Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Era of Neo-Liberal Totalitarianism Begins... FREE Tommy! End Lawfare! The Terror Threat isn't Populism!

Showing Videos and Protesting is now Domestic Terrorism...
Ben Quinn, "Tommy Robinson says he has been arrested under Terrorism Act"
Post on far-right activist’s X account on day after central London demonstration says he has been detained by police

Tommy Robinson has been arrested a day after organising a major demonstration in central London, according to his X account.

Thousands of people marched in the city on Saturday as part of an event organised by Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, while many others took part in a counterprotest.

A post on Robinson’s X account on Sunday said: “We can confirm that Tommy Robinson has been detained by police using powers afforded to them under the Terrorism Act 2000.

The Metropolitan police appeared to confirm the arrest, saying in a tweet on Sunday that another force was involved and they hoped further information would be released soon. They said they were not aware of any links with the demonstration in London.

The anti-extremism campaign group Hope Not Hate had said that Robinson “could face jail” after allegedly screening a documentary against high court orders at the demonstration.

The film, Silenced, repeats false claims he made about a Syrian refugee that led to him losing a libel case in 2021. Robinson is due to appear at a high court hearing on Monday accused of contempt of court for making the documentary.

While the circumstances of any arrest remained unclear, supporters of the far-right activist gathered outside Downing Street on Sunday after an impromptu protest was called for 4pm.

The Met said it was aware of posts encouraging people to protest in London and that any such activity must be lawful. “We will deploy officers as required to prevent serious disruption or disorder and to deal with any incidents,” it added.

The Reform UK party MP Rupert Lowe, responding to the reported arrest, tweeted: “Is this action proportionate and in line with how the streets of London have recently been policed? More details are urgently required.”

Before the release of further details by the authorities, others including the X owner, Elon Musk, tweeted questions on social media.

The Met had said in advance of Saturday’s protests that about 1,000 officers were being deployed across the capital to “keep the peace” and ensure the two groups of protesters were kept apart.

At least eight people were arrested and several emergency workers were assaulted, according to the force.
Banned in Britain as Terrorist Propaganda!


  1. It appears as though this White Supremacist WANTS to be arrested. Because he sees himself as a martyr to the White Supremacist cause.

  2. Yep. Label "terrorism" are Gift That Keep Giving... to "those, who know better".


    Well... until REAL, state sponsored terrorism, will start. It already did.


  3. They're deterritorializing the Right...

  4. ???

    What is a deterritorialized state?
    Deterritorialization is the process of mapping Indigenous peoples out of the expansiveness of their home territories, mapping them into confined spaces such as reserves or reservations, and eliminating their presence on their territories.

    Deterritorialization - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics › topics › social-sciences

    Well... Evolve! or Die.

    That same coda of Evolution.


  5. As I ALREADY SAID, it looks like he sees himself as a White Supremacist martyr and WANTS to be locked up. So he got what he wants.

  6. Minus: They're deterritorializing the Right...

    What you're trying to do to the Left. Part of your strategy -- NewSpeaking "woke mind virus", "guilt pride", etc. And blaming (as you just did) the Left for what the White Supremacist Яight is doing. Qtard does this in every comment of his that is a reply to a comment of mine.

  7. If we had wanted to deterritorialize the Left, McCarthy would have succeeded against the Communists.

    "Have you no decency, sir?" Apparently not...

  8. Asking decency from Commies... ROFL %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  9. Mystere: Derpwood the Cretin Clown rips another whopper, right Qtard?

    Translation: Please like me!

  10. Minus: If we had wanted to deterritorialize the Left, McCarthy would have succeeded against the Communists.

    Sad that you can't destroy people's lives anymore with false allegations of being a Communist? You keep doing it anyway, but it doesn't play with people not in the moron base.

    Minus: "Have you no decency, sir?" Apparently not...

    Agreed. That person who claims people are calling him "sir" all the time definitely has no decency.

    btw, no "Klansman Derpwood Assface Ichabod Sanders" commented, Mystere. You need to start taking your Seroquel again.

    1. \\Sad that you can't destroy people's lives anymore with false allegations of being a Communist? You keep doing it anyway, but it doesn't play with people not in the moron base.

      Like that EVER was crossing your mind EVEN... that you DEMN-cretins ruin some people's lives (like, when you calling Ukrainians "nazis" or Israelite's "geniciding"), yawn.

  11. Qtard is babbling about IT's delusions again.

  12. Sad that you can't destroy people's lives anymore with false allegations of being a Communist?

    No, but you can if you call them a "racist".

  13. Yeah... millions killed by Commies... will not tell their story.

    And that is what Commies do rely on.

    In their attempt to rewrite History.

  14. Zero people killed by imaginary Commies.

  15. Yeah... Commies of the world today... trying to pretend that they are NOT Commies.


    But... "by their deeds you will know em".

    Like today Commies of USA helping Commies of Russia to kill "nazis" in Ukraine and "genociders" in Israel.

  16. There are obviously more pages to add...
