Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Street Justice for Tommy & Co.

Tommy & South Port Residents Speak Truth to Power... the ONLY language they Understand!
*Divine Violence*


  1. My condolences to the families of Alice, Bebe and Elsie. Who would slaughter 3 young girls by stabbing them with knives? That's something only a demon possessed freak would ever do.

  2. Mystere would be happier if they'd been shot instead of stabbed? He probably believes it is terrible that gun rights are more restricted in other countries.

    Minus: Acta non Verba!

    Support for stabbings? Stabbing someone is definitely "acta". I'd have guessed that you'd be agreeing with Mystere. Think it awful that killers who want to shoot their victims are forced to have to stab them.

    1. 🔺Go joebiden yourself, Dervish. You're white Klan trash.🔺

  3. Schade, dass diese Mädchen nicht erschossen wurden. Mystere würde prahlen, wie großartig es war, sie erschossen zu sehen, wenn sie erschossen worden wären.

    1. That hooch is sooooooo tasty and makes me feel sooooooo Bigly good! It's the best moonshine hooch I've ever brewed at my home, LOL! LOL! LOL!

  4. Dervish is one sick joebidenhole. Dervish gloats with glee over the slaughtering of 3 young girls with his hateful accusations. Keep it up, Dervish. Your words will judge you at the moment you take your dirt nap.

  5. CNN: Far-right protesters violently clashed with British police on Tuesday near a mosque in the northwest English town of Southport, a day after three young girls were stabbed to death in one of the worst assaults against children in the country in decades. ... Protesters, believed to be supporters of the far-right English Defence League, took to the streets in anger throwing bricks at a local mosque, setting cars and police vehicles alight and hurling bottles at police. link

    I don't gloat with glee when people die*, Mystere. Especially innocents. That's what you do when American schoolchildren are slaughtered in large numbers with powerful firearms. Which isn't possible in England due to their strict gun control laws (which you oppose). Or when innocents are slaughtered in Gaza by Satan's chosen leader, the war criminal NuttenYahoo.

    You've been gloating with glee bigly in regards to the many young children who have died in Gaza. YOU are fake christian trash.

    Also as per the article "Following the arrest in the stabbings case, an incorrect name linked to the suspect was spread on social media, police said".

    So, who did this isn't known yet. Yet hate filled rightturds are blaming Muslims. Calling violence against Muslim mosques and the police "street justice". How so, Minus?

    d0nald tRump blamed n*ggers when he found his car vandalized. That is as per his nephew Fred Trump III. Even though they didn't see who did it.

    *that "Lamb" anti-vaccine fake christian televangelist dying of covid was kind of funny. I did write "LOL". But that was mostly to annoy you. It was sad for his family and loved ones. Even if they are awful trumpturds themselves. He should have gotten vaccinated. Like tRump did. Then he could still be enjoying the wealth he grifted out of morons who believe his fake preaching. Instead of being dead.

    He stole PPP money that was available due to the covid pandemic (and got caught), didn't get vaccinated, then died from covid. That is a Darwin award worthy tale. He should have been nominated.

    1. Dervish's Dumbest Retorts keep on giving. Keep it up, Dervish. When your KooKoo Train derails soon, Satan will demand your full payment if you keep refusing to repent. And that will be your painfully excruciating demise.

    2. Your anti semitic retorts and death wishes against Bibi haven't gone unnoticed by God Almighty, Dervish... Or is it Dylan? Or is it Jamie? Whatever. Keep it up, so you can get your just rewards, Dervish. And you did gloat with glee when people died in the October 7 Hamass Attacks on Israel.

  6. "who did this isn't known yet..."

    British police have charged a 17-year-old British-born Axel Rudakubana with murder and attempted murder following a violent incident at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class on Monday.

  7. btw - None of the surviving victims saw the attacker? Really? And no one in Southport spoke to them or asked? lol!

  8. You really are an oficialista, Derv. You'd make a good Venezuelan stooge.

    1. Dervish did have a relative named Adolf. Adolf is now taking his dirt nap.

  9. Minus: None of the surviving victims saw the attacker? Really?

    wtf? I never claimed that. The authorities just released his name. So the public just received that information.

    Minus: You really are an oficialista, Derv.

    "Oficialista" is your NewSpeak for Letting police and judicial system do their jobs? Do you think the police/judicial system should be abolished and replaced with "divine violence" and "street justice"?

    Except there was no "street justice". The rioting rightturds didn't catch Axel Rudakubana and string him up. They directed their hate at people who had nothing to do with the murders.

  10. I saw "published". But my comment is not displaying. Sent immediately to spam, I guess. Anyway, I don't know why you write "really" because I didn't say that. His name wasn't released to the public because he is 17. Also they didn't want his family attacked. So, when the rioting was happening the name had not been released to the public. There were online postings misidentifying who was responsible. Some blamed an immigrant, which he isn't.

  11. "Street justice" = attacking people not responsible and who had nothing to do with the crime the street "justice" is being administered against.

    Definitely NewSpeak.

  12. Vigilantism is making a comeback. It's long past time to bring out the ropes... and began raising strange fruit, cus partisan justice from lawfare oficialistas like dervy is pure injustice.
