as the root of all “social injustices.”

9. Eliminating the Electoral College to weaken the influence of rural, red states in presidential elections.

10. Utilizing the media as a Ministry of Propaganda.
The Democrat Party’s idea of “democracy” clearly is one of attainment of one party totalitarian control of government. In their self-designated and disingenuous role as champion of the oppressed, the victimized, the subjugated, they are entitled to employ any means possible to attain that end. Now THAT’s democracy!
"Humanity as an end in itself!"

Kant argued that rational beings can never be treated merely as means to ends; they must always also be treated as ends in themselves, requiring that their own reasoned motives must be equally respected.


  1. \\The Democrat Party’s idea of “democracy” clearly is one of attainment of one party totalitarian control of government. In their self-designated and disingenuous role as champion of the oppressed, the victimized, the subjugated, they are entitled to employ any means possible to attain that end. Now THAT’s democracy!

    Yeah... sounds VERY Bolshevik's. ;-P

  2. ...Trotsky, not Stalin though... Stalin respected the limits of "possibility".

  3. Of course they they are promoting "democracy".
    They always have. Mob rule. Their mob.

  4. Yep.

    No sense of "meden agan"... pushing every polemic to the end of the pole.

    not seeing the meden agan between courage:temperance or wisdom:justice

    like... Courage:meden agan:Temperance

    Nothing TOO MUCH!

  5. \\Stalin respected the limits of "possibility".



    That managed to create A-Bomb? That only his death stopped him from using it in Korean War??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  6. Leaving one pole for the other pole.... and eschewing the one it left.

  7. Stalin, who unlike Trotsky rejected the "Internationalist" vision of Trotsky.

  8. \\...then meden agan between America:Globalism.

    Yep... America -- that is poster child of Globalism.

    Would castrate itself... to became eunuch... in a Brave New World... of China Hegemony. ;-P

  9. ...and left COMINTERN to the nut-jobs like Trotsky.

  10. ...just like we need to abandon the corporate globalist NUTJOBS of both politican parties.... the "UniParty".

  11. \\Stalin, who unlike Trotsky rejected the "Internationalist" vision of Trotsky.


    Big. Slimy. Steamy. PILE of BS.


    One who sent his troops to Spain. Who organized "interbrigades"?????

  12. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  13. You can join Klaus Schwab and the WEF in an embrace of global war if you want to, Q. After all, "You will own nothing, and be happy!"

    Ef THAT!

  14. \\No sense of "meden agan"... pushing every polemic to the end of the pole.

    Any polemic can continue indefinitely in a pure vacuum of ethereal abstractions.

    All what needed -- to ignore facts.


    Well... but who cares, about that damn fact. Yeah??? ;-P

  15. Don't you love how the USIC censors send everything I post immediately into the spam folder of my own-nothing blog?

    You will own nothing all right. And in a "spectator society"... you will NOT be seen, either.

  16. \\You can join Klaus Schwab and the WEF in an embrace of global war if you want to, Q.

    World War ALREADY started.

    That it just not sent a postcard... to you personally. Toom busy.


  17. ...or heard. Or smelled. Or felt. Or exhibit any "taste". For if you COULD taste it... you would "know".

    There is an ancient Sufi parable about coffee: "He who tastes, knows; he who tastes not, knows not.

  18. World War ALREADY started.

    And its' time to smother that infant in her cradle, like a good mother. Mother Courage.

  19. \\Don't you love how the USIC censors send everything I post immediately into the spam folder of my own-nothing blog?

    Like being shushed (or even worse) for saying something in public (or... even if not in public)... while residing inside traditional society... is any less dangerous and/or unpleasant?

    But yeah... you never lived in a traditional society. So now you think that what happening -- it's something new.

    And not transgression into Past.

    Because... every system that start failing -- falling back into PREVIOUS state.

    Like... if your car gone out of gasoline -- your self-moving carriage... just became Ol'Goo'Tims carriage -- that need someone/something to tug it. ;-P

    (oh... but you have NO experience of it too... damn that civilizations safety nets ;-P)

  20. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ World War ALREADY started.

    \\ And its' time to smother that infant in her cradle, like a good mother. Mother Courage.

    Like I *FREAKINGLY* can understand what that gonna be meaning.


  21. Kant argued that rational beings can never be treated merely as means to ends; they must always also be treated as ends in themselves, requiring that their own reasoned motives must be equally respected.

    ...EVEN the RUSSIANS.

  22. Go to Russia... and try to say it into their faces... and be prepared to be "be treated merely as means to ends".

    Like that loosy schmuk... how his name? Gershkovich? Reporter RFia took as hostage. To have leverage in a spy-games over grown miserly and stooopid CIA.


  23. Or... like that Navalny.

    Murdered on the spot -- just to "send a message".


  24. Sorry, fixing RUSSIA isn't my job. It's THEIRS.

  25. Whatever.

    That was NOT USA job to fix it in First and Second WWs.


    But... what exactly you did that time? And why? ;-P

  26. It... doesn't matter how much kicking and screaming you'll produce here.

    I am -- not a thing. I am -- just a miserly messenger.

    Of Reality Itself. ;-P

  27. \\Sorry, fixing RUSSIA isn't my job.

    Well... job poorly done -- tend to haunt one responsible... again and again.

    And USA did POOR job... of straightening into defeat its arch-enemy USSR.


    Well... you can try to postpone that duty on next generation (like CURRENT and previous generations did before you)... like at your son.

    But it'll be ugly. And your grand children will not have a chance to see a blues sky.

    But well... that's your choice...

  28. Choice? It's my DUTY as a former sworn officer in the USNR.

  29. To shut -- that is duty.

    To aim good, for that shot to hit the target and what target -- that is choice.

    Always was. And always will be.

    Like of that Soviet Soldier that spared USA from Nukelar Destraction... by choosing to re-check the launch data.

  30. I have only one "launch data" that I need to check. We call it the US Constitution.

  31. ...and it tells me to wait for a LAWFUL order.

  32. Wisdoms of the Past tend to became imprecise or even outdated... with time.


    Do US Constitution contain any mentioning of possibility of destruction with ICBMs???

  33. I was never entrusted with a launch key. Just silly stuff like SSBN sound recordings rendering Soviet launch keys worthless.

  34. Like that VERY conservative general (saw in "Manhattan" series) that was ordered to oversee all that activity of eggheads making a bmb.

    Was he like "naaah, WE do not need that NEW thing... only more minutemans... with their rifles"??? %^))))))))))

  35. \\like that "silly" Russian.

    That Russian... have had DIRECT order -- see a threat, push the button.

    But... he decided to reconsider.

    After that... they, "those, who know better" decided to FIX that "bug".

    And now they brag about making it Deadman's Hand -- means NO place for any flimsy human to reconsider.

    1983 Soviet nuclear false alarm incident
    Wikipedia › wiki › 1983_Soviet_nuclear_f...
    These missile attack warnings were suspected to be false alarms by Stanislav Petrov, an engineer of the Soviet Air Defence Forces on duty at the command center ...

  36. \\I was never entrusted with a launch key.


    Saw "Jhonny Mnemonic"?

    There in the end there's such scene.

    When he finally delivered his data cash (that happen to contain cure for a rampaging plague) to a place, to a particular doctor -- they reveal to him that there is NO such doctor -- that is just code-name, for anyone who'd hear it, to start doing what need to be done.

  37. Sorry, but an undisciplined soldier is never a good answer.

  38. ...for a well organized and clever one.

  39. ...even if he's just "militia" or a former member of the "reserves". For they have "experience".... and not just "theory" to work with.

    1. Where's "Cretin" today? OH WAIT! Yesterday was the 4th of July, the most hated holiday of Cretin. Cretin must have passed out after chugging his hoochie coochie juice yesterday.

  40. You are correct, Helmut. That cretin does hate the 4th. He will hate it even more after the US is re-founded as the American Christian Theocracy under the great and wonderful Donald Trump, America's first fascist dictator. All hail Supreme Leader Trump The First -- anointed by the MAGA Supreme Court!

  41. Hey, fake Mystere, Jussie Smollett called and needs help faking some more hate crimes? Interested?

  42. It would be super funny if the libtard hero Juicy Smellit was the victim of a real hate crime, then nobody believed him because he cried wolf previously. Juicy is a libtard hero for being a queer black. Let him try and fake another hate crime -- next time he will go to prison for a lot longer.

  43. When Jussie's in prison, all his sex fantasies come true!

  44. The republican Party's idea of "democracy" clearly is one of attainment of one party totalitarian control of government. In their self-designated and disingenuous role as champion of the oppressed, victimized and subjugated White race, they are entitled to employ any means possible to attain that end.

    Minus: When Jussie's in prison, all his sex fantasies come true!

    And how would you know what Jussie's sex fantasies are? Not all gay men are like Mystere and fantasize about being gay raped.
