Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Russia's Ukrainian Road-Bump

An Old Peter Zaihan Analysis:

Why a Ukrainian NATO membership constitutes an EXISTENTIAL THREAT to Russia.


  1. NATO is a defensive alliance, not an offensive alliance. NATO exists to counter existential threats to their member countries. NATO doesn't threaten the existence of non member countries. That is what Putin is doing to Ukraine.

    Putin does not only want to erase the country of Ukraine, he wants to erase the Ukrainian identity. They are kidnapping Ukrainian children and brainwashing them into reidentifying as Russian.

    Russification and re-education: According to The New York Times, "Russian officials ... made clear that their goal is to replace any childhood attachment to home with a love for Russia".Upon arriving in Russia, the children are placed in homes and subjected to re-education link

    Russia IS the existential threat.

  2. NATO sure has gained a lot of territory in the last few decades for a "defensive" alliance...

  3. Russia... with a GDP of "Italy"...

    "I'm soooo threatened!" Save me Mr. NATO!

  4. \\Russia... with a GDP of "Italy"...

    ...and stockpiles of nukes.


    And China will have it too, soon.

    And they ALREADY started leasing their nukes.

    China to NK. RFia to Belarus.

    So that minions would be able to launch em... at USA, for example.

    Or... start from NATO members. Smallest. Most vulnerable. Ones NATO have NO CHANCE to protect.

    Then... some of USA fleets... while claiming "it was houtis".

    Then... closer and closer to the USA.

    Like packing mega-nuke instead of cocain into that drug delivery U-boat (and why you SO sure that coastal guard caught ALL OF EM??? why they still build and send them in?)

  5. \\Putin does not only want to erase the country of Ukraine, he wants to erase the Ukrainian identity. They are kidnapping Ukrainian children and brainwashing them into reidentifying as Russian.

    liliPut and liliXi... what they REALLY want -- it's to eradicate USA from the map of the World.

    For now... they want to achieve it with some spying, cyber-threats and propaganda.

    But... nukes are under way.

    The Real Motives for China's Nuclear Expansion
    Foreign Affairs
    https://www.foreignaffairs.com › china › real-motives-ch...
    May 3, 2024 — Under Chinese President Xi Jinping, Beijing is on track to amass 1,000 nuclear warheads by 2030, up from around 200 in 2019, according to ...

  6. AND liliPut... AND liliXi...

    cannot survive and hold their grip on power -- WITHOUT imperialistic war -- war to gain NEW territories and enslave more people.

    And... WHO blocking em on that way -- USA.

    And one certain POTUS *EXACTLY*... one, that declared itself Master of the World.


  7. Minus: NATO sure has gained a lot of territory in the last few decades for a "defensive" alliance...

    Countries join NATO of their own free will. NATO forces don't invade other countries and force them to join. i.e. NATO never had any territory and never gained any. Member countries remain sovereign nations.

    Qtard: But... nukes are under way.

    Qtard's wet dream. Didn't watch the video? Peter Zaihan analysis says that is unlikely.

    (6:57) I've not been as concerned about the nuclear question as some folks. Scenario one is the Russians consider throwing one at the United States. But we've made it very clear ... we know exactly where Putin is at any time. We're listening to his phone calls. We're reading his emails. He knows that if he throws a nuke at the United States, we're going to throw one not at Russia -- we're going to throw one at him. There is no version of this where he survives. He has tamped down the rhetoric a lot since last March.

    ... The only scenario I can see where the Russians would seriously consider using nukes, is if Ukraine does not simply win, but decides to carry the fight across the border into Russia. ... in that scenario, where the very existence of the Russian government is threatened -- that would probably change the math. But I don't find that likely... [end video transcript quote].

    Putin's REAL plan is to get his puppet donald tRump back into office... "Putin's current advisers are confident that the US will eventually disintegrate, breaking into several pieces like the Soviet Union ultimately did. This would require the right conditions and a leader who could plunge the country into chaos" (Vanity Fair 6/25/2024).

    The American people aren't going to submit to a donald tRump theocracy. That is Putin's real plan. Use his dooful puppet to break up the United States. Even if tRump does not return to the White House. His defeat could lead to civil war. Putin has (and will continue to) use his trolls to sow discord among the American populace.

    Qtard: And one certain POTUS *EXACTLY*... one, that declared itself Master of the World.

    donald tRump. Declared by donald tRump and confirmed by the corrupt rightturd scotus kings.

  8. \\Qtard: And one certain POTUS *EXACTLY*... one, that declared itself Master of the World.

    \\donald tRump. Declared by donald tRump and confirmed by the corrupt rightturd scotus kings.

    “Look, I have a cognitive test every single day,” Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, referring to the tasks he faces daily in a rigorous job. “Every day, I have that test. Everything I do. You know, not only am I campaigning, but I’m running the world.”

    That is transcript from recent interview.

    And where's YOUR facts? ;-P

    NOWHERE! %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  9. What is megalomania behaviour?

    A megalomaniac is a pathological egotist, that is, someone with a psychological disorder with symptoms like delusions of grandeur and an obsession with power. We also use the word megalomaniac more informally for people who behave as if they're convinced of their absolute power and greatness.

    Megalomaniac - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
    https://www.vocabulary.com › dictionary › megalomaniac

    Is megalomania a form of insanity?
    Megalomania is a mental illness. People with megalomania have delusional fantasies that they are more relevant (important) or powerful than they truly are. They have inflated self esteem and overestimate their powers and beliefs.

    Megalomania - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    https://simple.wikipedia.org › wiki › Megalomania

    [Case of senile dementia with megalomania delusion]
    National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...
    [Case of senile dementia with megalomania delusion]

    What is an example of megalomania?
    megalomania. Delusions of grandeur; an extreme form of egotism . Adolf Hitler is generally considered to have been a megalomaniac.

    MEGALOMANIA Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
    https://www.dictionary.com › browse › megalomania

  10. \\Qtard: But... nukes are under way.

    \\Qtard's wet dream. Didn't watch the video? Peter Zaihan analysis says that is unlikely.

    Did that Mr.ZaiHAN promised to be with you when nuke will fall on your dumb head? ;-P

    Promised to "protect" you? :-))))))

    \\(6:57) I've not been as concerned about the nuclear question as some folks. Scenario one is the Russians consider throwing one at the United States. But we've made it very clear ... we know exactly where Putin is at any time. We're listening to his phone calls. We're reading his emails. He knows that if he throws a nuke at the United States, we're going to throw one not at Russia -- we're going to throw one at him.

    Even if it'll be from territory of North Korea or Belarus???

    From some unknown point in the ocean... from unknown vessel of multitude of countries that HAVE NUKES TODAY...

    China U-boat... or North Korean?

    Iranian? Pakistanian?

    Someone from Blakk Continent? Like South Africa.

    South Africa ended its nuclear weapons programme in 1989. All the bombs (six constructed and one under construction) were dismantled and South Africa acceded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in 1991.

    South Africa and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia
    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › South_Africa_and_we...
    About featured snippets


    And they -- will be pointing fingers at each other... and in UN council they will be in united front against "warmongers from USA"...

    and there'll be protests in the US universities... against "CIA plots"????

  11. \\Putin's REAL plan is to get his puppet donald tRump back into office...


    And EXACTLY because of that he... endorsed Bi-den. ;-P

    Called him "more predictable".

    And you know what -- everybody else: in USA and in Europe -- do agree with him. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\The American people aren't going to submit to a donald tRump theocracy.


    So much... to "democratically elected". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Putin has (and will continue to) use his trolls to sow discord among the American populace.

    By helping spread DEMN-propaganda missives? ;-P

  12. Member countries remain sovereign nations.

    Like NATO applicant's Ukraine and Georgia? BWAH!

  13. Ukraine doesn't even have a legit government anymore. They're all on the US payroll.

  14. Whatever... you don't have boot on the ground. Meh.

  15. There's plenty of CIA on the ground directing the sh*tshow.

  16. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  17. What LAST great special operation of CIA you can point to? ;-P

  18. All of them. if they didn't plan them, they review and approved them.

  19. Pft! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  20. Qtard: Yep. And EXACTLY because of that he... endorsed Bi-den. ;-P

    Qtard continues repeating IT's master's propaganda. Like this has not been done before. When KKK fake-endorsed Hillary Clinton when who they really wanted for president was donald tRump.

    Qtard: Called him "more predictable". And you know what -- everybody else: in USA and in Europe -- do agree with him. **cretinic laughter**

    And Qtard believes Putin? Because Putin is known for his honesty and truth-telling? Like when he called Ukrainians Nazis?

    Qtard: \\The American people aren't going to submit to a donald tRump theocracy\\ Yep. So much... to "democratically elected". **cretinic laughter**

    ONLY tRump supporters can exercise "direct democracy" and "choose again"? Qtard denies the "human right" of donald tRump opponents to resist theocracy?

    Google: What is the human right to resist? The right of resistance is the supreme assertion, or main function, of the rights of mankind or human rights. It has been used to justify rebellions, since before Magna Carta, and it underlies the right to access to justice.

    Qtard: \\Putin has (and will continue to) use his trolls to sow discord among the American populace\\ By helping spread DEMN-propaganda missives? ;-P

    No. By helping to spread rightturd propaganda narratives.

  21. \\Qtard continues repeating IT's master's propaganda.

    You repeating propaganda of your master -- liliPut? ;-P

    Yeah, it seems. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Called him "more predictable". And you know what -- everybody else: in USA and in Europe -- do agree with him. **cretinic laughter**

    \\And Qtard believes Putin?

    I'll HIGHLIGHT it. And will give EXCERPT...

    ...everybody else: in USA and in Europe...

    But... you'll CONTINUE tryes to read it in a NewSpeak way.


    But... continue-continue, cretin. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


    oh, no...


    You was saying it about your alter-ego "Qtard".

    While I still tried to read your NewSpeak lies as straight out truth -- your claims that when you mentioning "Qtard" -- it mean you talking about what *I* do/say/claim.


    While... obviously, that is just a miserly NewSpeakish -- means OPPOSITE to facts lies.

    And answer is -- "Yes. Cretin's alter-ego Qtard -- beleives liliPut".


    \\ONLY tRump supporters can exercise "direct democracy" and "choose again"?



    Of course -- no.

    DEMN-rats can for once show that their deeds is where their mouth is... and go and lynch dRump. ;-P

    In excess of direct DEMN-Ok-ratsy. ;-P

    But... naaaah. They'll NEVER do that. Slave's mentality -- to do only what Masters allowed. ;-P

    \\Qtard denies the "human right" of donald tRump opponents to resist theocracy?

    Your alter-ego "Qtard" who are biggly totalitarian (like, calling people "J6 insurrectionists"... and NOT having Human Rights, yawn)?

    Looks like answer is -- "Yes". ;-P

    \\No. By helping to spread rightturd propaganda narratives.

    Like that... that Ukrainians are nazis... on CNN???? ;-P

  22. The US State Department said in a statement on Tuesday that there had been a “thorough review” of the current Azov brigade and “no evidence” of human rights violations had been found.

    There you go, certified NOT NAZI! Just like the US election was certified "totally legit" in 2020...

  23. Qtard: I'll HIGHLIGHT it. And will give EXCERPT... ...everybody else: in USA and in Europe...

    I never said that is false, dipshit. What the lie is -- is that Putin "endorses" Biden for that reason. He doesn't. He wants tRump because tRump will throw America into chaos. And that is exactly what Putin wants.

    Qtard: But... you'll CONTINUE tryes to read it in a NewSpeak way.

    "NewSpeak way" being the factual way. In your Putin-serving NewSpeak.

    Qtard: Your alter-ego "Qtard" who are biggly totalitarian (like, calling people "J6 insurrectionists"... and NOT having Human Rights, yawn)?

    That is all false. Excepting my correct labeling of the J6 Turds as insurrectionists.

    Qtard: Like that... that Ukrainians are nazis... on CNN???? ;-P

    That's a lie. It was not only CNN but MANY news organizations that looked into it and correctly reported that there are a very small number of Nazis in Ukraine. Same as in the United States. There are Nazis here too. But to say "Ukrainians are Nazis" is false.

    That is an example of the faulty generalization fallacy. This "is an informal fallacy wherein a conclusion is drawn about all or many instances of a phenomenon on the basis of one or a few instances of that phenomenon".

  24. \\What the lie is -- is that Putin "endorses" Biden for that reason. He doesn't.

    Reading minds? ;-P

    His words was exactly "we prefer Bi-den, because he -- predictable". And isn't that true???

    Bi-den REALLY give Ukraine into arms of liliPut. EVEN proposed prez of Ukraine to flee -- to behead and make it easy to conquer.

    WHY should liliPut want such a favorable circumstances... to change???

    To dRump... that can direct hitting Kreml with Tomahawks... if his morning coffe will contain some more covfefe... then usual. ;-P

    \\He wants tRump because tRump will throw America into chaos. And that is exactly what Putin wants.

    Yep. DEMN/liliPut's propaganda. Because that is DEMNs -- ones who want to throw USA into chaos. So they can install "emergency" soon become totalitarian rule.


    And of course -- why liliPut (and liliXi) as sworn enemy of USA -- would not like it, would not like Commie DEMNs and dementia Joe to be in power in U.S.A.????

    Well... "Commies of All countries -- UNITE!". ;-P

    Well, what number of The International that would be... I lost count.

    \\"NewSpeak way" being the factual way. In your Putin-serving NewSpeak.


    Perfect self-describing example of a NewSpeak. Thank you, cretin.

    \\Qtard: Your alter-ego "Qtard" who are biggly totalitarian (like, calling people "J6 insurrectionists"... and NOT having Human Rights, yawn)?

    \\That is all false. Excepting my correct labeling of the J6 Turds as insurrectionists.


    And having NO Human Rights? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Like that... that Ukrainians are nazis... on CNN???? ;-P

    \\That's a lie. It was not only CNN but MANY news organizations that looked into it and correctly reported that there are a very small number of Nazis in Ukraine. Same as in the United States. There are Nazis here too. But to say "Ukrainians are Nazis" is false.


    Many-many organizations was spreading that lie -- that Ukrainians are nazis.

    Well... they STILL spread.

    Same as you here. Starting from "there are SMALL number of em, as everywhere"...

    Heh... but, somehow, that is NEVER a problem. Nobody call USA... or that same Germany a "nazi state", based on that "SMALL number, as everywhere".

    Ukraine was and still called.


    Redherring that is called.

    \\That is an example of the faulty generalization fallacy. This "is an informal fallacy wherein a conclusion is drawn about all or many instances of a phenomenon on the basis of one or a few instances of that phenomenon".

    I'm glad.

    That you found time and started learning proper names of fallacies you using in your lies and propaganda you transmit.

    But... I'd be more pleased, if you'd start citing PROPER Logic.


    But well... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  25. That is an example of the faulty generalization fallacy. This "is an informal fallacy wherein a conclusion is drawn about all or many instances of a phenomenon on the basis of one or a few instances of that phenomenon".

    Hey, as long as you can fake some hate crimes, the fallacy works. Right Derv?

  26. Yeah... like "all righturds are racists". Or... same old "all Ukrainians are nazis".

    Well... it never have come to you mind, cretin? While DEMN/liliPut's propaganda DO USING such fallacies???

    Of course not. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because you are cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  27. Minus: Hey, as long as you can fake some hate crimes, the fallacy works. Right Derv?

    Exactly. A incredibly small number of fake hate crimes allows you to deploy that fallacy. Why you greatly appreciate what Jussie did.

    Brian Levin of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University at San Bernardino — puts the hoax rate ... at less than half of 1 percent. link

  28. Qtard: Yeah... like "all righturds are racists".

    No, not at all like that. Because all rightturds really are racists. That is why I call them rightturds. But, as we have seen here, you defend White Supremacists.

    Qtard: Or... same old "all Ukrainians are nazis".

    That is false. Both that all Ukrainians are nazis and that "all rightturds" and "all Ukrainians" are the same. A "Turd" is a horrible person, yet you defend them. Do you defend child molesters too? Say they are good people? What about serial killers? You'd get angry if I said mean things about them?

    Qtard: Well... it never have come to you mind, cretin? While DEMN/liliPut's propaganda DO USING such fallacies??? Of course not.

    Of course YES. That was my POINT, dipshit. That fallacy is at the heart of Putin's lie about Ukrainians being Nazis.

    Qtard: That you found time and started learning proper names of fallacies you using in your lies and propaganda you transmit.

    I'm not using them, I'm calling them out. But you obviously don't understand even what a faulty generalization fallacy is. Proven by you using rightturds as an example, when, yes, they are all racists.

    Also using Ukrainians as an example. Saying they are all Nazis (when only a small number are) absolutely is an example of that fallacy. But you say NONE are. Therefore you should be saying they aren't an example of that fallacy. Or you could admit the truth about some Ukrainians being Nazis. But you never will. Due to being a cretin.

    Qtard: Ukraine was and still called.

    Yep. By the republicans you defend and have been defending for a long time now. By lying about it "really" being Democrats who are repeating Putin's propaganda. And it being republicans who have a "plan for victory in Ukraine". A plan they never voted on.

  29. \\Qtard: Yeah... like "all righturds are racists".

    \\No, not at all like that. Because all rightturds really are racists. That is why I call them rightturds. But, as we have seen here, you defend White Supremacists.


    Why I'm laughing???

    Well... I'll give myself such pleasure -- and will highlight PRECISE excerpts.

    MY WORDS: ...like "all righturds are racists".

    YOUR WORDS: Because all rightturds really are racists.

    So... what's that you trying to OPPOSE TO, ah, dumb ass???


    To my FACTUALLY CORRECT observation that you call all "righturds" -- "racists"??? ;-P

  30. \\That is false. Both that all Ukrainians are nazis and that "all rightturds" and "all Ukrainians" are the same.


    May I remind you YOUR CLAIM... you made... just a paragraph above? ;-P

    >>>>Because all rightturds really are racists.<<<<<

    So... now you admit that that was -- fallacious claim? ;-)


    Of course not. You think that it "perfectly logical". Yes, cretin?


  31. \\Qtard: Well... it never have come to you mind, cretin? While DEMN/liliPut's propaganda DO USING such fallacies??? Of course not.

    \\Of course YES. That was my POINT, dipshit. That fallacy is at the heart of Putin's lie about Ukrainians being Nazis.


    As well as in the core of DEMN... and ANY OTHER propaganda in the whole world and through all times.


    Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the ...

    Propaganda - Wikipedia
    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Propaganda


    Calling Ukrainian "nazis" -- that is EXACTLY "selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular perception".

    And calling Republicans "righturds" -- that is EXACTLY "using loaded language to produce an emotional response".

  32. \\Qtard: That you found time and started learning proper names of fallacies you using in your lies and propaganda you transmit.

    \\I'm not using them


    THEY using you. Like fleas using Pooch as mean of transportation and home. ;-P


    \\Proven by you using rightturds as an example, when, yes, they are all racists.

    Though you called it "That is false." just a couple paragraphs above. ;-P

    Pendulum of your cretinity... is very narrow. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Saying they are all Nazis (when only a small number are

    BS. There is no late Germany undead warriors in Ukraine.

    Well... only their bones, here and there.

    \\Or you could admit the truth about some Ukrainians being Nazis.

    Why.... I should admit existence of undead entities??? %^))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But you never will. Due to being a cretin.

    Yeah... and non-believing in zombies -- you call cretinity. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... obviously so.

    As in NewSpeak it all turned upside down. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    So that biggest dumbasses could call itself wise man. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yep. By the republicans you defend and have been defending for a long time now. By lying about it "really" being Democrats who are repeating Putin's propaganda.

    Like through "republiturd's" outlet like... CNN? ;-P

    Or... that are TOO... imaginary? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ And it being republicans who have a "plan for victory in Ukraine". A plan they never voted on.

    Vetoed by secret republiturds in WH behind (pretending being) DEMN POTUS Bi-den.

    Oh... sorry, that one -- imaginary. In your delusiuons. ;-P

